From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1163: emergency

  Chapter 1163 Emergency Situation

  When Qiaojia and a large group of armed men appeared on the street, there was a small commotion nearby.

  6 golden eagle soldiers led by a policeman went to the back door of the hotel, and the remaining 14 people controlled the lobby amidst the exclamation of the hotel staff and guests.

  The head of the police rushed over to negotiate with the manager of the hotel, and after pointing in the direction of Boss Joe and saying something, the hotel became quiet.

  However, the hotel guests were still a little flustered in the face of this situation.

A middle-aged white man sitting in the cafe on the side of the lobby tapped his ear lightly the moment he saw Boss Joe, and said in a faint voice: "Here is the hunting dog. We have found the ultimate goal. Do you want to try to attack?" ?”

   "Don't move the hunting dog, it's too dangerous for you to act alone, collect on-site intelligence, and if possible, hold them back from going upstairs.

   The ghouls are hunting for those two old men, we'll evacuate as soon as they get it...

  Don’t move around, the jackal is surrounded by good players..."

  The middle-aged white man reached out and touched his temples. After cutting off the communication, he put down his coffee cup in panic with an ordinary face, walked out of the cafe and entered the hotel lobby...

"What's going on here?"

Ignoring the gaze of a golden eagle soldier, the middle-aged white man grabbed a waiter and asked a question, and then rushed to a woman who seemed to be frightened, clutching her chest as if she couldn't breathe, and said to the waiter. The man beside her said: "Get out of the way, I'm a doctor, give her a little space...

   Does she have asthma and where is her medicine? "

   Said the middle-aged white man helped the woman to sit on a sofa, and when his right hand was passing by the woman's armpit, he curled his index finger and pushed it against the woman's armpit with a bone knot...

  The woman who was panting violently seemed to have been shocked by an electric shock. She opened her mouth and tried to shout, but she couldn't make a sound. The panic made her hold her breath in her chest and couldn't breathe out...

The middle-aged man seemed very anxious. He lifted off the decorations on the coffee table, made a huge noise, then hugged the woman and put her on the coffee table. She stuffed it in, pretended to check it, and then yelled: "Call an ambulance, her trachea is blocked..."

   As he spoke, the middle-aged man went around behind the woman, and lifted his hands up through the armpits vigorously, but after a few times, he still couldn't get the point...

   Seeing the woman's face turn purple, the medical officer bird took the initiative to go over to check it, and then yelled at Qiaojia: "Boss, I want to perform an emergency tracheotomy on her, you..."

  The middle-aged white man yelled loudly before the medical official bird finished speaking: "Two people help her..."

   Said the middle-aged white man stood up after the woman's partner took over, and said, "There is a pharmacy opposite the hotel, I'll go get some medicine..."

  A woman's unexpected situation caused the hotel lobby to become a mess again. The extremely active middle-aged white man ignored the gaze of the golden eagle soldiers, rushed out of the hotel and ran across the road, entering a pharmacy.

   And less than a minute after the middle-aged man left, the medical officer bird just cut open the woman's trachea and completed the intubation, allowing the woman to exhale from her neck in one breath.

  Medical Officer Bird was just about to put on an assisted respirator to help the woman breathe, but the woman's body began to twist, and then her neck began to redden and swell visible to the naked eye...


  Medical Officer Bird asked in the female partner's questioning: "Is she allergic to something?"

  The man's English is relatively average, he waved his hands and said: "NO, no, NO..."

   "Contact an ambulance..."

   Just when the doctor bird seemed to be at a loss, Qiaojia walked over to take a look, then frowned, took out a potion and stuck it on the woman...

   After looking at the woman for a few seconds, a whistle sounded like a sigh of relief from his neck, and Choga seemed to confirm something...

   "Ronnie, where was that man just now?"

   As Ronnie rushed out to try to cross the street to the pharmacy across the street, there was a sudden burst of gunfire from upstairs, followed by chaotic screaming.

   Within a few minutes, the golden eagle soldiers guarding the back door called loudly on the radio...

   "The two jumped from the second floor onto a truck with two old men, whether to attack, whether to attack..."

   Just when Choja was about to order an attack, Garci suddenly said: "Don't shoot, let them go..."

   At such a chaotic moment, Choja could only trust Garci's judgment, because the one who was kidnapped should be his companion.

Seeing the calm look on the old guy's face, Choga glanced at Ronnie who walked in from the hotel gate and spread his hands to indicate that he was gone. He patted Dorian's arm and said: "The golden eagle controls the situation, the doctor The official bird stays, and the others follow me up to have a look...

  Elephant, contact the base control room, don't let those people escape..."

   After speaking, Joe quickly rushed into the safety stairs, quickly climbed to the 4th floor, and then saw a few Iraqi patrolmen lying on the ground in the corridor.

  Hearing the exclamation of the head of the police car following up, Qiao Jia stretched out his hand and pressed the necks of several patrol officers, and said, "I'm not dead, I'm all dizzy..."

