"What a horrible child!"

Yunuo also came to the wall and watched the monster being kneaded by Kanna. The corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Suddenly, he felt that he was too weak when he was chased by this monster before.

"Excuse me, what's your name?"

Yuno asked, turning his gaze to the girl next to him.

Time was too tight and things were coming one after another, so he had no time to ask the name of the girl he was involved in.

""Nanoha, my name is Takamachi Nanoha."

Looking at the boy next to her, Takamachi Nanoha took a few steps back, still saying her own name.

As a boy, he was actually turned into a pet.

In her heart, she had already classified him as a hentai-like existence.

""Sorry, I look like that to save my magic power. My name is Yuno."

Seeing her actions, Yuno roughly guessed what she was thinking, lowered his head and smiled bitterly to explain.

"Well, what's up?"

Looking him up and down, seeing that he was really apologizing, Takamachi Nanoha said

��The black thing is the thought body of the forbidden power. It contains the seeds of the holy stone with powerful power. It can recover from such physical attacks no matter how strong they are."

"It must be sealed with a magic wand to transform it into its original form."

Yuno's voice gradually became smaller.

Although the other party did not show hostility, he was also not sure whether the target was the Holy Stone Seed.

So he could only be vigilant against the few people over there while trying to teach the girl named Takamachi Nanoha how to use the Heart of the Rising Sun.

"Magical device?"

Takamachi Nanoha, who did not understand Yuno's thoughts, kept her voice as usual, looking down at the device in her hand.

""Hello, Master."

As if sensing Takamachi Nanoha's gaze, the red gemstone flashed and a mechanical female voice sounded.

"Hello, Heart of the Rising Sun."

With surprise in her eyes, Takamachi Nanoha quickly responded

"...That's right, it's the Heart of the Rising Sun in your hand. Clear your mind and the spell will appear in your heart."

Yuno, who was tired, covered his forehead helplessly and waved his hands gently.

"Clear your mind..."

Closing her eyes gently, Takamachi Nanoha slowed down her mind, and some inexplicable words quietly appeared in her mind.

Thinking of Yuno's words, it was obvious that these were spells.

She looked at the monster below, which had broken into countless pieces for some reason, but even so, it still did not die, but moved its body to recover.

Kanna did not stop it, but squatted aside, holding a black object in her hand and looking at it.

"Big brother, Yuno said that we need to seal that thing to restore it to its original state, so can you ask Kanna to give it to me?"

Under Yuno's frustrated eyes, Takamachi Nanoha trotted to Natsume Yuu and raised her little face.

"Then go down."

Looking down at the girl with a shy smile, Natsume Yuu said with a chuckle.

As he spoke, the figures of several people appeared directly below.

Yuno, who saw the disappearance of several people, quickly reacted and ran to the fence to look down.

Takamachi Nanoha and the others who had just disappeared had appeared below.

"Teleportation Magic...It turns out that he can use such advanced magic, and he didn't use a magic device. It's really not simple."

Although I thought these people were strong, I was still a little surprised to see the teleportation magic used without making any noise.

Fortunately, judging from his expression and actions, he had no ill will towards the girl.

"But...Why did you leave me here alone?"

Then he murmured in his heart with a strange look on his face, and his body turned into a ferret again, jumping down from the window.

"Lilikalu Majikalu, the seed of the holy stone - seal!"

When he came down, Takamachi Nanoha turned the staff in her hand, pointed the tip of the staff at the black monster and chanted the spell.

Although the black monster felt the crisis and struggled to move its body, it was suppressed by a more powerful force from above, and it could not move at all.

"Sealing procedure, start——"

The tip of the staff extended upwards, and cherry blossom colored magic wings spread out from the hydraulics.

Several"cloth belts" formed by magic quickly spread toward the black monster, binding it tightly in an instant.

Connor, who found that she had nothing to do, let go of her hand and jumped to the side of Natsume Yuu and the others. She and the others watched her actions curiously.


A roar came from the black monster's mouth, and a‘XXI’Number

"..."Sacred Stone Seed No. 21, Seal!"

He chanted the spell, and the red gemstone glowed. More magic ribbons spread from the staff, piercing the black monster in an instant.


A roar full of regret resounded throughout the area, and then the black body turned into light and disappeared.

In the pit, a diamond-shaped crystal stone that was shining with light attracted everyone's attention.

Yuno was happy at first, and then looked at Natsume Yuu and the others.


Seeing the monster disappear, Takamachi Nanoha said doubtfully, breaking the silence.

"That's right, we just need to use the Heart of the Rising Sun to store it."

After seeing that no one was moving, Yuno said with relief, his tone becoming happy.

Although he didn't know the purpose of these people, at least they seemed to be not interested in the Holy Stone Seed.

This was the best news for him.

Hearing this, Takamachi Nanoha directly brought the Heart of the Rising Sun close to the shining diamond crystal.


A mechanical female voice sounded, and the diamond-shaped crystal disappeared when it touched the ruby, leaving only a few ripples like water waves.

Then, a cherry-colored light appeared on Takamachi Nanoha's body, wrapping her whole body.

Seeing this, Natsume Yu turned his head and looked at a���At the same time, he stretched out his hand, and the ferret that he was still watching appeared in his hand.

Although it took less than a millisecond, it was still possible for him to catch it.

However, the other party was a child, so he would not do such a despicable thing.

"You, Nana-chan is a girl after all. Don't you understand that you should avoid such things?" With two fingers pinching the back of his neck, Natsume Yuu lifted Yuno up and put him in front of him.

"I can't see it again..."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Yuno could not help complaining in his heart.

The light when he transformed and the change of clothes were not something he could observe at all.

"If you understand, nod your head. If not,..."

Natsume Yuu showed a kind smile, and did not say the last words, but made a scissors gesture.

The girl next to him who heard his words also looked at him with disgust.

Geng Xizi even relied on her ghost physique to make faces in front of him.


Facing those disdainful looks, Yuno swallowed hard and nodded quickly.

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