From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1242: big trouble

Chapter 1242 Big Trouble

The manor became extremely lively at night. The two old men used magical marksmanship to arouse the curiosity and competitiveness of the group of people.

In the end, not only Nice and the others joined the game, but also a group of Arab princesses joined in the fun, surrounding Lao Du and wanting him to teach her shooting skills.

 Lao Du spent several years in the police force after changing his career, and then he was never happy again because he couldn't use what he was best at...

 A few little Arab princesses with respectful faces allowed Lao Du to find the happiness he had not had for a long time.

What's more exciting than this?

Teaching several little girls about the same age as grandchildren to learn how to shoot is something Lao Du has never dreamed of doing in his life.

For Lao Du, who has a wild beast in his heart, accompanying his grandchildren to the park is never as important as teaching them how to protect themselves.

 But the reality is that no one allows him to do this!

 The aura and energy of a group leader who has changed his career is too small, not only to outsiders, but also to his own family members!

 And aura and energy determine exactly whether others will listen to you seriously!

 We often find that the same words are said by different people, but the results are very different.

For example, if a company leader asks someone to work overtime, eight generations of their ancestors may be greeted. But if the chairman of the group says to you, "Young man, stay and work overtime," people may feel that their opportunity has come.

There may be some art of speaking in this, but the decisive factor is whether the energy of the speaker is sufficient.

 It is a pity that Lao Du does not have this energy, and all his surrounding environment and family have become the ropes that bind him.

 But when Lao Du met Boss Qiao who understood him, everything changed!

Everything in this manor seems to be following Lao Du's wishes, and everything looks so pleasing to the eye.

 Hosts, guests, women, children, no one seems to think there is anything wrong with shooting guns at night...

 People here have completely different standards for judging survival, death, fairness, justice, and evil from the outside world...

This kind of standard is simply not applicable in today's China, but Lao Du just felt comfortable!

 Boss Qiao has two daughters-in-law and a mistress, and they live together openly.

This kind of deviant thing should have been criticized, but old-fashioned people like Lao Du even think that Nice and the others are stronger than his two daughters-in-law who only dislike him and are useless, but are worried that he will die too early and leave his son without support. too much!

People are so strange. When people enter a very comfortable environment, everything seems to be right!

 Old Du didn't even speak English, but that didn't stop him from teaching a few little Arab princesses how to shoot.

After the old guy helped two teenage girls hit the target, he naturally high-fived them, as if he suddenly became ten years younger!

Even Eric, who always speaks sourly, seems quite funny in Lao Du's eyes!

Qiao Jia, a really big man with enough energy, formed a huge family, and then used his own energy to slowly affect the aura of the entire family...

Not to mention those Arab princesses who are playful in nature and regard this place as a paradise to escape stress. Even the most conservative British princess Beatrice is now accustomed to this atmosphere and has transferred her hobbies from painting and flower arranging to the outdoors...

 The so-called shooting competition changed its flavor in the end...

The two old men were indeed no match for Nice and Antar. When the shooting distance exceeded 600 meters, they showed various discomforts...

Although they are still stronger than Eric's second-hand sword, without long-term training and exploration, the two old men may not be able to keep up with real snipers like Nice and others.

 Their early exit made the game a battle between Nice and Antal...

These two top female snipers have demonstrated the best long-range shooting capabilities on the planet.

When they used two and three bullets respectively to hit a moving target the size of a basketball 2,000 meters away, the whole manor was boiling...

Those who know how to do it know how awesome this is, so they must celebrate it!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it. Anyway, you are very good, so it’s worth celebrating!

Lao Du watched the two little Arab princesses running away happily. He straightened his slightly sore back with a smile and said to Mr. Tong: "Old Tong, I won't leave!

 You help me, I don’t speak foreign languages, but I want to lead the team to win the game..."

Mr. Tong thought about Lao Du’s wife and his son and daughter-in-law. He smiled bitterly and said, “Squad leader, please don’t talk too harshly...

Xiao Qiao, this is a private company, not an army, so you have to talk to your wife and children...

 Based on my experience, if you really stay, the work of your two sons in the army will probably change a bit.

