Chapter 1153 Oath

  Boss Joe’s contract with the Martyrs’ Battalion is private, because if the attributes of the Martyrs’ Battalion change, the Syrian government forces will inevitably have ideas.

   Even the Kurdish Democratic Forces, which have been playing the national card in the past and trying to build a good relationship with the martyrs' camp, will have new ideas.

  When the **** of the martyr camp changes its position, many things will be different!

  Joga has been trying his best to avoid this kind of situation in the past, in order to leave enough room for mediation.

  But these low-level militiamen can't see this. They just trust P·B and want to entrust their wealth and life to P·B in this troubled world.

Boss Joe is not completely forced to help, just like what Cleverly from England said, as P·B becomes stronger and stronger, the situation that Boss Joe needs to face becomes more and more complicated. The stronger it gets, the less room for maneuver.

  The signing of the Martyrs Battalion is a typical civil will that changed the minds of the upper echelons.

  The benefits are of course immediate. After the signing of the Martyrs Battalion, with the safe zone as the core, Mosul and the military base dominated by jackals can be unified, and there will be no confusion and disconnection of command.

  Furthermore, after the benign changes in people's standpoints and spirits, the development of the safe zone will accelerate, and the economic situation will improve rapidly.

   But the disadvantages will slowly appear in the future. For example, after Teresa and the others take a firm stand, the internal attributes and underlying principles of the safe zone will change unconsciously...

  Slowly, it will deviate from the core principle that anyone in the early safety zone can come here for refuge!

  It won’t be too serious at the beginning, but people are naturally inclined to their own people, and then gradually conflicts will appear.

   This requires Boss Joe to spend more time and energy. He also needs to arrange more Sangha town soldiers to come here to dilute the Kurdish elements of the martyrs camp, so as to offset part of the disadvantages.

   It seems that only a few hundred more soldiers were signed, but in fact, a huge investment is needed in the follow-up!

  Originally, the safety zone was a financial profit point for P·B, but now it has become a strategic point that cannot be given up and requires continuous input of resources.

   It is equivalent to Boss Joe giving up his flexible political bargaining chip and re-opening a piece of private land outside Afica that is easy to be manipulated.

  The people in the martyrs camp don't understand the difficulties of boss Joe, just like the workers don't understand the boss's thinking.

   Almost no one read the terms of the contract carefully. They all turned to the last page and signed their names. Some of them were more excited and even cut their arms, dipped their fingers in blood and pressed their fingerprints.

Boss Qiao looked at a group of soldiers from the martyrs battalion who were extremely excited. After they had signed all contracts and handed over the contract to Princess Emina, he slapped the microphone and said, "Let's get to know each other again. I'm a jackal. Welcome to join the P·B family!"


  The loud applause started as soon as Boss Qiao finished speaking...

  Joga tried several times without stopping them, until the applause subsided after a minute, he said with a smile: "P·B is a big family, we will take care of each other.

  However, I still have to explain to you one thing in advance. The starting salary stipulated in the contract is level 5, but you have not actually passed the assessment.

  This is the preferential terms that Princess Emina has won for you, but in the future, you need to divide into two groups and go to the training camp in Rio, Brazil.

  There are complete training grounds, excellent instructors and medical teams, and excellent soldiers from all over the world for your reference.

  You need to prove that you are worthy of the salary of level 5, and at the same time, you also need to be familiar with more modern weapon manipulation..."

  Speaking, Qiaojia looked at a group of soldiers from the martyr battalion who were somewhat puzzled, and he said with a smile: "If you pay attention to the war in Yemen, then you will know that the synthetic battalion is the mainstream of the future land warfare.

   Higher flexibility, stronger maneuverability, stronger firepower, higher level of artificial intelligence...

   Of course, in contrast, the requirements for soldiers are even higher!

  The Martyrs Battalion has made great contributions to the establishment of the safe zone, so I hope you can have more powerful weapons and more complete logistical support...

  Of course, the most important thing is to make you feel more at ease...

  I sincerely hope that your future life is full of hope! "

  The Kurdish soldiers in the audience didn't realize at all that Boss Joe wanted to transfer them away in batches, and let the soldiers from Sangha Town come here for rotation.

  In the future, Boss Joe will even inject new blood among them, and try to reduce the overly strong Kurdish national attributes of the martyrs camp as much as possible.

  Actually, the lonely and helpless soldiers of the Martyrs Battalion during this period would not care even if they knew about it, but Choja is a person who makes decisions before acting, and he does not want to wait until conflicts arise to resolve them.

  This is the difference between moistening things silently and acting vigorously in internal management!

   Make it clear in advance, and then use the method of moistening things silently to slowly eliminate internal hidden dangers. In the end, even if there is a problem, it will not cause too much harm.

