From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1205: New situation, new changes

Chapter 1205 New Situation, New Changes

 As soon as he came back, he decided on an important matter, which suddenly made Boss Qiao feel a little more motivated.

 It turns out that people will never be stingy about the things they like. On the contrary, when it comes to work,...

Nice is the kind of person who you kill and set fire. I also support your character, which has even encouraged the boss of Boss Qiao.

Igor was kidnapped by his father after he finished his drive. The two of them sat in the yard, one holding a milk bottle and the other holding a beer, ticking off a list of Olympic sports for a while, and finally finalized the competition projects.

The little guy doesn’t know what his father wants to do. He actually wants to play with his brothers and sisters. Unfortunately, even Briela, who loves playing the most, is not willing to take him.

However, Igor is the kind of optimist. When his father came over to ask him about the project, the little guy fully expressed his opinions like "Yiyi oh oh"...

Although he didn't understand why his father made a check and a cross on the paper, the little guy showed all his worldliness in order not to be disturbed by his father.

  Since we don’t understand the language, we are just fooling around...

 In fact, Qiaojia didn’t know how he should get along with his son because he spent too little time with Igor.

This kind of retaliatory companionship actually received very good feedback, which made Qiao Jia very happy, so he became more motivated to work.

No one in the family wants to disturb Boss Qiao and Igor's time together, but Danbao is not restrained.

The nearly two-meter-tall elephant stood under the corridor in the backyard, resting its trunk on the railing, harassing the father and son from time to time. Even after Boss Qiao pinched his trunk and beat him twice, he was not angry and turned to his target. Turning to the soft Igor...

 Qiaojia watched Igor and Danbao, from fighting for the bottle to spitting at each other...

When Igor spit out a mouthful of milk on Danbao's nose, Danbao, in order to retaliate, rushed to the pool and took a sip of water, then rushed over and sprayed Igor into a drowned rat wearing a diaper...

Boss Qiao, who had been affected by the disaster, looked at Danbao who was extremely proud of himself. He rushed into his equipment room with his son in his arms, washed the child briefly, and put him into a baby version of the Rambo suit...

Camouflage diapers, a handsome tactical vest, and a red headband on your head...

I added a spherical shell to the little one's stroller to create a Jurassic World version of the hamster ball stroller that can only go straight and backward, and then installed an electric water gun on each side of the left rear axis of the stroller. , coupled with the newly acquired sentry system.

When Boss Joe pushed the new version of the stroller around the world to look for the big crocodile coachman, Nice, who was always calm, was shocked.

This girl can't figure out how her husband, who has so many things to do, has time to do such a stupid thing.

In the end, because Boss Qiao did not dare to hitch the bicycle by himself and was too embarrassed to disturb the old Kaman who was napping, he actually dragged the baby stroller in the yard to chase Dan Bao.

The crackling water bombs frightened Dan Bao. The big guy insisted on fighting back at first. However, due to the dense water bombs, the line of sight was unclear and the pool defense line was lost. Then he made a wrong step and a wrong step...

The young master's temperamental Danbao was chased by Igor several times, and his aggrieved head pushed the happily laughing Boss Qiao into the pool.

Then he dejectedly returned to the garage that had been transformed into the elephant room. He rolled up a big towel and ran into the hall. Amidst the screams of several princesses, he kidnapped Princess Beatrice and made a living for himself. I found a body wash.

Joga crawled out of the pool, and after stopping the sentry system on Igor's car, he took the baby God of War out and let him sit on the grass.

Seeing that the British Princess Beatrice's body was all messed up by Danbao, she still smiled happily and helped him wipe her body. Qiao Jia put his arms around his son's shoulders and said: "Keep an eye on it, this is the secret to picking up girls.

 As long as you are both bad and cute, girls are actually easy to deal with. "

While Qiao Jia was talking, Briela rushed out of the house. When passing by Boss Qiao, she did not forget to show him a sweet smile...

Then the girl didn't even say a word, and ran away pushing the magic stroller, shouting as she ran: "Kino, Jacques, I grabbed it, please let me play with you, I am a bad girl, let's go make trouble together..." "

Before standing on the backdoor corridor, Keno and Jacques had not had time to explain, and saw that Boss Qiao smiled and made a throat to cut his throat, and then the water gun on the stroller opened again. This time the goal was the two of them ...