   Sergey, who followed, walked to the side of the fallen patrolman, squatted down and took a closer look, then pointed to an old-fashioned revolver in a patrolman's hand, and said, "He should have fired just now...

   He spots the enemy, and someone sneaks up on them from behind. "     Said Sergey looked down at the steps, walked up to the corner platform, squeezed his body into the corner, and then rushed to the edge of the corner with a sprinting motion, made a jumping motion, and then pulled out his pistol to hold the gun The tube swung a few times like a hammer...

   "These guys are very lucky, the other party is very anxious, so there is no time to silence, but the concussion should not escape."

After hearing this, Qiaojia patted the police chief's arm, then stuffed a roll of banknotes into his pocket, comforted him, and said, "Is the room where Chris was kidnapped on the fourth floor? "

  Seeing the police nodding, Choga pushed open the door of the safe passage and went out, and soon found the room where Chris was kidnapped...

  The door of a presidential suite was sealed. There should have been no one inside, but when Dorian tore the seal and broke in, he found that there were two male corpses in the living room.

   Their throats were cut open, and a lot of blood flowed on the carpet on the ground. At the same time, someone deliberately sprayed something like paint with a smell on the wall, which polluted many traces of the kidnapping.

  Joga doesn't quite understand what these people are trying to do?

   He frowned at Garcie and said, "These two were wearing hotel smocks and looked like they should be silenced.

   But what's the point of sabotaging a scene?

  Is there anything special about the traces of the scene?

  Why would those people do this? "

  Garci shook his head slightly, and said: "They should be the insiders of the hotel who cooperated with the kidnappers...

  They were able to call open the door to Chris's room, giving people the opportunity to quickly kill two of Chris's bodyguards, and then kidnap Chris. "

   As Garci looked at the slightly smelly paint on the wall, he shook his head and said, "This is a mixture of animal urine and a special kind of pastel, and its original function should be for marking.

   If you are stuck with this smell, you will be chased by special hounds. "

   Qiaojia said a little confused: "What's the point of them destroying the bloodstains on the wall with this kind of thing?

   Some of the kidnappers were also injured, so they are afraid that someone will find him through blood DNA? "

  Garci glanced at Choga strangely, shook his head and said, "No, they are trying to divert our attention, distract us, and make us waste time on unnecessary things."

"how do you know?"

  As soon as Qiaojia finished speaking, he saw Garci walking to the balcony of the living room, and took out a small video camera from a flowerpot with flowers...

   At this time, Qiaojia finally signaled that these old monsters who came from the cold war are very powerful...

  When the two kidnapped old men found out that something was wrong, they immediately left clues for Garci, and Choga was now very sure that there must be something on the two old men that could be tracked.

   This attack was not aimed at Boss Joe, but at these old men.

  Choga walked up to Garci's side, looked curiously at the miniature camera in his hand, and said, "Did you deliberately lure the other party to show up after discovering the problem, or were you forced to deal with it?"

  Garci timed the camera to the time of the attack, then looked at the replay and said, "What's the difference?

  We are trained to make everything we do look premeditated.

  Because one of the most important lessons we have learned in our careers is to be vigilant and best prepared at all times.

  We are too old now, otherwise Juan and Ramos would not be kidnapped..."

  Sergey next to him sneered, and said: "Boss, don't listen to him, these **** are not good at fighting, but their ability to make excuses is first-class.

  If you look at their resumes, you will find that the most important summary of all the failed tasks they have experienced is that they have nothing to do with them personally. "

  Garci glanced at Sergey, shook his head slightly and said, "You always need to sit on the toilet when you pee, or your feet will get wet...

  In this case, what's the point of you being better than me?

   I have a 45 year old girlfriend, a wonderful son and what do you have?

  A failed career, an empty bank account, and maybe a dismal old age…”

  When Sergey heard this, his nose turned red with anger. He kicked away a dead body's feet vigorously, and kicked the white wall with it after pulling away the TV cabinet...

   With a "crash", a piece of gypsum board fifteen centimeters wide and forty centimeters high fell to the ground...

   "Those people spray that stuff to cover up what they're taking from here, I bet there's a similar place next to the liquor cabinet.

  That Chris has been monitored for a long time, and these people are here to erase the traces! "

  Joga saw on the small monitor of the miniature camera that a person pressed two old men on the sofa and tied them up, then dragged two unconscious hotel staff to the center of the carpet, and cut their necks with a knife.

  Another person, as Sergey said, took something from the wall and carefully repaired the hole with drywall, and then repaired the gap at the edge of the drywall with putty and paint.

   If you don't observe deliberately, you probably won't be able to see it even if you walk in front of you.

  Joga winked at Dorian, and the two walked to the wine cabinet, pushed the wine cabinet away and searched carefully on the wall...

   Sure enough, they found the same patch. Although it was empty after prying it open, Choga couldn't help but gave Sergey a thumbs up and said, "How did you find out?"

  (end of this chapter)

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