Samsung’s top OLED screen, claimed to be the best screen in the world.

Previously, it was only available on Samsung’s own top-of-the-line flagship models.

Because although the top screen is good, the manufacturing process is difficult and the yield rate is low.

In this case of insufficient capacity, it can only be used by its own high-end models, and it is not sold at all.

It was only later, when production capacity increased, that it was sold to Apple again.

Samsung’s OLED screen has many advantages.

For example, the thickness is only one millimeter, light weight, thin thickness, and it is perfect for use on smartphones.

And the color gamut of the OLED screen is high, and the display effect is vivid.

OLED screens are also relatively power efficient.

Of course, OLED screens, not without drawbacks.

For example, the service life is only half that of LCD.

And it is easy to burn the screen, not enough eye protection and other problems.

These problems have appeared on Samsung’s mobile phones.

But even with its shortcomings, Samsung’s top OLED screen is still the best mobile phone screen in the world.

In the past, although domestic manufacturers could not get the top screen, they could get the second top level, which was enough.

But now, Samsung does not provide screens to domestic manufacturers at all.

This makes domestic mobile phones pinched by the throat and difficult to compete.


But for Ye Chen.

It’s nothing.

Samsung you don’t sell?

That is your own death.

Because soon, what you call the top screen, will be completely eliminated.

Search screen technology.

The next moment, a technique appeared in Ye Chen’s eyes.

Flexible ultra-thin eye protection LCD screen technology: The LCD screen manufactured by this technology has ultra-thin characteristics, only 0.3 mm thickness, the display flexibility effect is clear, can be slightly bent, and has a special display effect, users watch the screen for a long time, will not cause eye fatigue!

Redemption price: 50 points!

Just by looking at it, Ye Chen knew that this was the screen he needed.

First of all, ultra-thin.

Samsung can only achieve a millimeter, which makes mobile phone manufacturers happy and consumers praise.

This LCD technology achieves 0.3 mm, only one-third the thickness of Samsung.

Can make the phone thinner and lighter.

Subsequently, flexible screens, such as Samsung curved screens, take advantage of the flexible effect of the screen.

Most importantly, eye protection.

In this era of mobile phones, everyone has a mobile phone.

According to statistics, one billion people around the world wear glasses.

In the Celestial Empire, one-third of the students are short-sighted.

All this is to blame on mobile phones and computers.

Long-term viewing will make the eyes tired and more likely to cause myopia.

Now, our own technology can prevent eye fatigue and greatly reduce the probability of myopia.

Believe, wait for your own screen to launch.

Samsung’s screen, if you want to sell, you can’t sell it.


“There is no need to worry about Samsung screens, I will cooperate with several domestic screen manufacturers to make our top screens!”

Ye Chen’s words made the four of them a little surprised.


Screen, you Xingchen Technology a system, now to run out to do hardware?

Isn’t that strange?

The four of them looked at Ye Chen with some desire to speak.

Finally, Mr. Ren spoke: “Mr. Ye, you may not understand how difficult it is to make a screen!” ”

“There are many domestic screen manufacturers, but they can only produce low-end screens!”

“Even the domestic screen giant BOE, the gap from Samsung is big enough!”

“If we want to catch up with Samsung, it will take at least five years of accumulation, and we are simply too late!”

President Ren’s words made the three nodded.

But Ye Chen smiled.

“I have the technology in my hands, and it’s the top LCD screen technology!”

There was no need for Ye Chen to hide it.

We are all partners.

So, Ye Chen casually told the four people the parameters and functions of the screen in his mind.

When the four heard this, they were directly stunned on the spot.

The screen characteristics Ye Chen mentioned, is it a top-level screen?

Of course it is.

If nothing else, only ultra-thin 0.3 mm can hang Samsung in all directions.

There is even an eye protection function?

It’s simply….

The three of them were a little incredulous, and they looked at Ye Chen expectantly.

Hope this is true.

Ye Chen did not answer again, but just notified Lan Feifei and asked Lan Feifei to contact the chairman of the domestic screen giant BOE.

BOE screen.

The strongest screen manufacturer in China.

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