From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1356: Malice from giants

Chapter 1356 Malice from the Giants

Jojia heard the call of the medical bird, he called his own people, and pulled Niss back to where the vehicle was parked.

Aiden sat on the ground, leaning against the rear wheel of the SUV, with a blush on his face as he looked at Qiao Jia walking over...

He stretched out his hand and slid it in the air in front of him, as if he was feeling something. It wasn't until Boss Qiao came to squat in front of him that he smiled and said: "I feel like I'm going to die..."

 Remember your promise and give my men a decent burial. They are the best soldiers in England, but I took them the wrong way. "

Qiao Jia frowned and nodded: "I will definitely do what I promised. You said before that there is another important thing...

Now that Iblis is dead, if you want to say it, you can say it now..."

Aiden was stunned for a moment, then forcefully tore open his clothes, revealing only the lower half of his right upper arm and right leg...

“It was you who blew off my arms and legs, and it was Iblis who pulled me back from death in the Congo. At that time, I vowed to seek revenge from you.

 We tried to fight P·B on all fronts, but we didn’t expect that the battlefield in Yemen, which we care about most, doesn’t matter to you at all. "

After hearing this, Qiaojia shook his head slightly and said, "It doesn't make sense to say this now. You are a soldier, and a soldier is a knife, and a knife can never defeat the person holding the knife."

Aiden coughed a few times, smiled helplessly, and said, "I understand now that you have never regarded us as an important enemy from the beginning to the end...

But you must not have thought that the battlefield in Yemen has given many people the opportunity to vent their anger and make money, and it has also cultivated a group of very powerful fighters.

When Moussa Suleiman fished us out, thousands of powerful mercenaries trapped in Yemen were also freed.

 They have all gone to North Africa now, and someone has offered them a big price to find ways to disrupt the situation in North Africa. "

As he spoke, Aiden looked at Boss Qiao and said, "Your Great Green Wall plan has made it difficult for many people to sleep and eat well.

The land area in the Sahel is too large. The export of agricultural technology in the form of charity, once Afika's food production becomes self-sufficient, will cause huge changes in the world situation. This is something that some people must not allow...

Jackal, the Great Green Wall project is doomed to fail..."

Chaojia instantly had a very scary association. He stared and said: "The two nuclear bombs that cannot explode are just props used by Israel to get out of the current predicament. They pose no threat except to throw dirty water on me.

 Those are the nuclear materials, right?

 FUCK, does Iblis want a dirty bomb to explode in the Sahel?

 He wants to destroy the achievements of the Great Green Wall in the past few years..."

Aiden was stunned for a moment, coughed a few times, then raised his thumb and said: "It seems you understand, you are much more perceptive than I thought..."

 Speaking, Aiden seemed to have a physical problem. His face suddenly turned red, and then he gasped violently...

 “Jackal, let’s make a deal!

I will tell you the person responsible for the dirty bomb and the location where it will be detonated. You will send my ashes plus $5 million to a woman in Spain.

 Tell her that although I failed her expectations, I did not lose the final bottom line of a soldier! "

Joja took out the satellite phone and dialed Al Rahway's number. While waiting for the connection, he looked at Aiden and said: "We have a deal, you can say it now..."

Aiden had reached the point where he was running out of gas at this time. He swallowed big mouthfuls of air, grinned and said two names and addresses to the satellite phone that had been connected...

Then he leaned on the wheel and let out a long breath as if a ball had been deflated...

“I am a soldier, not a madman, nor an executioner…”

Seeing Aiden take his last breath, Qiao Jia stood up and took the satellite phone and said: "Rawi, use all your resources to find the dirty bomb for me..."

 They will definitely choose areas with intensive agriculture, find them and kill them..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia turned to look at Ressler, who looked frightened, and said: "You have heard it. I am leaving here and going back to Afika. You will be responsible for urging the Italians to pay me the money, and then you You can go back to the United States.

Remember to cooperate with the "Mountain Eagle" to remove the corpses of the mercenaries from the basement of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, so as not to expose their identities. "

Resler's mind was completely confused at this moment. He probably understood what Aiden said, but there was always a voice in his heart telling him, 'Don't think about it, don't ask, forget about those contents...'

 Some people will target the "Great Green Wall Plan", which is something that a normal person like Leisler will never understand.

At this moment, he didn’t dare to ask anything. He could only nod his head and said, “I understand…”

Qiao Jia could see that Ressler didn't understand and probably didn't dare to understand. He didn't continue to embarrass this guy. Instead, he pressed the communicator and said, "Let's go to the nearest airport and notify Galci. Help me prepare for the plane..."


 On the plane to Tobruk…

Qiao Jia sat on the sofa with his arms folded, holding a satellite phone in his hand but never making a call.

He has imagined many bad scenarios in the past, and someone using a dirty bomb to blow up the Great Green Wall Project is not the worst. But the information revealed in this matter forced Boss Qiao to treat it with caution.