 Tell them the matter and they will be happy. Don’t make everyone unhappy in the end! "

The energetic Lao Du patted his head and said, "Hey, why do you think so much?

Whether I can pass the assessment is still a question. I haven’t led a soldier in so many years, so I can’t say whether I can adapt..."

Mr. Tong looked at Lao Du who couldn't hear his hint at all. He shook his head helplessly and said: "Squad leader, you... don't be so **** me!"

 Didn’t Xiao Qiao want you to be a consultant? If one path doesn’t work, just take another path. There will always be a place where you can make use of it.

 But remember not to say harsh words to your family. Your son's side will be easier to deal with. The most important thing is that you have to be honest so that I can let my old Yuan do the work of your family. "

“If you rebel against her, you can stay if you like her. If you don’t like her, then go home. I won’t care..."

Mr. Tong gave a thumbs up in admiration and said, "Let's go and have a drink with Xiao Qiao. We can also find out what the consultant does. You should be better prepared!"

Upon hearing this, Lao Du nodded and said, "You have to be serious!

  I used to think that P·B was a warlord company, but now that I look at it, it doesn’t seem like that...

This boss Qiao is so energetic!

 It seems that he has people in the United Nations. What area is that? "


 “That is a lawless world!”

Poisonous Wolf was summoned to the manor by a call from Boss Qiao because of Cassu's incident...

Facing Boss Qiao’s question, Dulang shook his head and said: “The situation in the Myanmar Federation is very complicated, and the actual area controlled by the government forces is actually less than half.

 Our main work location is in Rakhine State, where the scale of the conflict was actually small at first, but the situation became very bad.

 That Ms. Aung San supported the Myanmar army to launch a liquidation of the Rohingya people for the sake of votes.

If the British had not asked Dubai to intervene in order to maintain the situation, and Dubai came to us, many people would have died there. "

Said Poison Wolf looked at Boss Qiao, hesitated, and said: "Boss, I have never been to Shan State in Myanmar, but I have heard people talk about those places.

 Shan State is an autonomous government. If you give them enough benefits, they will probably be happy to sell the mine to you.

But if you want to put a nail in the past in the name of anti-drugs, it will be troublesome. It will be difficult for outsiders to gain a foothold there...

 It’s not worth it! "

Qiao Jia couldn't explain to Poison Wolf what those rough stone veins meant to him. What he wanted to win was not just a mine, but to let most of the jadeite rough stones in Shan State pass through his hands...     This is a Long-term work is not as simple as buying a mine, and will seriously affect the interests of some local people.

 These people are precisely the warlords who control the area, and there are even foreign forces.

If you want them to be obedient, money and sincerity alone are not enough!

  To demand something from them with a lot of money without a gun is like a girl going out without wearing pants and encouraging gangsters to do something to her.

 ‘Freedom’ actually only exists in a stable social environment. If freedom is unstable, many people simply do not have the courage to enjoy it.

 Boss Qiao has enough courage and strong enough motivation. He wants to go in with a fist and punch...

 So he had to enter Shan State under the pretext of fighting drugs, because without this name, his manpower and weapons would not be able to legally enter Shan State.

 Fighting drug dealers in the Golden Triangle, bringing some RPG armored vehicles or something, I think everyone can understand!

  Let Griffon-1 occasionally provide a little air cover, I guess it can be avoided...

  After all, those drug traffickers are too fierce, and the five-nation alliance of China, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia has not settled. If P.B., a private company, wants to make some achievements, it will eventually have to use some extra-restrictive means...

As long as the old mother doesn’t speak, everyone else will probably understand!

As long as the punch is enough, everyone will be able to return to civilization in the subsequent problems...

Boss Qiao has never been stingy about spending money. What he wants is to establish a screening standard and include all the rough stone mines around the coordinate mine into this standard.

 If there are stones that meet the standards, they must be screened by me first. I can pay a small fee for screening, but you must follow my requirements, and you cannot increase the price at will just because I have needs. You can only sell them if I don't want them.

The prerequisite for these overbearing conditions to be established is that Boss Qiao himself must be able to stand on his own feet...

