In fact, Ye Chen misunderstood.

Five-star hotels are rich in natural channels, but not everyone is qualified to see this booklet.

Generally a member user.

Otherwise, it is a rich man who proves his financial strength.

Ordinary residents are not entitled to see this booklet.

Otherwise, an ordinary person opens an ordinary room in a five-star hotel, sees the information of the star, and does not make a fuss.

The circle of rich people has its own privacy.


Ye Chen sat comfortably on the sofa, while Lu Jing gently cleaned the red wine glass on the side and poured wine for Ye Chen.

Stretched out his hand and flipped through it slowly.

Sure enough, the booklet is full of beautiful women.

Among them, there are several stars.

Although most of them were eighteen-line, there were several of them, and Ye Chen also had a vague impression.

The price is naturally written next to it.

A little less famous, about 100,000 and 200,000.

One of the most famous, and even played a supporting role in a hit drama, is 500,000.

The rest have some models, influencers, college students, foreign Yanmars and the like.

The price is slightly lower.

Fifty thousand and one hundred thousand.

And one or twenty thousand.

I have to say that these women are very beautiful.

But for some reason, Ye Chen still felt that the gentle pouring wine in front of him, Lu Jing, who had a special temperament, attracted his attention even more.

Throwing away the book casually, Ye Chen scanned Lu Jing’s perfect body.

“One hundred thousand!”

Ye Chen spoke.

Ye Chen’s words made Lu Jing’s cheeks flush.

She didn’t expect Ye Chen to choose those stars, and still had ideas about herself.

And also offered a high price of 100,000.

You know, the beauty in the booklet, 100,000 yuan can already have something to do with an actress who is not famous.

And for Lu Jing, 100,000 yuan is not a lot.

It’s almost half a year’s worth of hard work.

However, Lu Jing still shook her head, and her hair floated slightly: “Sorry, Mr. Ye Chen, I’m just your housekeeper… If you are not interested in the women in the booklet, I can put you in touch with some professional teams who have better … There are even second-tier stars, as long as you can pay the price Mr. Ye Chen…”

Lu Jing refused.

Ye Chen was not interested in the professional team that the other party said.


The more you can’t get it, the more you want it.

“Two hundred thousand!”

Ye Chen expressed his attitude very crisply.

However, Lu Jing still shook her head: “Sorry, it’s not a matter of money…”

“Three hundred thousand…”

Ye Chen didn’t say much.

Lu Jing’s big beautiful eyes showed surprise.

But she still bit her silver teeth lightly.

“Sorry, Mr. Ye Chen, I’m not that kind of woman!”

“Five hundred thousand…”

Ye Chen didn’t listen to the explanation, just raised the price.


Seeing Lu Jing’s silence, Ye Chen could see the choice from the other party’s beautiful eyes….

Ye Chen smiled.

Ye Chen’s words this time completely crushed the balance of choice in Lu Jing’s heart.

For Lu Jing, this high-paying job is very important.

If Ye Chen really asked to change the butler.

Then there is no doubt that the hotel side will definitely punish itself.

Even if you don’t fire yourself, it has a huge impact on your career path.

Refusing yourself, there is no benefit.

And if promised, at least 500,000 yuan.

What’s more, the young man in front of him is quite handsome, not those greasy middle-aged men.

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