Eden did not say clearly who gave the nuclear materials to Iblis and helped him transform them into dirty bombs, but Boss Joe has a clear suspect in his heart...

 Some people in the Jewish group must have reached an agreement with the United States.

Otherwise, a nuclear bomb farce full of errors and omissions will not be able to clear up the issue of Israel’s missing nuclear bombs at all.

The American election is still in a state of anxiety, and Big Mouth Tang still looks like he has the pearls of wisdom, but Boss Qiao is now sure that Big Mouth Tang has no chance.

It is no longer important whether the Jewish group that cooperates with Bayer is the Edwards Foundation. These people are trying to attack the Great Green Wall, which means that P·B’s actions in Afika have touched the core interests of these people.

 In the current Great Green Wall project, Boss Qiao’s old friend Lu Jun not only brought a large amount of capital and technology, but also brought a large number of experts from his old mother.

When the virus was rampant, these people did not return to their countries to cause trouble. Instead, they gathered in Central Africa to start agricultural experiments.

 Lu Jun once said to Boss Qiao that the higher the level of agricultural self-sufficiency in Afika, the more beneficial it would be for the old mother.

At that time, Qiao Jia didn’t take it completely seriously, nor did he think too much about it, because he regarded the Great Green Wall as a benchmark project for P·B to settle down in Afika.

 Successful, his old Qiao family will be prosperous in Afika for at least three generations!

Looking back now, super projects like the Great Green Wall can not only alleviate the chaos in the Sahel region, but also solve the food needs of some surrounding countries.

 This will step on some people’s tail!

 As we all know, about 80% of the global grain trade is in the hands of the four major grain merchants...

Afika is also considered to have a large land and abundant resources, but the food output here cannot support the local people.

Looking at a smaller scale, if the Great Green Wall project in the Sahel is successful, it will affect the business of these giants.

Looking at the bigger picture, once the countries around the Sahel belt rely on the technical help of the old mother to carry out large-scale food cultivation around the Great Green Wall and solve part of their food dependence on Europe and the United States, they will become politically dependent on Europe and the United States. reduce.

The philanthropic nature of the Great Green Wall Plan has determined from the very beginning that the agricultural land developed as a result will eventually belong to the country where it is located, rather than to a certain enterprise or individual.

 The output on the land, except for the part for self-use, and other parts that want to be listed and traded, will be purchased by the ‘Big River Agricultural Company’ designated by the African Union at a relatively reasonable price.

 And the contract clearly stipulates that once any country wants to list the land for trading, it must sell the land to P·B at the price of desert land in 18 years.

Boss Qiao’s contracts with countries around the Sahel eliminated the possibility of giants intervening, thus attracting a blow.

 In fact, with the existing products, it is impossible to compete with the giants. Their costs are so low that you can’t even imagine.

 So this attack is theoretically directed at ‘politics’. Some people do not want Afika’s country to gain politically…

 Now not only the Jewish consortium, but also France are the main targets of suspicion.

Boss Qiao doesn’t think that Mr. Ma will rebel after participating in the Great Green Wall project, but Mr. Ma is not a man of his word in France either...

 No former colonial master country would be happy to see its former colonies prosper and develop out of its own control, because that would not be conducive to them plundering wealth from them.

Honestly speaking, Europe's left-wing governments still have a shameless attitude when there is no conflict of core interests.

  But the situation is different for those multinational consortiums in Europe. These super capitals, which are fully internationalized under the influence of the general trend of globalization, have their own calculations.

 The four major grain merchants use large-scale industrial planting to drive grain prices to a point where even farmers cannot survive without subsidies from the country.

 Food has become politicized and weaponized to some extent!

 When the Soviet Union collapsed, a small part of the reason was that they gave up part of their agriculture, resulting in the inability to be self-sufficient in food.

  After the United States announced a food embargo, ordinary people in the Soviet Union had to wait in long lines to buy bread.

 The same is true for Afika. Any Afika country that offends Europe and the United States will quickly destroy the local regime by restricting food imports, not to mention issues such as coups.

Think about those experts who advocate abandoning the food red line and then driving farmers into cities to take on 30-year mortgages...

 Destroy it!

When the private plane landed at the Tobruk airport, Chogara walked out of the cabin with Nice...

Looking at an F-14 Tomcat and two improved Su-27 Flankers parked on the runway, Choga smiled at Nice and said: "Let's go to Niger and see...

 In fact, even if two dirty bombs explode, they will not cause much harm. The loss of a little land is really nothing.

 But these sons of **** want to destroy the Great Green Wall project, and we can’t stand it anymore!

 I'm going to greet them with a bomb! "

Niss frowned and looked at Qiao Jia and said, "Who are 'them'?"

Qiao Jia shook his head and said: "I can't figure out who it is...

 Actually, it doesn’t matter who they are, what’s important is that I have to express my attitude clearly...

The Great Green Wall is the throne gift I prepared for Igor. No one can mess up my son’s coming-of-age ceremony! "

 (End of this chapter)

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