After thinking for a while, Qiao Jia looked at Poisonous Wolf and said, "I must go to Shan State. How many people do you think are suitable in the early stage?"

Poison Wolf lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said: "Boss, it is not appropriate to enter Shan State directly. Since it is in the name of combating drugs, it is actually better to enter from the direction of Thailand.

 Two teams were responsible for reconnaissance in the early stage, and Thailand was able to provide sufficient logistical support and a safe retreat route.

Once the target is determined, we can also launch a direct attack from Thailand, and then directly occupy the drug lord's territory..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia waved his hands and said: "That's not called occupation, that's called assisting in reconstruction!

  I’m not a bandit, so I don’t need those worthless lands in Myanmar!

 What I want is to stand firm and then go negotiate terms with the people in Shan State..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia touched his chin and said: "Ask Kuli from the Intelligence Center to bring someone over and find out for me all the ways in which the warlords in Burma get their money. I have to know where to hit them so that they will be in pain!"

 Lao Du, who had been listening for a while, suddenly said: "Crack down on those fraud parks!"

 Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment. He had been living in Afika and didn’t know much about the so-called fraud park...

He looked at Lao Du and said curiously: "Why is it called a fraud park? Fraud has become a group?"

Lao Du nodded with a serious expression and said, "You know about phone scams, right?"

Qiao Jia nodded and said: "I know a little bit about this. There are people in my hometown who do this. It is said that it came from Wandao. They just call people to deceive people...

How much money can you make from this thing? "

Lao Du shook his head and said: “From the time statistics were collected in 2012 to now, the total losses caused by online gambling and fraud in the past six years have been around 1.5 trillion.

This is the statistics after the victims have reported the crime, and there will be more if there are no reports. "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia took a deep breath and said in disbelief: "Holy crap, this is more **** profitable than drug trafficking!

How could those warlords control such a large amount of funds? "

Lao Du shook his head and said: "It's not just the Burmese warlords, but actually the entire Southeast Asia is making a fortune from this.

 The Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, wherever legal online gambling licenses can be issued, there will be online fraud groups.

These countries even regard online gambling as an important source of tax revenue and have given those people legal procedures.

 The fraud parks in Myanmar must have a warlord background, and destroying them will make the warlord miserable! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded slightly, then looked at Lao Du and said: "Old man, why do I think you hate those who commit fraud more than those warlords..."

 Lao Du said in a deep voice: "If you do this, you are no longer a human being!

This kind of business that makes a lot of money is actually the same as drug trafficking. Once you get into it, it’s difficult to get out of it because the money comes so easily...

  In the early years, I read some internal documents. The Ministry of Public Affairs rescued several groups of people who were detained for online gambling from Myanmar stores...

 It’s terrible! Inhumane!

 Such overseas gangs are often the most cruel to compatriots! "

Mr. Tong shook his head with a sigh and said, "Lao Du was transferred to the capital to sit on the bench because he left the country without authorization and killed several people who were smuggling from overseas casinos."

Qiao Jia nodded slightly after hearing this and said: "I will find someone to check...

If the figure of 1.5 trillion is true, then more than 200 billion US dollars, even if divided into many parts, is enough to grow political umbrellas in many places.

 It must not be as simple as a warlord, otherwise how could the hometown endure such a loss? "

Just when Qiaojia wanted to continue chatting with Lao Du about the Shan State issue in Burma, his satellite phone rang...

Looking at Aaron's name above, Boss Qiao stood up and walked to the side and said, "Man, I'm a little busy right now..."

Aaron said with a heavy tone: "Jackal, the designer of 'Swiss' has been kidnapped!

The CIA people didn’t want to pay for the design drawings. They wanted both the design and the drawings, so they found a group of mercenaries and kidnapped the designer at sea. "

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said, "What does being kidnapped have to do with me?"

After Aaron was silent for a while, he said: "It didn't matter at first, but the guy who kidnapped the designer realized something was wrong and rebelled.

Those guys also know the value of designers, they also want to sell money, and they only trade with jackals of P·B by name...

 Jackal, you have too many friends, and now several intelligence agencies think you can be trusted...

 Now you are in trouble! "

 (End of this chapter)

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