From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1148: It's complicated, but it's also very simple

  Chapter 1148 is complex and simple

  De Valli is absolutely convinced of Boss Joe. The Shah's drone army plan has deeply bound the two together.

   This guy even sent his favorite pair of children to Sangha Town when he was in danger.

  The trust and friendship generated after the binding of interests is absolutely reliable before conflicts of interests arise.

  De Valli did not hide from Boss Joe, he shrugged his shoulders and said: "I have talked with the people of AVIC several times, and it will take nearly a year for the transfer of the rainbow drone production line and the supporting missile production line.

  My family has frequent contacts with Huaguo Finance..."

   Qiaojia heard this, waved his hands and said, "Dude, get to the point!

   It's a feast!

  I came here in a hurry, and I didn't negotiate terms with your crown prince in advance, but this does not prevent me from helping you get more benefits in some ways. "

   Upon hearing this, Devali said in surprise, "Are you going to help me at this time?"

  Joga said as a matter of course: "Of course, we are friends. If there is a chance, I certainly hope that my friend can achieve more.

   But in return, when I kill someone, you will help me stabilize your crown prince..."

   Upon hearing this, Devali said nervously, "Jackal, who do you want to kill?"

   Qiaojia looked back at the corpse of the female soldier on the back seat, and said, "I promised to send them home...

   But before I send them home, I'm going to chop that Ben Abdullah's head off!

  P·B's people are not bargaining chips at the mercy of others!

  He sent Emina to the gunpoint of the terrorists, and now he loses, then he will face my gunpoint.

   Fair enough, isn't it! "

Devali looked at the luxury hotel that was about to arrive. He held his head in pain and wailed, and said, "Jackal, this can't be the case. Ben Abdullah is involved in the handover within the military. Once he dies, the nationals There is a strong possibility of a rebellion in the Guard..."

   While Devali was speaking, the vehicle stopped at the entrance of the hotel under the guidance of several defense forces...

Qiaojia looked at the three special forces standing at the door to greet him, as well as the cheap uncle Hassan. He pushed the door and got out of the car and looked at the panic-stricken Devali, and said with a smile: "If a leader dies, the rebellious army There is no need to exist!

   If you are worried about possible rebellion, you can give me a list, P·B charges are always very fair!

   You guys sure have a lot of liquidity right now! "

Speaking of which, Choja pointed to the special forces standing in front of the door, and said to Devali: "I have dealt with those National Guardsmen, and compared with my people, your National Guards only hold American weapons. Boy Scouts."

  Dwali pushed the door and got out of the car. After hesitating for a long time, he said with a wry smile: "This will break Salman's plan. Bin Abdullah's death will make many people have doubts about him!"

  Joga indifferently went to bump his fists with the special forces, then stood among them, looked at Devali and said with a smile: "Man, there is no perfect result in this world, your crown prince can choose...

  Choose Ben Abdullah or P·B, this is up to him.

   But I must take Abdullah's head away! "

  De Valli looked at Boss Joe with a determined expression, he rubbed his face in pain, and then said: "FUCK, Jackal, you found me a good job..."

  Choga found that Devali was still a little immature in politics, he shook his head slightly and said: "Man, you have to understand that P.B is the Shah's collaborator, not a knife that you can use at will.

  Knives can be discarded, but cooperating means that both parties are prosperous! "

   When Devali heard this, his eyes suddenly widened...

  He is not a political novice, he just stood in a different position before.

  Choga’s murder was not just about revenge, but more about bringing Crown Prince Salman to the same position and status.

  Ben Abdullah is not dead, then Salman can complete an overwhelming negotiation with these people with a smile.

   Finally, when facing doubts from the outside world, he can shift the responsibility for part of the killing to P·B, and finally when he completes the integration of power and assets, he can even kick P·B out.

   But once Ben Abdullah died, that would be different!

  The death of Abdullah will cause the crown prince to be questioned and even cause turmoil, but he is slapping himself in the face by turning against P·B at this time.

   At this time, the crown prince's dependence on P·B will deepen, and he must take P·B seriously as a collaborator!

  For such a long time in the past, the crown prince did not show the slightest respect to P·B, and now Boss Joe is obviously a little impatient!

  P·B are not mere mercenaries, they came to fight within the Shah this time, and they didn’t even charge a penny...

   The battle to save Emina is okay, but the battle in Mecca didn’t collect money either…

   Originally, De Valli thought that Boss Joe was too tight for time to say it, but now it turns out that this is not the case at all...

   Not collecting money means that the crown prince is not even an employer. Boss Joe can completely ignore his opinion and deal with his own spoils!

  Now there are nearly 80 elite soldiers from Libya around the hotel, as well as three heavily armed Wuchang T1 teams and two top teams from Sangha Town, and Boss Joe himself is a top expert...

  De Valli suddenly discovered that Boss Joe had an absolute advantage here quietly!

  De Valli, whose back suddenly felt a little cold, looked at Boss Joe, and he said with a wry smile: "Jackal, respect our crown prince a little bit, that guy is very proud.

