From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1171: funny war

Chapter 1171 Funny War

While the operation to rescue Chris was in progress, an aerial melee broke out at the junction of Turkey, Iran, and Iraq.

While the fleet led by Cobra cooperated with ground forces to encircle and suppress terrorists, they encountered a Turkish air force in the Syrian border area.

Then the four F-16s of Tuji followed the border line and played hide-and-seek with the fighter team in the safety zone. Both sides used fire control radars at the beginning, and gradually progressed to using aerial cannons to threaten...

  Immediately afterwards, P·B's fighter team took the initiative to show weakness and began to fly in the direction of Iraq, preparing to withdraw from the battle.

But the native chickens are mad dogs, and their air force has a deep hatred for P.B. How could they let go of this opportunity?

So while chasing and escaping, they entered the border area of ​​Iraq, Iran, and Turkey, and then conflicts broke out...

Iran’s weak air force can only hang around on the periphery, and does not dare to intervene in the battle between the native chickens and the air force in the safe zone.

In the end, when two Turkish F-16 fighter jets tracked the two F-16s into the Iraqi airspace along a mountain range, they were shot down by two Su-27s that suddenly emerged from the valley, and then the confrontation between the two sides entered. White heat.

  More fighter jets in Tuji began to take off!

When a violent explosion occurred in Iran that could be seen hundreds of kilometers away, Iran received a strange "apology letter"...

P·B expresses its sincere apologies for the pilot’s accidental bombing of a manor next to Lake Urumiye in Iran due to operational errors.

They also stated that as long as Iran can provide a list of people in the manor, they will provide corresponding compensation.

Just when the Iranian pilots pessimistically thought that they were about to be involved in a terrible air battle, Iran actually asked them to retreat.

Then the Iranian Ministry of Defense directly shouted to the turkeys, asking their fighter jets to leave the border area, and warned that they would be shot down once they crossed the border.

 The Iraqi side was more direct. Their prime minister jumped out and yelled at the local chickens, warning them that as long as they broke through the border, they would be hit.

In any case, with the money that Boss Qiao spent on the anti-aircraft missiles, as long as they were sure that they could shoot down the Turkish fighter jets in Iraq, they would dare to open fire directly.

 The Kurdish Democratic Forces in Syria are more straightforward. They do not have anti-aircraft missiles, but they have anti-aircraft guns.

This group of guys who have a deep hatred for the local chickens did not even say hello, but fired warning shots in the air. At the same time, the ground team began to enter the mountains to encircle and suppress the remnants of Isis.

They don’t want to hit anything, they just want to express their attitude clearly.

The Syrian government forces gave up on Russia, which had an ambiguous relationship with Turkey, and directly dispatched ground troops to encircle and kill the terrorists who were chased by the security zone troops, all the way into the opposition areas supported by Turkey.

 It’s a complete mess…

 There was a large-scale exchange of fire in the Syrian border area.

 Isis and the opposition suffered heavy losses, and the Syrian government forces regained large areas of territory…

 What was more funny during the battle was that no one warned P·B’s fighter squadron. After the Cobra and Archerfish shot down four F-16s, they began to lead the fleet to confront the Turkish fighter group along the borders of several countries.

The character of a native chicken is not to care about what Iraq or Iran says, but their anti-aircraft missiles are actually there...

 For the native chickens, the only way to regain ground is in the direction of Syria.

But when the confronting fleet turned towards Syria, trying to break into the threatening safety zone to lure P.B.'s fleet to come back for reinforcements, two Griffin-1s took off in a low-key manner, with 'bait aircraft' mounted under the wings being launched. …

When Turkey's border radar detected the radar signals of 40 Su-25s about to cross the Turkish-Syrian border, they were completely panicked.

 So the F-16 fighter jets gave up their mission of confronting P·B and began to intercept the Su-25 along the border.

Tuji's border radars were all turned on, and then explosions continued to occur in the sky inside the territory like fireworks.

What alarmed the Turkish side was not only the sudden fighting at the border, but also P·B’s apology letter and the explosive images that were exposed along with the apology letter.

 The loss of 70 or 80 anti-aircraft missiles, as well as the transfer costs after the radar was exposed, were so high that it broke the hearts of local chickens.

 The most serious thing is that P·B has proven its ability to strike outside the defense zone!

Once the Tuji threatens the safety zone, P·B does not need to enter Tuji territory to retaliate. They can greet important facilities and personnel in Tuji territory from hundreds of kilometers away.

 This is terrible!

When P·B proves that it can burn the flames of war into the interior of a native chicken, even an unscrupulous mad dog will have to think twice before acting.

The regional air defense and anti-missile capabilities of the local chickens are simply not on the table. They cannot afford the losses of a war with P·B. The safe zone is not even nominally an industry of P·B, but an industry of the United Nations!

