From Corsica to the Fourth Rome

Chapter 114 On behalf of all Corsican people, I disagree (Part 2)

"Good morning, members of Congress and all delegates attending the meeting."

Paulie put his hands on the stage slightly, looked straight ahead, and spoke in a deep voice to the attendees present.

For this scene, Pauli has been carefully planning for a long time, and there is no need for any speech notes at this moment. All the words have been rehearsed countless times in his mind.

For Paulie, this was his final performance.

"As you have heard, this treaty concerns the annexation of Corsica to England."

Paulie's eyes ignored the congressmen in front. They would support him anyway, so he stared directly at the deputies in the back row and said:

"The Kingdom of England is a great country. It is a vast, powerful and wealthy country."

When Paulie said this, his eyes were still secretly glancing at Lord Peter.

"When Corsica is annexed to England, all of us can benefit from it. Just think about it. As long as the rich England tilts its purse slightly toward Corsica, the gold poured out can cover the whole country. The island. England's merchant ships will bring shiploads of wine and treasure, and England's soldiers will protect us from the wolves and jackals around us."

Pauly on the stage was still talking endlessly, from wealth to security, from freedom to rights. In Pauly's words, England was already described as a heaven on earth.

"at the same time."

Pauly paused, his eyes sharpened, his voice slightly raised the pitch, and he said loudly:

"If, and I mean if, this treaty is approved by Parliament, then it will immediately become legally binding and enter into force immediately. And during this process, if any Corsican citizen dares to block the merger process, that is You must all understand the consequences of challenging the authority of the Corsican Parliament.”

After Pauli finished speaking, he glanced at the guests who were still there, and then walked straight off the stage and returned to his seat.

The representatives froze in their seats, thinking quickly about what Pauly had just said.

At this time, some keen representatives finally realized why Poly specially invited them to participate in the parliament. This was to ensure that the entire merger process could proceed smoothly.

At the same time, they also clearly read two meanings in Pauli's words, namely, coaxing and threatening.

Paulie, who returned to his seat, glanced at the big pendulum clock. He was still a little nervous about time, so he winked at Bishop Aiko Baier.

Bishop Aiko Baier also nodded understandingly, walked up to the podium, clapped his hands to signal everyone to quiet down, and then announced:

"Since the members have already been informed of the content of the treaty in advance, there will be no further debate and nine members will be asked to vote on this motion."

When Bishop Aiko Baier finished speaking, everyone, including Paulie and Peter, couldn't help but hold their breath.

Even though Pauli had already learned that all the congressmen had turned to him, his heartbeat could not help but speed up at this moment.

Peter also licked his lips nervously. After the nine congressmen completed their performances like actors in a drama, his mission in Corsica was over.

The uninformed representatives even raised their hearts in their throats. They looked at every member of the long table, expecting them to cast that solemn vote on behalf of their own position.

The echoes of Bishop Aiko Baier's voice still echoed in the auditorium, while the nine councilors stood up silently and turned to face the representatives present.

"Huh? Why did I hear something moving outside?"

When the auditorium became completely quiet, Pauli vaguely heard what seemed to be a burst of chaotic footsteps outside the auditorium, and muttered to himself in confusion.

"You must be hearing hallucinations, that's what happens when you get old." Pete smiled and shook his head after hearing Paulie's murmur.

"That's possible."

Paulie shook his head to throw away these random thoughts, took a deep breath, and then nodded to Bishop Aiko Baier, indicating that the voting could begin.

"I, Milles Becker, on behalf of the people of the eastern district of Ajaccio, agree to the adoption of the treaty."

The first member stood solemnly, put his fist on his chest, and loudly spoke his vote.

Then came the congressman behind him:

"I, Marek Michel, on behalf of the people of Ajaccio Norte, agree to the adoption of the treaty."

"I, Brady Nica, on behalf of the people of the southern district of Ajaccio, agree to the adoption of the treaty."

"I, West Mubarak, on behalf of the people of the western district of Ajaccio, agree to the adoption of the treaty."

"I, Carlo Bonaparte, on behalf of the people of Porto-Vecchio, consent to the adoption of the Treaty."

The loud voices of the congressmen continued to refract and reflect in the auditorium, forming waves of echoes.

After the last member voted, Pauli's face finally relaxed. Ninety-nine percent of the big stone weighing on his heart had been removed.

Most of the representatives in the back row sat there with pale faces. No one expected that this so-called vote would be so one-sided.

For most people, being told that they were going to become British so abruptly was completely unacceptable.

However, the voting process has been completed, and both Pauli and Peter couldn't help but smile from the bottom of their hearts. Bishop Aiko Baier on the podium was clearing his throat and preparing to announce the results of the voting.


Bishop Aiko Baier also calmed down his nervousness slightly, and under the gaze of everyone, he said loudly:

"In the name of the Corsican Assembly, I declare that this treaty is approved."


Just as Bishop Aykober was slowly announcing, there was a sudden explosion at the door of the auditorium, followed by a loud shout.

This sudden change immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and people stared blankly at the door.

This is the Governor's Palace, and the Corsican Congress is currently being held. Who dares to do such a thing?

The door to the auditorium was kicked open, and it creaked against the walls on both sides.

Lawrence walked into the auditorium step by step, stood in the middle aisle, faced everyone's dull eyes, bowed slowly, and said:

"I, Laurence Bonaparte, on behalf of all the Corsican people, do not consent to the adoption of the treaty."

There was a deathly silence in the auditorium.

"Lawrence, you"

Paulie stood up in a daze, his eyes tightly fixed on Lawrence.

He didn't understand why Lawrence, who was supposed to be in Florence, appeared here, why there were still heavily armed patrols standing behind him after he had been dismissed, and why the guards at the door didn't resist.

Immediately behind Lawrence were the patrols who filed in. They quickly occupied every corner of the auditorium and surrounded the people present like a big net.

Although the patrols just stood there, the sabers on their waists and the muskets on their backs had already been polished.

"Dear Members of Parliament, and distinguished guests."

Lawrence ignored Paulie and Peter who were stunned on the spot, walked to the podium and pushed aside the absent-minded Bishop Aiko Baier. He stood in front of the stage and bowed to everyone again, saying:

"A terrible riot is taking place in the city of Ajaccio. For everyone's safety, I declare that the Parliament is temporarily dissolved. The guests can leave under our protection. The rest of the people, please move to a safe place under our protection. "

Thank you to the "Magic Bird Fortune Telling" book friend for your monthly ticket support and your encouragement.

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