  I also want to take away Huaguo Bank shares worth 2 billion U.S. dollars in Waleed's hands, and bring the relationship between me and Huaguo closer.

  Some financial transactions are troublesome, I need to..."

   Qiaojia waved his hand and said: "Dude, think about your past state, it's okay to be proud, but you can't forget to respect.

  Everything I've done in the past was seeking to be respected, do you think I'm being too much? "

While speaking, Choga waved to Princess Emina, then patted Devali on the arm, and said, "Lead the way, buddy, as long as your crown prince is not a hot-headed middle school boy, he needs to pass you Come and keep in touch with P·B.

  Your appetite is too small, you should ask for something more, such as a huge budget for establishing a drone combat system!

  He will give it to you!

  UAVs are only a part of the system. Beidou cooperates with sufficient ground enhancement systems to push the accuracy of missiles to the centimeter level.

   At that time, you and your crown prince will control the drone army. As long as your intelligence system is not too bad, you can use a scalpel attack at any time and any place to kill anyone who may pose a threat to you.

   Master the drone army, you have the sharpest knife of the Shah, and your crown prince cannot live without your support.

  Dude, sometimes the money doesn’t have to be yours, mastering the flow of money can create huge wealth and influence, and then the power will come to you…”

  De Valli looked at the persuasive Boss Joe, he sighed, and said while leading the way: "Jackal, has anyone ever told you that you especially make cakes for people?"

  Choga signaled the doctor bird and Ronnie to stay below to find the coffin to save the female soldier's body, then whispered a few words in Dorian's ear, and followed Devali's footsteps with Ayu and Rhino...

  Hearing Devali's complaints, Choga said with a smile: "Painting cakes is an essential skill for every leader. The difference is that some people can only paint cakes, while others are making cakes...

   Which do you think I am? "

  De Valli pressed the elevator, looked at Choga and shook his head and said, "I think you are a genius who inspires people's desire for power, and you are also a devil who encourages people to go to hell."

   Qiaojia laughed and said: "People who are soaked in the power field will go to **** in the end, I am just stimulating your potential...

  Everyone is doomed, if there is a hell, I hope my friends and I are the most vicious ones!

  Maybe in hell, we will be stronger! "

  De Valli’s teachings do not allow him to go to hell. Facing Boss Joe’s outrageous remarks, he said helplessly: “My God is more forgiving, I think I still have some hope!”

  Choga stepped aside when the elevator door opened, and at the same time pulled Devali away, signaling Emina to please...

   Then after entering the elevator, he looked at Devali mockingly, and said, "I am not qualified to question your beliefs, but I think your gods are not very good...

  You require your women to cover their faces with black veils, but after going to heaven, you have to have a naked meeting with 72 chicks.

   Is there something wrong with your God, or you? "

  Joga’s out-of-the-box understanding not only froze Devali, but even Princess Emina was stunned...

  If it wasn't for Boss Joe's special status, and both of them knew Boss Joe's character, they should have left at this moment.

  In fact, many times, the religious issue itself is actually a human issue.

  People in every age have different needs, and religion also needs to keep pace with the times in order to keep pace with the times.

  For example, pork is not allowed, which is actually a good law in the ancient Middle East.

  Because pigs are omnivores, and because of geographical reasons, the ancient Middle East did not have extra materials and experience to feed pigs in a planned way, and there were no veterinarians to solve the problem of parasites.

  In the case of cattle and sheep as substitutes, not allowing pork to be eaten is responsible for the health of ordinary people.

  However, the development of productive forces and changes in production relations will bring about earth-shaking changes in everything.

  Religion needs someone to push it if it wants to keep up with these changes!

   The Vatican has done a good job in this regard. Not only do they like little boys, but they also make changes to certain regulations that are not in line with the times in accordance with economic laws, and then pass them on subtly.

  For example, in the Bible, overly tough debt collection behaviors are not advocated, but now in order to cooperate with the neoliberal economy, these contents have been deleted.

  Many people say that debt repayment is justified, but there are Huang Shiren and Yang Bailao in this world.

  Taking away the humanistic care in the lending relationship, combined with the most common stock market and property market bubbles, will cause many people to fall into an abyss from which they cannot extricate themselves when they encounter an economic crisis.

  Most people in the Arab world believe in YSL, but most people don't know that the last caliph of YSL was abolished by the strongman Kemal.

   Since then, the YSL religion has lost its synergy and has become entangled with secular power.

  The most funny thing is that when ISIS was established, their leader Baghdi claimed to be the Caliph, but no one can deny him, because no other country...

  You can’t prove others wrong without you. No one can deny Isis’s caliphate, which also led to the rapid growth of Isis in the early stage.

  The YSL world lacks an institution similar to the Vatican to promote religious changes and try to connect with the world. To some extent, the Arab world cannot form a joint force.

