From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1227: Show no mercy

Chapter 1227: Show no mercy

"Da da"

The subsonic bullet fired by HK416 accurately hit the head of the guard at the main gate...

The slight sound of gunfire did not spread out of the adobe house at all, and Kaman and the others, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed towards the main entrance of the house the moment the guard fell.

 The five-person commando team of Dragon Lizard, Elephant, King Kong, Rhino, and Ronny only took 4 seconds to complete the assault and kick the door...

 After a "bang" explosion, the door was kicked open.

At this time, people around still didn’t realize what was happening until the guard at the back door noticed something was wrong and fired a warning shot. There was a large-scale commotion in the surrounding adobe houses.

Qiao Jia stared at the scope and pressed the communicator, saying: "Get the pliers, Medical Officer Bird, blow up those houses for me..."

Medical Bird next to him decisively pressed the remote control in his hand, and then a series of muffled sounds sounded from the bottom of the outer walls of the adobe houses on both sides.

The amount of explosives was not enough to destroy the adobe houses and kill the people inside at the same time. However, most of those adobe houses collapsed like toppled building blocks, trapping most of the enemies inside, leaving Kaman and the others to fight for it. Enough time has come.

There was no huge fire like in the movie, but after a series of orange flashes, thick gray-black smoke began to rise into the sky.

At the same time, the Dinka camp north of the village received a fatal blow...

 4 cloud bombs were fired about 400 meters away from the camp.

 The cloud bomb with a set blast distance completed a two-stage blast the moment it flew over the camp...

 “Bang” “Bang” “Bang” “Bang”

 “Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”, “Boom”

There are many kinds of deadly weapons in this world, but of the same size, cloud bombs must be the most powerful one.

The accelerant sprayed by 4 cloud bombs covered an area the size of half a football field, and then the flame impact caused by the explosion radiated outward, roughly doubling the damage range.

 Except for Qiu Shao Y, no creature on earth can remain calm in the face of fire attacks...

Those Dinka people sleeping in the tents at the center of the explosion were burned to the point of losing consciousness before they even had time to scream. Then the fat in their bodies became an accelerant and burned themselves to coke.

And from the tent affected by the flame shock, a large number of soldiers with their bodies on fire quickly rushed out...

The desperate screams of these people filled the entire Dinka camp with an apocalyptic atmosphere.

However, the Dinka camp was very large, and although the sudden attack left them in a mess, it did not completely dispel the will of this group of people to fight.

Facts have proved that these extremely bad tribal armed forces are brave enough to fight for their lives, driven by enough profits brought by drugs.

In just a few minutes, the Dinka people, led by some senior leaders, drove armed pickup trucks to pick up the RPG, and began to divide their troops into two groups...

 They shot blindly all the way out, trying to find the pliers that attacked them.

On the other hand, the first thing they wanted to think about was not to go to the central area of ​​the village for rescue, but to protect the drug warehouse.

The greedy behavior of these **** gave Kaman and the others plenty of time...

When the cloud bomb exploded, Qiao Jia and Medical Officer Bird rushed out of the house with guns...

 “Da da, da da”

 Continuously shot and killed two soldiers who stood up from the ruins and shook their heads. Qiao Jia looked at the smoking ruins nearby, quickly locked the two moving ruins of adobe houses with the Telos eyepiece, and then summoned the spearhead missile...

After two "boom" explosions, flames ignited in the ruins and also lit up the surrounding area, illuminating a safe passage for Kaman and the others.


 A bullet passed through the sky above Qiaojia...

When Qiaojia looked in the direction of the bullet, he saw an armed pickup truck emerging from the thick black smoke.

 The bullet accurately hit the driver's chest, causing the pickup truck to lose control and crash into the ruins of an adobe house.

 The machine gunner at the rear of the car fell over the roof of the car due to the car accident.

 But soon another machine gunner took up the position, and at the same time a new pickup truck appeared...

 “Retreat to the west…”

 Nice's slightly indifferent voice came over the radio, and then four spearhead missiles took off from the rear and pounced on the pickup trucks...

Before the machine gunners on the suddenly appeared armed pickup trucks had time to fire, the Spearhead missile hit the cab of the pickup truck from above and exploded at the same time.

 “Boom, boom, boom, boom”

The darkness gave Qiao Jia and the others enough tactical advantages, but it also prevented the enemy from seeing the full picture of the battlefield. They did not even realize how advanced a team they had encountered, which allowed them to be driven by the greedy leader. Stay brave.

The drug warehouse is located in a barn-like building in the north of the village. A large number of Dinka people surrounded the warehouse. After confirming that the drugs inside were okay, more and more Dinka people rushed towards Boss Qiao and the others...

At the same time, more militants rushed out of the adobe houses on the periphery...

The hot air formed by the explosion made it difficult for the thermal sensor to work. Qiao Jia threw a few grenades in several moving directions, and then moved to avoid stray bullets while starting to set up at several important intersections. Broadsword Mine…

 At this time, Kaman and the others had already rushed out of the building and began to evacuate according to the route drawn by Nice behind them...

Joja and Medical Officer Bird squatted behind a ruins, covering Kaman and the others with constant shooting.

