From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 878: Telos Armor

  Chapter 878 Telos Armor

  Choga stands in a vacant training room.

   Several technicians in white coats pushed two two-meter-high aluminum alloy boxes to the center of the room, then locked the management under the boxes with their feet, and then pressed a few times on a screen on the box panel...

  Choga was very interested in this thing. He rubbed his hands and walked to the front, listening to the sound of hydraulic linkages working in the box, and then the box lid opened, revealing the 'Tylos armor' inside.

  Inside the two boxes are two glowing plastic mannequins, each wearing two sets of so-called 'Tylos armor'.

  A set of exoskeleton as support, looks very imposing armor.

  The other set seems to have some kind of thin patch on the body. The overall protection ability seems to be average, but because the material looks very special, it looks very advanced.

  To Qiaojia's surprise, the exoskeleton armor on the left has been strengthened in all directions.

  In addition to the exoskeleton that is connected along the sides of the body, the outside of the arms, the waist, and the sides of the thighs, the designer of Telos does not know whether it is to cheat money or really want to design a set of future armor...

   This set of exoskeletons is covered with a combined external protective armor.

  The exterior of the high-strength ceramic sheet is covered with multiple layers of high-carbon fiber. The designer has a sci-fi aesthetic and uses irregular armor sheets to form a set similar to the "Master Chief's armor" in the Halo game.

  The technician in the white coat seemed to be particularly interested when he saw that Qiaojia was particularly interested. He pressed the outside of the box, and the model inside began to turn around, allowing Boss Qiao to appreciate the armor that cost 200 million dollars to develop in 360 degrees.

   The exoskeleton structure is not much different from that used by Ayu, except that the armor plate on the back is extraordinarily thick, because it is equipped with a customized high-energy battery inside.

The white coat standing next to the box saw Choga approaching, he said with a smile: "Sir, this is the first generation of 'Tylos armor', it requires little power, but our designers still leave There is plenty of redundant space for batteries.”

   As he spoke, the white coat picked up a backpack from the inside of the box, and used the buckle inside the backpack to pack the backpack on the back of the armor. Then he took off the high-tech helmet on the model's head and put it on his own head...

   I don't know how he did it, but a thin drone suddenly popped out from the inside of the model's backpack.

  The drone starts quickly before falling, suspended in the air at a height of 2.5 meters.

   Then the white coat turned around and walked a few steps, and the drone followed behind him like a loyal hound.

The white coat seemed to intend to show the intelligence level of the drone. He started to run around the two boxes in the shape of an '8'. The drone was like a cheerful hunting dog, making a slight 'buzzing' sound. Follow the white coat.

After showing the performance of the drone, the white coat lifted the golden goggles on the helmet, looked at Choga and said, "Sir, there are powerful information processors and sensors inside the Telos armored helmet, which not only has The ability of digital visual imaging, and the ability to detect and distinguish targets within a radius of 1 km through drones."

Speaking of the white coat, he pointed to a box at the model's feet, and said, "There is a portable rocket launcher inside. If necessary, soldiers wearing Tyros armor can lock on 6 targets at the same time, and use rockets for precise shooting. hit."

   While speaking, the white coat took off the helmet with some difficulty, handed it to Qiao Jia, and said, "Sir, you can feel that this set of armor is definitely worth the money."

  Joga took the helmet and scanned it, then put it on his head, closed the goggles under the guidance of the white coat, and activated the system inside the helmet.

   This thing is like a joint digital helmet for helicopters, but with integrated pickup headphones and a 360-degree omnidirectional detection camera.

  The goggles are like a heads-up display with clear marking lines on them, and use voice and vision for system operation.

   Qiaojia played for a while, took off the helmet and returned it to the slightly bald white coat in front of him, and said with a smile: "This thing is more advanced than I expected, but I still think the price of 9 million is too outrageous.

   Let soldiers wear 9 million armors to fight, it is better to replace them with missiles and throw them over. "

   As he spoke, Qiaojia looked at the white coat with an awkward smile on his face, and said with a smile, "Are you from Telos Company?"

  The white coat nodded helplessly, and said: "Yes, sir, my name is Johnny, Johnny Payne, the CEO of Telos Corporation."

  Joga heard this, and said amusedly: "The CEO personally escorted the equipment?

Why? I thought this thing came from the CIA's armory. "

  Johnny Payne shook his head and said: "I happened to be in the New Jersey laboratory when I received the news, so I brought new samples.

  Well, there's something wrong with the set in the CIA warehouse..."

   Talking about Johnny Payne, looking at Choga's half-smile, he said helplessly: "Sir, you should understand that this cross-age weapon is not achieved overnight.

  We need to keep experimenting and verifying the internal system of the armor, and then we can improve the intelligent auxiliary system of the armor as much as possible, making it a front-line digital platform with highly integrated performance. "

   Qiaojia heard this, and said with a smile: "That's all?

  I bet this helmet definitely failed the crash test. In my impression, the more so-called high-tech, the more fragile it is.

   Return to the frontline digital platform?

  伱 Want soldiers to carry a 'suitcase' integrated with high-power signal transmitters and computer servers to the front line? "

Johnny Payne sighed helplessly when he heard this, and took out a suitcase-sized box from the box. After unfolding it with great effort, with the help of a white coat next to him, he unloaded the backpack on the model, The case was mounted on the model's back using buckles and straps...

