"Really, that's why I didn't have much fun in the Crimson Devil Village, and it's still the same now that I'm back in Axel."

Huihui muttered and turned to look at Natsume Yuu, saying that he was excellent, but it was really a headache for him to attract so many attention.

"Such a beautiful woman, is she from outside?"

Looking at Celestina leaving, Darkness said thoughtfully.

For some reason, there are not many female adventurers on Axel's side, so it is not difficult for her to recognize such a beautiful woman.

"I heard that he came from the Royal City. He didn't take any missions after coming here. He just wanted to know about You."

Luna's voice came from behind, and then a bag of heavy objects was placed on the table.

"So fast?"

Chris asked in surprise, looking at Luna leaning on the counter.

Three hundred million Eris were counted so quickly.

"There have been too many cadre crusades, and the headquarters has allocated a lot more funds, and we have been prepared for it."

Luna raised her finger and shook it, showing a proud smile, and then continued the previous topic

"However, she often treats injured adventurers, and it's free."

"Eh - free treatment? He seems to be a good person.

Darkness immediately showed a respectful look.

As the daughter of a knight and a lord, she has a natural liking for people who take care of civilians.

"Sometimes free is the most expensive thing."

Natsume said quietly.

There are indeed kind people in the world, such as Darkness.

But if you encounter someone with malicious intent, it will be a disaster.

While talking here, Sato Kazuma and Aqua ran in with smug smiles, holding a pile of papers in their hands.

Look at the colorful pictures, just like advertising paper?

"Everyone, please follow my lead!"

The two walked to the center of the guild, attracting everyone's attention.

Darkness and the others looked over with interest.

And Natsume Yuu, with his excellent eyesight, looked at the papers in the two's arms, and his face became strange.

"Everyone here is an adventurer, so you must be very brave, right?"

Sato Kazuma said with a strange smile, and even a provocative tone.

"Of course, I have slept on a pile of corpses before!"

Someone immediately said with a disdainful smile

"I tell you, I am not afraid even when facing the devil!"

"To think that I was a man who drank among the corpses!"

"Hum, I go to see the devil every week, am I proud of myself! ?"

"Do I know the devil you are talking about?~"

"I am famous for my calmness. I never frowned even in life-and-death situations.

After that person said this, a group of adventurers immediately showed contemptuous smiles and began to brag.

"Hehe~ So are you interested in coming to my haunted house to test your courage?"

"Each person only needs 1,000 Eris, and if you can walk out calmly, you can get 100,000 Eris.~"

"100 times increase, who is interested?"

After hearing the conversation between those people, Sato Kazuma immediately revealed a devilishly tempting smile

"Haunted house? What is that?"

"One hundred thousand? Really?"

"If you mention this, I'm interested!

Someone immediately became interested and asked Sato Kazuma

"A haunted house is just a place with some scary things, but they are not fatal, they are just for scaring people."

"I can still afford this bounty, after all, the boss of the magic tool is also involved!"

Sato Kazuma explained with a smug smile, while letting Aqua distribute flyers.

"This guy is actually here to lure the adventurers away!"

Although he was interested in what Sato Kazuma said, he gritted his teeth and said when he saw that the adventurers had no interest in accepting the mission.

"You guys wait here for a while."

Luna said to Natsume Yuu and the others, then looked at the other staff members and walked over together.

"Wiz is also involved?"

When Natsume Yu heard that Wiz was also involved, he thought of her gentle personality and the existence of Aqua, the big liar....

"She wouldn't be fooled by that idiot, would she?"

Thinking of this, Natsume Yuu didn't plan to stay here any longer.

With a glow under his feet, he teleported towards Wiz's shop.

Before leaving, Natsume Yuu saw Sato Kazuma and Aqua being pushed away by the guild staff.

But there were also many interested adventurers who chased after them.

In this respect, his plan was successful.

"Yuu, you're back~"

As the scenery changed, Wiz's gentle voice rang out.

"I invested in a very good thing~ I heard from Kazuma that the thing is very attractive in your world!"

"Of course, I only used my share of the money, not yours."

Before Natsume Yuu started to ask, Wiz said with a smug smile.

Although gentle, she is not stupid, and she knows that she cannot touch other people's money.

"Those are fine, what's the matter with his haunted house?"

Natsume Yu asked curiously. Sato Kazuma wanted to attract customers, so he didn't want to disturb him.

"It's Mr. Vanir. He wanted to work for me before, but was discovered by Kazuma."

"Although there were some conflicts at the beginning, after hearing that the devil only needed to suck people's negative emotions, Mr. Banier said he wanted to create a haunted house."

"Not only can it make money, but it can also provide food for some demons."

Wiz paused here, and seeing Chris frowning, she continued.

From their previous interactions, she knew that this man had a great aversion to demons.

"But even if I used the reward I got from defeating Mr. Vanir, it was not enough, so he wanted me to join him."

"Thinking that Vanir and some demons had a fixed location, I agreed."

"The contract not to hurt anyone was signed by Miss Aqua and Vanir.

Although Aqua is very straightforward, sometimes she is like the ocean, tolerant of everything and able to accommodate demons.

Of course, that is on the premise that she will not hurt anyone.

"I see."

Knowing that it was Vanir and Sato Kazuma who proposed it, Natsume Yuu was no longer worried.

One of them is a demon who has lived for who knows how many years, and the other is a modern man with a little cleverness. If they cooperate, there is no need to worry about losing money.

As for opening a horror house, there is also a coffee shop founded by a succubus in this town.

Another haunted house founded by a demon is not a big deal.

But thinking that it is a place for demons to get food, those who want to get 100,000 Eris will probably cry for their parents.

Thinking of this, Natsume Yuu also showed an interesting smile. ps: After the end of these two chapters, the process of returning home began to speed up.

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