From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1274: Cruelty without limit

Chapter 1274: Cruelty has no lower limit

 Manila, Tondo District…

Two SUVs turned off their headlights and drove slowly along the main road in Tangdu District.

  It was already the middle of the night, and Tondo District, the largest slum in the Philippines, had fallen into silence.

Dorian, who was driving, glanced at Boss Qiao, who was sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed, and he turned to Ayo in the back seat with a smile and said, "King Kong, have you noticed a problem..."

Ayou kept staring at the roadside and said nonchalantly: "I didn't notice..."

Dorian listened and said with a smile: "Then you should pay more attention, our boss has a problem."

Ayou turned to look at Dorian and said, "What's the problem?"

Dorian sighed and said: "Our boss won't enjoy it. He bought the big Greek villa he promised back then, but he almost never lived in it.

His Ferrari is almost broken in the garage..."

When Ayou shook his head and laughed, Qiao Jia, who had his eyes closed, raised his **** and cursed with a smile: "Are you pointing at me?"

Dorian smiled and said: "Boss, the colorful world outside is still very interesting, and you still have to enjoy it when you should.

Of course, fighting is also very interesting, but I don’t think it’s necessary to make the time too tight every time..."

Qiao Jia knew Dorian's good intentions. He raised his hands and rubbed his temples, saying: "The word 'enjoy' is a bit abstract to me. I can only suppress my impulse when I am in Sangha Town, because there It can give me enough sense of security.

 But in other places, it’s like I have an engine installed here that can’t stop for a moment!

This feeling was not obvious in the past, but since being poisoned by voodoo, this feeling has become clearer and clearer.

 A little bit of danger gets me excited!

 Perhaps one day I can just get used to it like Kaman said!

 But now I am definitely like Rhino said, it feels great even if I am not used to it! "

After hearing this, Dorian nodded with understanding and said, "Then I think you should build more safe places.

Islands in the Gulf of Guinea are already under construction, and I think we can also find an island in Southeast Asia this time.

 It doesn’t have to be in the Philippines, we can find a place with beautiful scenery away from the shipping routes.

  The Bajau community supported by the capybaras of Team D is surrounded by many islands, which is a good place.

 Stay away from areas with chaotic law and order and go to a peaceful and safe place. It may help your problem..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded slightly and shook his head, saying: "Maybe..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia suddenly raised his hand and looked at the vibrating tactical computer and said: "Poison Wolf and the others succeeded, and the underground casino was destroyed...

 Go to this coordinate!

 This is where the hostages are held..."

Dorian quickly determined the address and stepped on the accelerator. Ten minutes later, the two cars stopped in the darkness...

Ayew took the lead in pushing the door and getting out of the car to establish cover, and then Qiaojia got out of the car and released the micro drone...

Sharing the location of the coordinate building with the Medical Officer Bird and the others, Qiao Jia said to the Medical Officer Bird and the others who were following them: "We will enter in two groups, fast in and out in 15 minutes, we have two other places to rush to...

The opponent has automatic weapons, so don’t be careless! "

The medical officer bird followed the rhinoceros and said, "Boss, what are the rules of engagement?"

Chogara turned off his night vision goggles and said with a sneer: "Capture the leader alive and kill everyone else who is not a hostage..."

 After finishing speaking, Qiao Jia patted Dorian on the shoulder, and then he and Ayou rushed into the dark alley following Dorian...

What is hidden in Tangdu District is not a big crocodile, but several gangs affiliated with underground casinos.

These people are not picky about food, and they have no channels to attract wealthy people from home to come and play.

These gangs generally use the Internet to publish colorful travel information, lure a bunch of guys with sperm and brains to come and play, and then first satisfy the casino's income through gambling, and then start to extort cross-border debts.

Compared to the uncles and nephews of the Lin family, the guy Qiao Jia faced now was not a professional, but he was definitely not far behind in terms of ruthlessness.

Many people may not understand why these people don't just kidnap and extort, but if you think about the operation mode of those loan sharks, you will understand that they are actually robbery and extortion, but with one more link, the results will be completely different.

Kidnapping for ransom is just a one-time deal...

These people use casinos as a transition, looking for a self-consistent operating model, so that the other party and the other party's family feel that they are just unlucky and owe us a loan shark, and as long as they pay back the money, they have a chance to leave alive.

In this way, the other person's family will desperately look for money everywhere, and some people will not even choose to call the police.

 The country is so comfortable that many people are not aware of the existence of danger, and it is difficult to respond correctly when encountering it!

Dorian walked quickly for about 5 minutes, and the three of them arrived at the main entrance of a dilapidated small building...

The micro-drone entered the small building through the second floor and quickly transmitted the internal environment to the Talos glasses...

“There are four people in the living room on the first floor, and there are probably people in the other two rooms.

There are four rooms on the second floor, two of which hold eight hostages, one of the other two rooms sleeps four people, and the other two rooms sleeps one person..."

“Medical bird, you are responsible for cleaning the first floor, and we are responsible for the second floor...”

 “Elephant, open the lock, don’t disturb them…”

After hearing the order, Dorian took out a set of lockpicking tools from his pocket and fiddled with the keyhole for nearly two minutes before opening the thick door.

While Dorian was unlocking the door, Qiao Jia took out a small can of lubricating spray and sprayed it on the four hinges of the door to prevent the hinges from making noise when opening the door...

When Dorian opened the door and led the team in, he found that Medical Officer Bird and the others had already entered the living room of the small building...

Seeing Boss Qiao and the others coming in, Medical Officer Bird made a few gestures, then drew out his dagger, and approached a few drunk guys with Rhino and Ronnie...