   But let’s not talk about it now, blindly maximize the immediate benefits, and then develop a large internal interest group, and if there is a problem, it will need to be ruthless.

   Acting vigorously and resolutely is sometimes not a good thing. It seems to be decisive, but if this kind of thinking wants to solve internal conflicts, it first needs to cut itself.

Watching a group of soldiers from the martyr battalion applaud vigorously, Qiaojia nodded with a smile, then took out a stack of lion armbands from a bag, and said: "This is the official armband of P.B soldiers. Starting today, You are a member of P·B!

  We voluntarily take responsibility to fight against evil, and we promise ourselves to insist on doing the right thing!

   Don't let this armband live up to it, because it represents loyalty, honor, sacrifice and above all hope..."

   As he said that, Qiaojia signaled to Team B, Dagger, Jazz, Ferryman, and Bat Team 1 and 2 to come up to receive armbands, and then, as an old man, went to put lion armbands on the newcomers of the martyr camp...

  Because there were a lot of people in the Special Forces, the armbands were distributed quickly, but the scene was unexpectedly solemn.

  The lion armband seems to have magical powers. People who wear it will naturally hold their heads high and their eyes will be firm...

  Adler, who had lived as a refugee in exile, turned his head to look at the lion armband on his arm. With tears of excitement in his eyes, he couldn't help but said slowly in a tone with local Syrian characteristics...

   "We voluntarily take responsibility to fight against evil, and we promise ourselves to insist on doing the right thing!

  We are the sharp sword that breaks the darkness!

  We are the shield against backstabs!

  We are the guardians of a better life!

  If only death could open the way to the Promised Land, we would hold on till the end...

   Until death! "

   Adler's self-talking confession quickly resonated among the people around him...

   "We voluntarily take responsibility to fight against evil, and we promise ourselves to insist on doing the right thing!



  Seeing a group of soldiers in the martyr battalion gradually become firmer as they repeated their vows...

   Qiaojia nodded in a slightly complicated mood, straightened his collar, walked to the edge of the podium, and saluted them solemnly...

   "I am P·B's Jackal, and I am honored to fight side by side with you!"

  Dorian stomped his feet vigorously and shouted: "Strike hard..."


  Grace looked at the auditorium where the atmosphere suddenly became chilling. While coaxing little George who was crying out of fright, she looked at Boss Joe on the stage...

  She has never seen such a morale team, let alone Boss Joe in this state...

  The charisma rushing towards her face was like an invisible big hand pinching her heart, making her breathe quickly, and at the same time a rush of blood rushed to her head...

   At this time, Grace really understood what it was like to admire someone!

  Different from those entertainment superstars who shine brightly on the stage, people like Boss Qiao have the kind of magical power that makes people willing to die for it.

  The young and handsome Che Guevara was such a person. Although he personally lost in the end, his influence has benefited generations.

  Vested interests always try to erase Guevara from people's memory, but whenever there is injustice in society and people's lives start to feel unsatisfactory, he will be mentioned.

  Some people are born with greatness, even if they die for a hundred years, they will still live in people's hearts.

  And some great people are born in a small place, starting from a raging fire. He can light himself up and illuminate the way forward for some people.

  Boss Joe is the second type of person, because out of the chaotic environment, he has little room to play.

  However, there is no so-called savior in this world, and no one can be recognized and loved by everyone. Being able to illuminate some people is great enough!

Grace, who was in a complicated mood, looked down at the crying little George, and then at Igor who wanted to stand up from the stroller. She lowered her head and kissed the child's forehead, and said, "That guy is your father, you Be brave..."

  Princess Emina hugged Teresa hard, and then kept whispering her guilt in her ear.

   Theresa was very open-minded, she patted Princess Emina on the back comfortingly, and said: "We are a martyr camp, and death is commonplace for me.

  Princess, death is not scary at all, the scary thing is that you can't see the way to the future.

  In fact, we should thank you, bodyguards should die for their employers, but you make them die more valuable..."

  Princess Emina shook her head and said, "No one deserves to die!

   Theresa, forget about the identity of the Martyrs Battalion, you are now soldiers of P·B!

  You should have more ambitious goals!

  You are not even afraid of death, so you should live to contribute to the right things!

  We may not be the final victors, but we have the opportunity to test out a way. No matter what happens in the future, as long as people continue to try to follow our way, it means that our life is worth living. "

   When the hemostat passed by, he nodded seriously and said, "That's right, whether we win or lose, our lives are worthwhile."

   Talking about the hemostat, she cast her eyes not far away, and said with a sneer, "But the **** must be the loser..."

  (end of this chapter)

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