 Once a war breaks out, with the local chicken’s criminal record, it doesn’t take much to know whose side international public opinion will be on!

 Because the local chickens have demands and are illegal to fight, they want more land and more resources.

 And P·B fights just to protect the safety of the people in the safe zone!

  P·B wants too little, which determines that he will naturally stand on a moral high ground!

Since the conflict with P·B, Turkey has lost 12 F-16s, which has exceeded the limit that Turkey’s military can endure.

 When they find that their usual methods of action cannot get what they want, they will involuntarily begin to turn and try to use the power of the international community to restrain the increasingly terrifying P·B.

 It is a pity that Iran, as the victim, has no intention of standing up this time. Instead, it is trying its best to downplay the impact of the explosion.

 In fact, if Boss Qiao hadn’t revealed the incident himself, the Iranian side might not have revealed the matter at all.



Ten Apaches began to take off in batches and circled over Baghdad.

The people of the ‘ghouls’ are in ruins. They are like drops of water spilled into a pan of oil. They are unable to move even an inch. It is impossible to describe their situation at this time.

Every place with lights in Baghdad was lit up. If a passerby saw them, they would make a phone call and an Apache would fly over to cover them...

And as time went by, the Ghoul people collapsed and discovered that those Apaches would not take the initiative to attack. Their role was actually to cover the local military and police in Baghdad, even those who dared to attack them.

 ‘Black Ghost’ is also a veteran, but he feels that the situation he faces is worse than that of the Somali Rangers...

They dare not go to places with few people because no one knows whether the Apache in the sky will always behave so gentle...

 But in places where there are many people, the situation is not much better for them.

The locals in Baghdad seem to be under unified command. They don't take the initiative to attack the ghouls. When they see them, they just take a photo and post it online, and they can receive a QR code and the next day. You can go to P·B’s base to receive a big gift package.

The Baghdad military police seemed to have been warned and did not want to confront the ghouls head-on. They set up roadblocks at important intersections, forcing the ghouls to run a seemingly endless long run inside Baghdad...

Black Ghost led twenty guys into a complex slum area. As soon as he entered, he saw a dizzying flash of light, and soon the roar of Apache sounded in the sky not far away...

I watched a child sitting on the roadside holding up his mobile phone to take a picture of himself, and then let out a burst of cheers...

A strong man holding a machine gun angrily and helplessly rushed over and snatched the mobile phone from the child's hand. After looking through it, he threw a bunch of them away in embarrassment under the angry curses and threats of gunpoint from the people around him. He gave the money to the child, and then shouted to the black ghost: "Boss, that jackal is playing tricks on us, he will tire us to death in Baghdad."

 We need to think of a way..."

After hearing this, Black Ghost looked at the eyes of the people around him and suddenly felt that the weapons in his hands had become a burden...

Those Apaches running around are like insurance. As long as they dare to shoot, they will definitely be hit with reckless consequences.

Black Ghost led the team to work in Afghanistan for more than ten years, and gained a great reputation in Golden Crescent. However, when they came to Baghdad, this elite team turned into a little mouse, and it was an auspicious mouse with a big gift bag.

Seeing an older child bravely holding up his mobile phone and asking if he could take a photo, Black Ghost sighed, quickly took off his backpack and unnecessary weight, packed it and stuffed it into a child, and said: "These It's worth $300,000, tell me the shortest way out of here."

The Iraqi child rummaged in his bag with some distrust, then held up his cell phone and took a selfie with Black Ghost. Then he pointed directly to a path to the west and said: "Go over there, and turn left after exiting this community. Enter another neighborhood and cross it to reach the edge of Baghdad..."

Black Ghost watched the people in the slums lined up on both sides of the road indicated by the child, holding up their mobile phones and waiting for them...

 Feeling the greatest insult in his life, Black Ghost had a blood arrow shot out of his nose. Just when he was considering whether to turn around and fight for P.B., the satellite phone in his pocket rang...

Black Ghost looked at the number above, he picked it up as if grasping a life-saving straw, and shouted loudly: "Matthew Robert, where are you?

 We are trapped! "

Matthew said anxiously on the phone: "Run towards the embassy. I have prepared a diplomatic vehicle there. People from Iraq and PB dare not attack our diplomatic vehicle.

 Hurry, hurry, hurry, before they block Baghdad Airport, I will take you out of here..."

When Black Ghost heard this, he shouted to his assistant: "Don't be stunned, throw away the weight on your body, let's go..."

As he spoke, Black Ghost looked at the locals lined up on the road ahead holding mobile phones. He covered his painted face with a mask, and then shouted in pain: "Quick, quick, let's go..."

 (End of this chapter)

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