The simple face recognition system allowed the sentry water cannon to identify the target. When Briela found that chasing these two brothers seemed more interesting, her thoughts of asking for help faded away...

You don’t want to play with me, so I’ll join you myself. How fun it is...

 There was a bit of a buzz in the yard for a while...

Looking at Igor, every time Briela passed by with a cart, he would try to stand up and whine, trying to grab the corner of this young lady's clothes.

 Qiao Jia glanced at the whimpering little princess Briela with disgust. He hugged his son and said: "Son, listen to me. When you find a wife, you want to find a wife like your mother..."

As he spoke, Qiao Jia suddenly felt something scratched his butt. When he was about to turn around, he saw Igor puffing his mouth angrily, yelling and throwing himself on the back of an ugly sloth. .

The little guy didn't seem to like this thing very much. He grabbed the sloth's neck and opened his mouth to chew on it.

The sloth didn't feel anything. The thing slowly turned its head and glanced at Igor. Using slow motion-like movements, it slowly turned over and flipped Igor over. Then it raised its inch-long paw and firmly pulled Igor over. After Igor pushed away, he climbed past Boss Qiao's steps with defiance...

Boss Qiao was stunned by this arrogant sloth. Seeing his son whining and refusing to admit defeat, with the idea of ​​​​helping his son vent his anger, he grabbed the sloth's hind legs and swung his arms around like a windmill. After a few laps, he threw the sloth into the pool with a grin.

After finishing the job, looking at Igor trying to jump into the pool to chase the sloth, Qiao Jia picked up his son and said: "It depends on the owner when beating a dog. To save your mother's face, let's let him live for the time being... "

Igor was in Qiao Jia's arms, spat at the sloth with his teeth bared, and then looked at his inactive father fiercely, and started to accuse him...

Joja was amused by Igor's appearance. This kid can deal with elephants, lions, and crocodiles, but he just doesn't get along with sloths. Not to mention how cute he is at a young age.

So Qiaojia walked to Nice with the reluctant Igor in his arms and said with a smile: "Your son is complaining..."

Nice looked at the sloth on the other side who drank some water and was now lying on the edge of the pool with an exhausted look on her face. She said nonchalantly: "He must know that the world is not always what he wants!"

Jorgia looked at Nice's expression. He held Igor up to his chest and said, "Look at this. This is your son. Look at how cute he is..."

Nis reached out and wiped Igor's excited nose, then left the stain on his diaper and said: "I know..."

 “What do you mean you know?”

Nissie spread his hands and said: "I know he is very funny, so you can take him to bed with you at night.

 While we were away, Kaman would sleep with one eye open at night.

Faced with a little **** who doesn’t like to sleep, you will soon forget the word ‘cute’. "

Qiao Jia was a little unconvinced. He frowned and said, "I took him to sleep. Although he fell under the bed, I think it's okay..."

Nice looked at Boss Qiao who looked serious. She hesitated and nodded and said, "Just say so!"

Nice took the initiative to change the topic and said: "The Marine Corps squadron trained by China is going back, and we currently don't have enough manpower to patrol the Congo border in Central Africa.

 Especially in the boat squadron, the training of new recruits has not kept up...

Small armed speedboats in Hope Town can now be launched faster than soldiers can train. "Chao Jia was stunned for a moment and said, "I'm back. Are there no new people to continue the rotation training? "

 After hearing this, Nice shook his head and said: "Nearly 1,000 people have been replaced in three rounds, which is enough for any country.

 26 of them died in actual combat, and hundreds of them withdrew due to injuries and psychological problems. Moreover, the training fees for these people were based on the highest level. Maybe the cost was a bit too high for them.

Most importantly, some people have raised questions internationally about the nature of this training team.

Thompson has investigated and it should be the work of the 'Ndrangheta. They used AFP to expose this team..."


Joja covered Igor’s ears and cursed...

His feud with the 'Ndrangheta has a long history, and the 'Ndrangheta has never given up its intention to reopen the Afika Passage.

Various piecemeal drug trafficking operations have been carried out near the borders of Central Africa, Congo, and Uganda, which are crisscrossed by waterways.

 And that Chinese training squadron is the main force against them!

