From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1254: revenge!

 Chapter 1254 Revenge!

Joga received a call from Ronnie, said goodbye to several guys who came to visit, and walked to a room near the wall on the side of the manor...

Looking at the four corpses lying on the ground, Qiao Jia squatted down and checked the bullet holes in their heads, and said incredulously: "How did that guy bring weapons to Sangha Town?"

Ronnie spread his hands and said: "Boss, you should ask me, why didn't you hear the man shooting from a few meters away?"

 Speaking, Ronnie put his hand on his abdomen and made a trigger-pulling motion, and then said: "He should be using a Ruger MK series silent pistol. It takes 2 seconds or even 1 second, and all 4 shots hit the vital point...

This guy is very, very powerful, and such a person is very, very deadly at close range!

 boss, without confirming their intentions, we should drive them out of Sangha Town..."

Qiao Jia looked at the corpse on the ground, smacked his mouth in admiration, shook his head and said: "This guy named 'Mountain Eagle' is handing over his name to me. He is telling me that before the transaction is completed, he will stand by me. This side.

 Leave him alone, you have already sent my business card. He knows that we have the ability to find him, and he will not stay in Sangha Town for long. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia rubbed his hands in excitement, and then said regretfully: "This guy is a master, I should find a chance to compete with him...

 I should be able to do four shots per second, but I definitely can’t be that stealthy.

  FUCK, there is still such a person in this world, I should invite him to participate in the shooting competition..."

After hearing this, Dorian grinned and said: "Boss, pay attention to your identity, you have been kicked out of all shooting competition lists.

I suggest you place a bet on me, or sponsor your most loyal bodyguard with some advanced weapons, and I will get back the gold medal you want.

FUCK, a 3-ounce solid gold medal is now worth $4,000. I want to get a few more and hang them in the room..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia couldn't help but raise his **** and laughed and cursed: "Elephant, I bet that unless you invent the rules of the competition yourself, you won't even get a medal!"

Dorian spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "Boss, you underestimated the ability of the three-time shooting champion with a leather helmet, but I forgive you, after all, you don't think anyone is that good...

 You are the Jackal, the **** of war! "

Faced with Dorian’s flattering flattery, Qiao Jia shook his head in a funny way and said: “I allow you to go to my gun room and pick two guns...

By the way, I would like to inform our guys, don’t think about it, let alone let it go. This time I spent a lot of money just preparing the gold medal. It would be good to have less leakage! "

After hearing this, Dorian patted his chest and assured: "Boss, although I think it is silly to use pure gold to make medals, it is definitely a good thing for us...

  Don’t worry, the referees of all games are ours! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and scolded: "You can't run as fast as anyone else, and you can't jump as high as anyone else, so what can the referee do?

 Do you expect those old men to saw off people’s legs?

Don't think wrongly, as long as you don't lose in the military competition! "

Qiao Jia said with a ferocious smile and said: "If you don't let me play with you, I will increase the power of the bullets used in the exercise by 30% this time.

 Just wait, if you don’t put on the bulletproof vest this time, you will have to go to the hospital for two days if you are shot..."

When Dorian heard this, he stared in horror and said, "Isn't that true? It's not necessary, is it? Isn't it necessary?"

 Me and Ronnie signed up to participate in all indoor CQB projects..."

Qiao Jia looked at these unloyal guys with a sneer and said with a smile: "Then you should be careful, I guess the competition will be a bit fierce."

After speaking, Qiao Jia stood up and looked at the bodies on the ground. After thinking for a while, he said: "These people entered the country through legal procedures...

  I will issue a notice tomorrow and find a few media outlets to expose it. They will say that they were discovered by the police when they were drunk and tried to molest an old lady, and were shot to death during the resistance! "

Ronnie smiled and nodded and said: "I know what to do!

 Should we notify the customs by the way to prohibit the entry of people holding Israeli S-list passports? "

 Speaking, Ronnie picked up a passport and said with a smile: "These guys entered Sangha Town from Uganda and then took an internal Afika tourist flight.

If the Ugandan government is willing to cooperate, we can actually push the supervision network outwards.

 It actually doesn’t cost much to redesign an entry-exit management system for them. "

Qiao Jia waved his hands and said, "NO, it's enough for us to mind our own business.

 Uganda has a deep relationship with Israel. Don’t let those politicians be in a dilemma. Just give them a briefing. "

Ronnie understood as soon as he heard it. Except for Central Africa and Congo, Boss Qiao would not require people from other countries to stand with him on small issues...

 This is why everyone can accept the existence of P·B!

 Because compared to the West, Boss Qiao really wants very little, and he is always protecting the dignity and self-esteem of the leaders of these bad countries...

  Ronnie nodded heavily, turned around and went out to contact familiar media reporters...

But Boss Qiao took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the four corpses, edited a text and sent it out...


 Eight hours later, the Syrian safe zone, Iraq, and Shah acted almost simultaneously...

 Nine buildings in three countries were blocked by military police, and a large number of Israeli intelligence personnel were arrested.

Al-Rawi, who had disappeared since the fall of the Rahway family, appeared in the Syrian safe zone and took over the intelligence personnel sent by plane from Iraq and the Shah.

Moroccan sounds very powerful, but it just sounds powerful...

Compared with the intelligence agencies of other countries, the most powerful thing about Modesz is their ‘aggressiveness’…

 It’s not that they can fight a lot, but that they always have a clear goal, and they mainly focus on destruction.

 It is always easier to destroy than to protect!

This style of action determines the difficulty of their work and also makes them seem to always gain something. But when they faced a former CIA Middle East regional director commanding an encirclement and suppression campaign, they couldn't even resist.