  There is no such thing as precise shooting at this time. No matter how elite the soldiers are, under such visual conditions, they can only suppress the enemy with continuous fire in the general direction. The firepower of the two men only silenced the direction with the greatest threat for a moment. Soon the enemy discovered that Boss Qiao’s firepower was not enough, so the counterattack soon arrived...


The moment the large-caliber machine gun rang out, Qiao Jia and Medical Officer Bird decisively lay down on the ground and crawled sideways for more than ten meters.

 Looking at Kaman and the others being forced to crawl on the ground due to the hostage burden, Qiao Jia shouted loudly...

“The vision is not good, the spearhead missile cannot be locked, the medical officer bird, use grenades...

Release the Switchblade Drone…”

As he spoke, Qiao Jia and the others almost simultaneously pulled out the smoke bombs on their bodies and threw them in all directions...


Medical Officer Bird picked up the grenade gun Dorian had stored with him and fired six consecutive grenades in the direction of the heavy machine gun...

 Then at the moment when the grenade exploded, the medical officer bird stood up and fired to cover, while shouting loudly: "Retreat, retreat, retreat to the west..."

Rhino and Ronnie stood up suddenly. The two fierce men held one person's belt in each hand and started running...

 But Kaman, Dorian, and Ayo gathered near Qiao Jia...

Ayou rushed a little too fiercely, knocking down the door frame of the adobe house that was hidden just now with one shoulder...

 When Ayou appeared more than ten seconds later, she was wearing a tailor-made scorpion backpack...

At the same time, four switchblades have also flown over the village...

 Chorga looked down at the situation in the village through the Telos eyepiece...

Those threatening heavy machine guns were located to the north of the village, and the Dinka people's shooting was not accurate at all. They only knew the approximate location of Boss Qiao and others.

Those large-caliber bullets flying across the street not only made it difficult for Boss Qiao and others to move, but also suppressed the movement of their own people in the village.

 This situation is a bit like punching the old master to death, and Boss Qiao doesn’t know what to say...

Locked on the four most threatening armed pickup trucks, the moment Qiao Jia ordered the attack, he stood up and fired while shouting: "King Kong retreats to cover us, FUCK, as soon as the heavy machine guns stop, the people in the village will show up..."

When Ayou passed by Boss Qiao with a machine gun, he put a shield into Dorian's hand...

 Then she took heavy steps and ran for more than 30 meters under the light of the explosion in the distance. She squatted on the outside of the fence on the edge of the village and began to shoot rapidly into the village with three bursts.

 The specially coated ammunition, with green light spots in the field of view of the low-light night vision device, drew a slight arc towards the place where gunfire was coming out of the village...

Just when Qiao Jia and the others wanted to retreat, the pilot's call rang on the radio...

“This is the Griffin team. All four Griffin-1s are already in place. Two Frogfoots are waiting 10 kilometers away. We have locked the engagement area. Please turn on Identification Friend or Foe..."

Qiaojia slapped his helmet hard, turned on the IR recognition light, and then ran wildly while shouting: "Have you seen us?"

“Confirm the location of our own personnel and ask for instructions whether we can launch an attack?”

Driven by the stray bullets, Qiao Jia leaped over the village fence. The moment he landed, he pressed the communicator and shouted loudly: "Pliers, have you evacuated?"

The pliers on the other end of the radio gasped and shouted loudly: "Leave me alone, I'm on the east side, trying to take a detour to prepare for the rendezvous."

As he spoke, a series of explosions appeared on the other end of the radio, as well as the cheers of pliers...

Qiaojia shouted decisively: "Here are jackals, bombing from the south to the north of the village, bomb them, bomb them..."

 “Griffin team received, the attack will start in 15 seconds...”

Chaojia basically couldn't hear the sound of the Gryphon-1 flying in the sky, because they used precision weapons like Hellfire, so there was no need for low-altitude combat.

But soon a series of flashes lit up in the sky, and then more than a dozen high-pressure hellfires fell in the middle and north of the village...

At the same time as the violent explosion sounded, Qiao Jia stood up and shouted loudly: "We retreat, we retreat, retreat to a safe distance..."

The group of people ran along the way they came in embarrassment. After passing through the bushes to join Nice, they climbed over a hill to the west again and stopped about 900 meters away from the village.

Qiaojia watched the three Reeds being thrown to the ground and began to kneel down and vomit. He frowned and drew his gun and shot a handsome middle-aged man in a suit in the shoulders and knees...

Amidst the screams of this guy, Qiao Jia said to the medical bird: "Don't let him die, and don't let him feel too comfortable..."

Just when the medical officer Niao walked up to the handsome middle-aged man with a ferocious smile, a huge whistling sound sounded in the southern sky...

Two Su-25s cut in at low altitude. The 20-round 80mm rocket nests on both sides of the wings began to pour fire towards the village and the Dinka team chasing the pliers on the east side...

The rocket bombing that left no room at all caused a strike effect more terrifying than hellfire. The violent explosions and huge flames covered the not-so-large village!

 But this is not over yet…

When the two Su-25s were a few kilometers away from the village, they quickly completed the turn. Then the Griffin cruise missile mounted under the wing detached from the pylon. Two rounds pounced on the village, and two pounced on Ding. The camp north of the Karen…





 (End of this chapter)

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