Those people were good at fighting and obedient, and they came to receive training at their own expense of 200,000 U.S. dollars. Qiao Jia earned a small 200 million U.S. dollars just from the training fees, and in fact he had not done any serious training at all, because they didn’t know how to do it. unnecessary…

 What they need is experience, actual combat, and adapting to a relatively modern overseas combat model with sufficient logistics...

Just find a few old monsters and anteaters to accompany them to familiarize themselves with the jungle waterways, and then leave a guide for each team, and finally tell the base to respond to every call they make.

This group of people even brings their own cooking soldiers, and they are more motivated than P·B in fighting drugs.

 As a result, the 'Ndrangheta reported this team and got rid of it...

Joga understands the concerns of his mother’s family. The presence of such organized soldiers in Afika is not particularly beneficial to their international image.

 Because people will spread rumors about you even if you are fine, and if something really happens to you, you will be picked on.

 Compared to the high political cost, nearly a thousand people have completed the training, which seems to be enough.

However, this is not very beneficial to Boss Qiao. Without hundreds of good hands, there will be a gap in the river patrol team immediately.

 The 'Ndrangheta drug traffickers entered the country from Kenya...

 They used to go directly north, from Libya into Europe.

Now this road is blocked by Boss Qiao. They can only cross the Congo and enter Cameroon, and then pass through Nigeria and head north from Algeria or Morocco to Europe.

Now Boko Haram is making a comeback in Nigeria because they have funding from drug traffickers.

Because Nigeria is now not only the distribution center for Afika drugs in the Golden Crescent, but also the Afika transit point for South American drug lords.

These two gangs fought in Nigeria, and then also in Spain.

They didn’t have many people, but they definitely had enough money, so extremist organizations of all sizes in Afica received funding. The most unlucky Spain, instead of Italy, became a drug-stricken area.

Boss Joe prompted the 'Ndrangheta and the Cartel Group to shake hands and make peace in Brazil, jointly funded the war in Yemen, created a honeymoon period for the two major drug groups, and gave Spain a bit of dire straits.

 Now of course the two groups are starting to fight again, because there are too many HLY and KKY, which has a great impact on the market price.

The 'Ndrangheta is the party that is under greater pressure, so they came up with the damaging trick of reporting!

 In fact, Boss Qiao's anti-drug pressure is not great, because he has already suppressed the opposition and guerrillas who used drug trafficking to fight against the government, and the basic goal has been achieved.

 The rest is long-term work!

The huge profit attribute of this thing determines that as long as the market exists, it will never disappear.

 But if there are hundreds of good people missing all of a sudden, this long-term job will not be easy to do!

Thinking about how he went to war everywhere, Qiao Jia knew that he was the important person responsible for the current shortage of manpower...

Seeing that Nice didn't seem to be particularly concerned, Qiao Jia sighed and said, "Didn't that 'rooster' talk about the issue of later training?"

Niss thought for a while and said: "He seems to have said that if possible, he hopes that we will send people to China for exchanges.

The Army is definitely out of luck, but they will continue to send a group of pilots over. It is said that they are from a squadron called "Nan Batian".

The training fee for this group of people is very high. He named him to go to Iraq because it is the only place where there are opportunities for actual combat. "

When Qiao Jia heard this, he said in surprise: "Nan Batian? No way? Do these people still need training? What are they doing in Iraq?"

After hearing this, Ness frowned and said, "You don't know?"

Joja frowned and said, "What should I know?"

Nice shook his head and said with a smile: "The Americans mediated between Turkey and Syria, and also did some work at the United Nations.

  Tuji will use a compensation in exchange for 4 pilots to go home..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia said angrily: "Fart, why didn't anyone notify me of this kind of thing?

Have those people asked me for my opinion? "

Nice nodded and said: "Everyone knows that you will not agree, especially under such coercion.

 So Cobra proposed not to compensate, but to let the Turkish air force conduct actual combat exercises with them, 6 vs. 6, and let them take away a prisoner every time they win...

 Cobra left four F-16s and two Su-27s at the Qayara base. It is said that they lost the first game...

The mixed team of Sevia pilots and pilots trained by P·B himself lost to the local chicken pilots.

Then Rooster applied for pilot training, which cost 5 million US dollars per person, and they paid for the fighter jet attendance themselves. "

  Qiao Jia came back to his senses at this time...

“FUCK, that’s Nan Batian, the price is so cheap…”

 (End of this chapter)

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