Those agents who sound awesome may not even be able to defeat a police officer in reality!

This is the response given by Boss Qiao!

No matter what you want to do, if you appear in a place where I shouldn't be and make me feel in danger, then I have to 'remind' you that you owe me an apology and full compensation...

Boss Qiao really doesn’t care about Israel, because they are far less powerful than the outside world thinks!

  Israel is the mad dog placed by the United States in the Middle East, and it is the core key to America’s interests in the Middle East!

 Many people think that Jews rule the United States. This statement is not accurate. In fact, the United States has never had a Jewish president. Most of them appear around the White House as aides.

 Israel is a smooth choice made by the Jewish bosses in line with the interests of the United States.

As a result, with the growth of Jewish Media and the penetration of finance into the education system, the Jewish Group in the United States and Israel simultaneously developed into giants.

During the Zipperton period, the United States repeatedly asked Israel to dismantle illegal settlements and return the land to the Palestinians. This was actually done and the conflict was effectively alleviated.

 But over time, the American government's control began to decline.

 Since Netanya came to power, the extreme right-wing Lebanese group has taken control of the Israeli government and has begun to use its unique geopolitical position to kidnap the United States...

 Because in the eyes of most people, the United States and Israel are one. The collapse of Israel also means that all the investments made by the United States in the Middle East over the past few decades have been wasted.

 But if Israel goes crazy and offends the entire Arab world, it will still be the United States that bears the consequences.

So in 2016, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution with 14 votes in favor and 1 abstention, which prohibited Israel from continuing to expand settlements and returned the border to the range of 1967.

This time, the United States rarely exercised a veto, but abstained from the vote. The main purpose was to tighten the rope around the neck of this mad dog.

However, at present, the people of the Israeli-German group are not obedient. In addition to constantly using settlements to invade Palestinian territory, Modesty is also attacking everywhere.

 Big Mouth Tang is one of the culprits behind Israel’s arrogance in the past two years!

In order for this guy to use the military-industrial complex to solve the problem of the military's weakest position and at the same time stop the unwarranted investment of the United States in the Middle East, he needs to clarify the status of Israel, return the situation to the period before the black man's president, and use Israel to exert influence on the Middle East. Influence.

 So he not only recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but also terminated the Iran-H agreement and imposed extreme sanctions on Iran, giving Israel more room to play and making Morocco more arrogant.

Qiao Jia had no inclination to indulge them. When they set their sights on Boss Qiao's children, even if they were just evaluating, the gap was forged...

 And unless enough people die, this problem cannot be solved!

Qiao Jia's habit is to punch you if you glare at me, but when the opponent is stronger, Qiao Jia will choose to tear a piece of flesh from his body and make the opponent miserable.

 Weakness has no meaning at this time. It will only cause the other party to misjudge and push further!

ˆP·B’s sudden counterattack caught everyone off guard...

 At breakfast early the next morning, Shavin came to Boss Qiao’s manor...

This guy was polite to the guards, but when he saw Boss Qiao who was having breakfast, he suddenly shouted angrily: "Jackal, what on earth do you want to do?

 You want 80 million. I negotiated with the Israelis and got a positive answer, but now you have arrested so many Mosads, causing them heavy losses..."

Chaujia took a bite of a fried dough stick, looked at Chauvin like a fool, and said, "Are you a security consultant from the White House or a security consultant from Israel?

 Why do I feel that you are more concerned about their problems than your own work? "

Shavin gritted his teeth and said, "Jackal, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Qiao Jia put down the dough sticks, took a sip of soy milk, shook his head and said, "I don't know...

I don’t know what the problem is with Syria, Iraq, and the Shah in arresting spies who have infiltrated their countries when the evidence is solid?

I don’t even know what the problem is with the new prison built by P.B. near the safe zone and accepting these spies for a fee.

 Man, business is business, people pay me to guard the spies to make up for the shortfall in funds caused by my charity.

 What did I do wrong? What consequences do you think I have to bear? "

After Chauvin heard this, he looked at Boss Qiao in disbelief and said, "Jackal, we all know what you did?

The so-called prison and prisoner transfer video was posted on the Internet, and you trampled the entire Morocco under your feet.

 They won’t let it go! "

Qiaojia sneered and said: "Why don't you give up and use fighter jets to bomb the safe zone?

It’s not like they haven’t done it before, and those pilots are now in that prison...

There are a lot of empty beds there, I hope more prisoners will be put in...

 I am a kind person, and the treatment in that prison is good. They eat whatever the plus S people eat, and drink whatever the plus S people drink.

 You say, what’s wrong with what I’m doing? "

Shavin looked at Boss Qiao in disbelief and said, "Jackal, what's the point of doing this other than intensifying conflicts?

 You don’t want the 80 million anymore? "

Qiao Jia sneered and said: "80 million?

 Four Morde agents stared at my child for a long time last night, and now the price is going to double again.

 You tell them that they don’t have to give it, but if I find them while trading in Southeast Asia, the outcome will definitely not be what they want to see.

 In fact, they can place their hopes on the CIA. The CIA is not happy for Iran or the True Z Party to obtain suggestions on how to make a dirty bomb, right? "

Shavin looked at Boss Qiao who looked serious and said, "You are crazy!"

Qiao Jia grinned and said: "You are not crazy, but wherever you go is a mess!

 And I, a bellicose madman, have brought peace to many places!

 You should take the Bible and ask God, who is more worthy of going to heaven, you normal people or me, a madman? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia pointed to the gate of the manor and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Normal People, this is my home...

  Get out my place! ! "

 (End of this chapter)

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