When Qiao Jia walked to the stairs, he saw the rhinoceros stabbing an unlucky man's eye socket with a hunting knife, stirring it up, and then backhandedly slit the other unlucky man's neck in half...

At the same time, Medic Bird and Ronny stabbed the other two unlucky guys in the heart with their daggers...

Qiao Jia patted Dorian on the shoulder to signal him to speed up. After the three of them went upstairs, Qiao Jia motioned Ayu to go to the room with only one person... He and Dorian stood at the door of a room, facing each other. Ayu whispered: "King Kong, capture your people alive..."

 After speaking, Qiao Jia gestured to Dorian and said: "3, 2, 1..."


Two doors were kicked open at the same time. Qiao Jia dodged in the moment the door opened, raised the HK416 and pulled the trigger at the four guys lying on the bed...

 “Ta da, da da, da da…”

 The bullets accurately hit the bodies and heads of several guys...

In order to reduce unnecessary casualties in urban battles and punish these evil spirits, Boss Qiao specially used the newly developed ‘super dum bomb’…

The front end of the bullet will open like petals the moment it hits the target, and the rotating petals will tear open a blood hole about 6 centimeters in diameter like a meat grinder, and then the cavity effect will completely destroy the bullet passing by. Organs.

This kind of bullet is very cruel, but in this place where the opponent does not wear body armor, the penetration is reduced, which makes the attacker and passers-by safer.

The moment Qiao Jia launched the attack, dull gunshots were heard from Medical Officer Bird and the others downstairs...

Dorian didn’t have time to shoot. He rushed into the room and quickly checked, finding two shotguns with shortened barrels and several machetes. Then he saw the tragic deaths of several unlucky people...

Looking at the shirtless guy with a big hole in his forehead, an eyeball hanging on the edge of the broken eye socket, and a large amount of brain tissue dripping on the pillow along the eyeball...

Dorian retreated to the door and glanced at Ayu across from him. After confirming that she had succeeded, he slapped his mouth and said, "Boss, these people don't even have qualified weapons. They can really do such cruel things." ?”

Qiao Jia rummaged through the bedside table in the room and found several passports and ID cards...

“These people only dare to attack their compatriots because they know that those from China dare not resist!”

As he spoke, he pulled out a suitcase from under the bed. After smashing it open, he saw that it contained messy clothes and several bundles of cash.

I checked all the suitcases in the same way and found that they were all the same...

 “These people are paid quite promptly…”

 Qiao Jia threw the cash on the bed, motioned to Dorian to find a bag to put the money in, and then walked to the opposite room...

 Looking at a fat black man wearing only underwear and a face full of flesh, being pushed to the ground by Ayu with his hands tied behind his back...

Qiao Jia saw the fat black man’s eyes full of fear. He walked over and grabbed his ears to make him raise his head, and said: "Hello, fellow countryman..."

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and said with a surprised look on his face: "Brother, we are affiliated with the Red Star Casino, and we earn all our hard-earned money...

 There are millions under my bed, brothers, take them if you need them...

 Let me have a way to survive, from now on..."

Chaojia found what the fat man called "several millions" and found that they were all Philippine pesos. He waved his hands in disappointment and said: "You have no future..."

When the fat black man heard this, he shouted in horror: "Don't, don't do this...

Brother, no, eldest brother, we are all traveling together, you take all the money, I still have 8 pigs imprisoned here, 2 of them have not been bled, you take all...

 Just give me a break, I will leave Manila tomorrow..."

This time Qiao Jia was stunned. He raised the HK416 in his hand and said: "You actually think that I am your colleague?

 Do I look so **** low? "

When the fat black man heard this, he buried his head on the ground and shouted: "No, no, no, I saw it wrong, I saw it wrong..."

Qiao Jia suddenly realized something. He raised his hand and fired a shot at the fat black man's knee. Then he squatted in front of him, looked at the expression on this guy's face that was twisted with pain, and said, "Why do you think I am you?" colleagues?"

The fat black man growled in pain while trembling as he said: "Some people have raided several pig nests in the past half month, and their clothes are similar to yours...

 Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I’ll give you all the money, I have tens of millions in the bank, don’t kill me, I’ll give you all the money…”

After Qiao Jia heard this, the figure of ‘Mountain Eagle’ immediately appeared in his mind...

Looking at the fat black man wailing and begging for mercy, Qiao Jia found something to seal his mouth, and then shot him in the other leg. Then, while walking towards the room where the hostages were held, he pressed the communicator and said: " Point 1 has been cleared, and the cleaning team has moved in to receive the hostages..."

While speaking, Qiao Jia kicked open a door with all his strength...

Looking at several women wearing only underwear with bruises all over their bodies huddled in a room full of feces and urine, Qiao Jia frowned and pressed the communicator again, saying: "Find some female team members and put on clothes..."

 After speaking, Qiao Jia said "Don't be afraid" to the women who kept crying, turned around and went out and kicked open another door...

 It's much worse here...

Two men wearing only underwear, their hands have been chopped off, and after simple surgical bandaging, they can only lie on the dirty mattress and groan.

 The other two men had dull eyes and no color on their faces, but their bodies were extremely swollen...

Seeing Qiao Jia burst into the room, the two bloated men shrank toward the corner while crying...

"Please let me go, I can't draw blood anymore..."

 After realizing what had happened, Qiao Jia silently turned around and left the room, returning to Fatty Hei...

“King Kong, cut off his hands. It’s enough for such a person to have his mouth open and be able to speak…”

 After speaking, Qiao Jia took out his phone and sent a message to a number, and soon a call came...

“Boss Jackal, is the transaction time set?”

Hearing the voice on the phone, Qiao Jia said: "'Shan Ying', you are a little busy in Manila...

 The transaction will be postponed for a few days, I need manpower now, please help me do something..."

 (End of this chapter)

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