  Now they don’t have any, so they can only rely on the secular regime to promote change, so as to avoid the emergence of extreme conservatives like Al Qaeda, ISIS, and even Tali B.

  If the source of terrorism is traced, the Shah will never escape. This LD is the Shah's prince.

   This terrorist tycoon is the one who really changed the world pattern. He used one attack to unite the ultra-conservatives in the YSL religion and became their spiritual leader.

  The terrorist university established by this tycoon in Afghanistan, terrorists from the Middle East and North Africa went to study one after another, and then returned to their own country with advanced experience, creating one terrorist organization after another.

  This includes Isis, but Baghdi, who claims to be the caliph, feels that Al-Qaeda is not conservative enough and extreme enough, so he has attracted a large number of fans from all over the world, directly causing the dire straits in northeastern Syria and northern Iraq.

  The Libyan war divided the terrorists into two parts, one part went north across the sea and entered Europe, causing a series of tragedies and causing Europe to pay a huge price for security issues.

  One copy was forced to go south, causing violent turmoil in the Sahel Corridor.

  The Arab Spring actually drove the secularization process of some countries, but the cost was very high.

  The extremists born in this context have intensified the tearing of the Arab world and worsened the image of MSL.

  Discussing the necessity of the existence of religion is diode thinking, but the reality is that religion also needs to keep pace with the times and make changes in accordance with the laws of social development.

  Extreme opposition in thinking will only lead to extreme physical confrontation, and in the end there will be no winners at all.

  There is no flexible Vatican in the Middle East, so it is up to individuals and governments to drive change.

  Shah is the birthplace of XN extremists. If Princess Emina can push them to make some changes, then her position among women in the world will not be shaken in the future. She is a great figure who will be written into history.


  The Shah’s internal turmoil, as long as Boss Joe doesn’t allow him to settle down completely, the crown prince will seek international recognition in order to stabilize the Shah’s political situation and his own power.

   Is there anything more in line with European and American political correctness than helping Princess Emina and promoting the Shah’s women to gain freedom?

   It’s enough to shout slogans, at worst, abolish some laws that would not be strictly enforced, and gain international recognition. This is a good thing without cost!

  When I went to the streets to canvass for votes, when I met an MSL girl, I would ask her if she voluntarily wore a hijab, and then there would be two different sets of words to win the support of the MSL female group.

  A group of politicians in the United States are more radical in this regard...

  Everyone’s international big brother is like this, what do you, Shah, a little brother want?

   This is a major trend, but promoting this major trend within the Shah is bound to offend some people.

  In order to put Emina on the altar, so that she can cover himself with brilliance in the future, what he has to do is to help Crown Prince Salman make up his mind...

  The moment the elevator door opened, Qiaojia saw a crown prince wearing a long robe and a red and white checked turban standing at the far end of the front corridor...

Stretching out his hand to pat the slightly nervous Emina on the back, Joga strode out of the elevator, came to the crown prince and interacted intimately with him with disgusting etiquette, then grinned and said: "His Royal Highness, where is that Ben Abdullah?

   I want to see who would conspire with Isis to persecute a great MSL woman!

  I really want to ask him a few words..."

  The Crown Prince was stunned for a moment, then smiled relievedly, and said, "Jackal, they are all in the meeting room now, and your people captured them, of course you have the right to go and see...

  I must admit that P·B is the most efficient military contracting company I have ever seen.

  I think we will have many cooperation opportunities in the future!

  Of course, you have helped me a lot this time, and I have prepared a generous reward for you..."

  The crown prince's words made Devali cover his face in pain...

   It’s really like what Boss Joe said, the crown prince doesn’t understand P·B at all, let alone what Boss Joe wants.

   This guy just sees P·B as a purely military company, and a company that can be driven by money...

  Choga has a unique social attitude towards such people, and De Valli is deeply touched by this.

  Seeing Boss Qiao smilingly following the footsteps of the crown prince to the door of the meeting room, and then pulling out a knife from his body like magic and opening the door of the meeting room...

   At the moment when the crown prince exclaimed and the bodyguard next to him wanted to draw his gun, he rushed forward to block the way between them and Ayu Rhino...

   "Don't move, Muhammad, listen to me, listen to me..."

   As he spoke, Devali pressed the gun in the hand of a bodyguard, and then said to Ayou and Rhino who were blocking the door of the conference room with their arms crossed, "Don't move, I promise they won't shoot..."

  While Devali was speaking, a series of extremely horrifying screams came from the conference room...


"Who are you?"

   "Get out, you devil..."



The Crown Prince saw Boss Joe cut off Ben Abdullah's neck through the door of the conference room, and then chopped off the hands of several other people inside one by one. He shouted angrily and frightened: "No! , what is he doing?"

  Choga walked to the door with the booty, stuffed the head and palm into the big bag opened by the rhinoceros, then threw away the long knife and opened his arms to the crown prince, and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, we need to talk...

  You should need P·B's help!

  For example, I can accompany you in and talk to them again, I bet they will agree to anything now! "

  (end of this chapter)

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