From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1419: Terrorist attacks

Chapter 1419 Terrorist Attack

Qiaojia watched as the old squad leader Bayika kicked away the broken glass from a young terrorist's hand, then swung his rifle and hit the young man on the bridge of his nose with the **** of the rifle...

 The back of the young terrorist's head hit the ground hard, and his body twitched a few times before making no sound.

Another female terrorist, obviously not strong-willed enough. After her companion was beaten to death, she covered her injured leg and screamed while rubbing her back.

Looking at Bayika's eyes full of regret and trying to maintain a strict attitude, Qiao Jia grabbed the old squad leader who lost his temper and said, "Let others handle it and tell me what's going on."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the empty field around him. He shook his head and said, "The ground is still being hardened here. What are they trying to do by attacking here?"

Bayika was silent for a moment and said: "Because the solar panels have arrived, the manufacturer has arranged a lot of technical personnel here, and the largest number of Chinese workers here...

They drove into the crowd while we were delivering food.

 Twelve people died and more than 40 were injured..."

As Bayika looked at the female terrorists who were **** with strapping, he said with some discomfort: "They are all our own children, but once they fall into the hands of people from East Asia, they will become neither humans nor ghosts." .”

 Qiao Jia can probably guess what Bayika is talking about...

 The Southeast Asian Movement has been a concern for my mother since the 1990s.

  In domestic aviation security inspections, there are many inhumane requirements such as not allowing crutches on the plane, and a large part of them are due to the **** lessons caused by people from the East Asian Movement.

As a veteran, Bayika has experienced the most severe period in the northwest region.

  Reaching out and patting Bayika on the shoulder, Qiao Jia thought for a moment and said, "Brother, don't be angry. Someone has to give me an explanation for this matter."

After hearing this, Bayika shook his head with a heavy expression and said: "Boss, you have to strengthen the security around Kandahar. It is impossible for the East Asian Movement to smuggle only so many children in...

 Their identities are very precious to terrorist organizations. If they are allowed to launch suicide attacks, other things will follow. "

Qiaojia has been dealing with terrorist organizations for more than a day or two. He is too familiar with this...

First launch an attack, then claim responsibility for the attack, and then use international media to promote their claims and make demands.

 Faced with this situation, the only option is to fight back with the strongest possible means.

Major countries can use legislation and other means to use all their forces to severely crack down on terrorists.

 Since the famous 911, anti-terrorism has gradually developed into the "war on terror"!

 Many people always confuse ‘Operation **’ with ‘Operation **’…

  In fact, in the European and American context, these two words have specific meanings!

 ‘Operation **’ generally refers to the mode of public security warfare…

This mode can also be called the ‘blacklist mode’, that is, soldiers have a specific ‘blacklist’. Soldiers generally do not interfere with anything except the target.

 And the ‘** war’ is completely different…

 War is the last resort after politics cannot solve the problem. War will not target a certain blacklisted individual, but will take achieving political goals as its first priority.

Once it rises to the concept of 'war', it means that in addition to the people on the 'blacklist', the rest of the production materials and even people may also become 'acceptable losses', which includes not only the opponent's, but also the my own…

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were both wars at the beginning, but after the puppet governments were established, NATO, which had established a huge advantage, immediately shifted into a security war mode.

 There are cost considerations and international public opinion issues.

If Afghanistan had been fighting "wars" in the past twenty years, with NATO's strength, Taliban would have been gone long ago!

The problem with the security war is that if you want to solve the fundamental problem, you need huge intelligence support, so that you can use non-stop "actions" to eliminate targets on the "blacklist" at targeted locations.

 But the earth is very big, and the intelligence agencies are not omnipotent. The security war model has led to the disorderly growth of the CIA, and the tremendous pressure and chaos of the U.S. Special Operations Command.

Looking at the raid on this LD, you will know that this operation, which was planned for nearly half a year and was followed by everyone from the president to the soldiers, ended up in a mess.

 One of the raiding helicopters crashed, and dozens of seals attacked the almost defenseless house, but in the end they did not choose to capture LD alive.

Even if he was shot to death, he didn't even dare to publish photos of his body. No one stopped them at all, and as a result, the SEALs injured several people.

Boss Qiao does not have the financial resources, ability, or energy to establish an intelligence network, so he never fights public security wars...

 Many people have not discovered that the labels under all the videos published on the P·B website are "war"!

 The war on drugs, the war on terror, the war on women’s rights…

 There has never been a "blacklist" in Boss Qiao's hands. Every battle he fights is fought with the core of achieving a certain political goal.

  P·B rarely launches attacks against a specific target, even the early Harot, the later Musa Suleiman and even Iblis.

Boss Qiao has never let anyone deliberately hunt them down, or even deliberately inquire about their information.

The logic of almost all wars that P·B has experienced is to consume the enemy’s vitality and then achieve political goals.

For example, they carried out uncontrolled killings on the Afika drug line, allowing P·B to take root in Sangha Town.

For example, the urban fighting in Tobruk, Libya, allowed P·B to take control of an important port and oil pipeline in the Mediterranean.

For example, the strangulation of Isis in Syria led to the establishment of a safe zone, allowing P·B to take control of a humanitarian channel from the Persian Gulf through Iraq to Syria.

 One after another local high-intensity wars allowed P·B to completely gain a firm foothold.

 Similar situations have occurred repeatedly in Yemen, the Philippines, and Myanmar.

Few people realize that P·B are not mercenaries at all, because they have never had a ‘blacklist’, that is, they have never targeted an individual.

 They are fighting a ‘war’…

 A war directed against a certain group, organization or even country, with the core of destroying the enemy's vitality to achieve one's own political goals!

 The so-called enemy leader was never in Boss Qiao’s plan...

 He usually kills them when caught, and forgets if he can't catch them.

This approach objectively allows the enemy’s leader to always escape, which will lead to a series of subsequent troubles.

 But the advantage is that it does not need to invest too much in intelligence, allowing P·B to focus more on its own goals.

And Boss Joe has the talent to take advantage of his enemies...

 In a sense, the growth of P·B is caused by the continuous unity of this group of enemies.

 Isis is very powerful, so P·B has fighter jets.

 Al Qaeda in Yemen is very powerful, so P·B has its own land, sea and air system.

 The large gathering of enemies of Aqiong Khan is actually caused by Boss Qiao to some extent, and now P·B is becoming stronger, stronger than during the Yemeni period!

The people from the Southeast Asian Games jumped out and bumped into Boss Qiao’s gun...

 Whatever you want to do?

You touch me and I will kill your people. By the way, you will use your death to intimidate other people and at the same time unite the local Afghans who do not have enough trust in P·B.

P·B is conducting a war on drugs and terrorism. Anyone who stands in my way is the one who should be eliminated!

So after Choga ordered the scene to be sealed off, those European and American media reporters who had been reporting on the situation in Afghanistan in Kandahar began to enter the scene.

 In Kandahar now, most of the people who have fled here from all over the world tend to go to Europe and the United States, and some of them even have special passports or visas from the United Kingdom and the United States.

They are all people who have served you and even shed their blood. Now there are so many dead and injured, what do you think?


 A lot of content has been revised and deleted. Some things cannot be mentioned at all. There is no way...

 (End of this chapter)

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