  Joga tried it during the installation process, and found that the box weighed at least 40 kilograms, plus a few brick-sized battery blocks, this thing must weigh 50 kilograms.

  A soldier carries this thing on his back, plus a series of odds and ends such as weapons and ammunition necessary for fighting, the overall load must be at least 90 kilograms.

  Even with the support of the exoskeleton, most of the weight is offset, but the impact on movement and center of gravity is real.

Johnny Payne opened the back cover of the box, pointed to the complicated structure inside and said: "Sir, this is an independent front-line terminal manufactured by our company, it can link all 'Telos Armor' users within a radius of 40 kilometers .

   And it can be connected with large drones to conduct a larger range of digital command...


  Choga patiently listened to Johnny Payne explaining the operational logic of the ‘Tylos Armor’, and then he understood why the Pentagon had to cut this project decisively.

What the Pentagon wants is a set of digital protective armor that can assist soldiers in combat. Telos used the exoskeleton and combined armor to integrate a set of armor that looks very bluffing, and then put all their efforts on the helmet and this box. .

   But soldiers with so-called independent front-line terminals cannot run fast, jump high, and are particularly easy to become targets.

   This thing is a seemingly meaty chicken rib. Only in places where the U.S. Air Force cannot enter and there is no signal coverage, can it play a role in making the frontline digitization ineffective.

  How could the U.S. military send large troops into such a difficult place to fight?

   At that point, the bomber should take off.

  Small troops use it and lose the ability to maneuver flexibly. Isn't that the same as courting death?

   It would be nice to give up the command terminal and use the backpack with the drone, but the price is not good at all.

  The best team in active service in the U.S. military spends 200,000 dollars on a full range of configurations. As long as there are drones in the sky to cooperate, the same effect must be achieved.

  The protective area of ​​the interceptor body armor is a little larger than this thing.

  What’s so amazing about integrating a drone into a backpack?

  I put one in my bag, but it’s just an extra release action. Holding the controller in my hand is more in line with the habits of modern soldiers.

   If you want to say that the Tailos armor is advanced, it is definitely advanced, but in a battlefield with a complex environment, the actual use of this thing still needs to be discussed.

  The most important thing is that the price/performance ratio is unimaginable. It’s only 9 million yuan. How much does Boss Qiao pay for a pterodactyl with a communication module?

  People can not only integrate battlefield information, but also carry a few missiles.

  The Telos Armor project started 5 years ago, before drones had developed to the point where they are now.

   It can be said that with the rapid development of drones, the entire war mode has changed, and now even the role of armed helicopters has been weakened.

  A full set of Tailos armor costs 9 million, which is simply a joke.

Johnny Payne saw the disgusted expression on Boss Joe's face, he tried his best to cheer up, and said: "Sir, in fact, the Telos armor has a strong room for development, as long as we are given enough time, we can optimize it .

In fact, in conventional combat, the front-line command terminal can be completely abandoned. The communication module integrated in the armored helmet can be connected with large drones, which is convenient for soldiers to communicate with, and can also assist in combat operations, and allows soldiers to use it in a more accurate and efficient way. Conduct guided bombing.

  And you have also experienced the effect of the cooperation between the helmet and the small drone. If soldiers have it, they can use a 360-degree field of vision without dead angles, and can find the enemy faster. "

  Joga looked at Johnny Payne who was desperately trying to sell him, he suddenly smiled and said, "You want me to invest?"

  Johnny Payne said excitedly when he heard this: "Yes, sir, I have studied P·B on the Internet, and you still follow the soldier-oriented combat mode.

  As long as you give me enough funds to upgrade the Tailos armor, I will definitely be able to create a set of armor suitable for modern warfare.

   At that time, your P·B will have the strongest team..."

  Joga was amused by Johnny Payne's remarks, and he said amusedly: "Then tell me, how much does such an advanced armor cost?"

  Johnny Payne froze for a moment, hesitated for a few seconds, sighed, and said, "Even if you give up the command terminal and use the drone backpack, the Telos armor will cost about 700,000 dollars."

   Talking about it, Johnny Payne looked at Choga with sincere eyes with the spirit of not giving up, and said: "But for those who need him, everything is worth it!

  sir, although the cost of Tylos is high, it is worth it..."

Choga scanned everything, and seeing Johnny Payne's nervous expression, he shook his head slightly, walked to another box, looked at a set of flexible armor inside, and said: " The passive exoskeleton and armor do not have enough technical content. Apart from being handsome, Tylos has nothing to praise.

  I am a little interested in the integrated functions of the helmet, but the operating system is still a bit cumbersome, and many functions are not intelligent enough or even redundant.

   To put it bluntly, this thing is a digital integration solution, very high-end, but not as easy to use as you think.

  Actually, I can see that your profit ambition lies not only in the Tailos armor itself, but in these dazzling consumable accessories.

  Digital targeting weapons, smart munitions, smart small drones, digital individual rocket launchers, wow, these must have cost you a lot of energy to design and program.

  These things seem expensive, but only the matching Telos system can effectively drive them, right? "

   As he spoke, Choga reached out and touched the flexible armor on the model, feeling the strange texture, and said, "Tell me about this, a 'tracker' recommended it to me, and I'm more interested in it.

  If you can convince me to wear it, I can invest in you and allow you to continue the development of Tyros armor according to my needs...

  I bet you won't find any other investors besides me! "

  (end of this chapter)

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