From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1140: brave heart

  Chapter 1140 Braveheart

  In the compartment of a large truck, Qiaojia sat on a piece of ice, and from time to time opened a dark window on his back that could be opened and closed to let the dry hot wind blow into the stuffy compartment...

  Dorian wiped the HK417 in his hand with a clean cloth...

   Ayu is resting with his eyes closed...

  Medical Officer Bird is chewing on a hard-to-swallow energy bar...

   Ronnie listens to black music with headphones on...

The old monster 'Rhinoceros' who was stuffed into the boss team by Kaman had a hideous respirator on his face. This guy kept turning his thick neck, muttering some kind of Afika Dialect…

   Memnon and Kuba, two fully mature anteaters, lead five partners respectively, forming two teams of six to fight with the boss.

  Compared to Dorian, who each have their own personalities, these anteaters are extraordinarily quiet, as if they were poured out of a mold.

   Strong body, similar behavior, firm eyes, advanced equipment and well-trained...

  These soldiers are super elites carefully selected by Kaman from previous anteater training camps!

  They have completed literacy, English, French and Arabic can basically be heard and heard, and then under the training of instructors from all over the world, they can use various military technology and equipment proficiently.

  The most important thing is that they have never stopped fighting since they completed the first period of training!

  The jungles, waterways, swamps, mountains, and even the deserts of North Africa in Afika are their battlefields!

  Drug dealers, pirates, poachers, guerrillas, rebels, and foreign mercenaries are all their enemies!

  They were the first batch of local Afika soldiers equipped with the Talos system. It is no exaggeration for Choga to say that they are the ceiling of Afika soldiers.

  Old Kaman, who was most opposed to Boss Joe's adventure, didn't say anything this time, but just stuffed the rhino into his team, and then let Memnon and Kuba take them.

  The behavior of the old guy fully reflects his confidence in these soldiers...

  According to Kaman, maybe they are still inferior to those big countries T1 in terms of skills and system habits, but in terms of individual combat effectiveness, they have not lost to anyone!

These young people who stand out from the anteater group are used to riding various aircraft and can use various advanced equipment to fight at night, so they are called "Kirom" by other anteaters, which means "bat squad" .

   Kaman only trained 5 such teams in four years.

  In addition to the two teams that followed Boss Joe, there is another team in Sangha Town, and the remaining two teams are around Igor.

  With such an elite team, Boss Joe spent four hours traveling from Tobruk, thousands of kilometers away, to the outskirts of Medina at an incredible speed.

  During the period, they experienced a dangerous skydiving over the Red Sea, and then, under the support of special personnel, they landed in Yanbu, a city in the west of Shah, by speedboat.

  Although Yanbu is a city near the sea, there are very few ships nearby because there is no suitable deep-water port.

   When Qiaojia and the others landed near a desolate beach, the Shah didn't notice anything unusual at all.

   Immediately afterwards, they boarded the truck prepared by the responders and rushed along the highway to Medina. It only took more than two hours on the way.

   If you want to say that the people in the world who care about Princess Emina the most, among them must be her brother, Prince Al Thani of Qatar!

   It was he who spent huge sums of money to invite Boss Joe to **** Emina from the United States.

   Choja didn't even inform the Shah's Devali before deciding to act because he believed Al Thani was more motivated than Devali.

   Moreover, Qatar has a historical feud with the Shah. As the deputy director of the Qatar Security Agency, Al Thani will definitely be able to mobilize Qatar's intelligence network in the Shah.

   Then Al Thani, who was also very anxious, did not disappoint Boss Joe. They arranged for intelligence agents lurking in the port city of Jeddah to complete a very extreme operation cooperation with Boss Joe at great risk.

  Fishing boats, speedboats, trucks, drivers, and management along the way, a Qatari agent named Serdi successfully sent Boss Joe and the others to the outskirts of Medina...

   At this time, it was just 2 o'clock in the afternoon, which was the hottest time.

  The confrontation between the Shah National Guard and the National Defense Forces was very restrained. The National Defense Forces blocked the main passage, and the National Guard used armored vehicles to guard several intersections in the city center.

  The city is still running, but there are some traffic jams at some traffic nodes, and a small area of ​​the city center is blocked.

  If it weren’t for the relatively long distance between the two sides and the unharmonious atmosphere, most people would never have imagined that the Shah’s military would show signs of a split civil war.

  The current situation is very strange. ISIS terrorists have occupied several streets, and used several shopping malls as cover to establish an area defense, and at the same time surrounded the luxury hotel where Princess Emina is located...

  The National Guard used armored vehicles and manpower to block the traffic arteries in the city center. While confronting the peripheral National Defense Forces, they also faintly blocked the retreat of the ISIS terrorists.

  The National Defense Forces blocked several main traffic arteries in Medina, and tried several times to enter the city center for rescue. After being pushed back, they fell into a state of silence and began to wait for orders from the rear...

  Isis wants to kill, National Guard wants to negotiate, Defense Force wants to kill Isis, but fears civil war.

  From the beginning to the end, Isis is just a flag of General Ben Abdullah inside the Shah to put pressure on the Crown Prince!

  The National Guard must not do anything to hurt Emina, because once they do it, they will give the Crown Prince a justifiable reason to clean them up.

  They just want to delay the time. The faster the ISIS terrorists progress, the greater the pressure on the crown prince will be, and the greater the chance of successful negotiations between the two parties will be!

  The Wehrmacht cannot act first, because if they act, it means that the crown prince has provoked a civil war.

  This will cause huge turmoil in the already unstable Shah's internal political system, and those who were originally on the sidelines will also have new ideas.

  The National Defense Forces are also waiting, waiting for P·B's people to rush in and rescue Princess Emina.

  As long as that Ben Abdullah loses this key bargaining chip, he will be completely at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the crown prince!

  So when Choga made it clear that he would meet the crown prince in Mecca, everyone was waiting, even Isis was no exception.

   Compared with Princess Emina, Isis obviously wanted Boss Joe's life more.

   This kind of big man hastily travels, and stipulates the itinerary. It just so happens that there is chaos inside the Shah, which is a good opportunity to launch an attack.

  Thus, the terrorists who had made some progress after fighting fiercely in the middle of the night stopped instead. They were worried that after they charged too hard and killed Emina, the injured jackal would give up their journey...

  In the hearts of ISIS terrorists, no matter what, the Jackal must land on the Shah.

  The Jackal, who is completely away from home, will lose his usual super fire support.

  However, no one expected that when they were still waiting for Boss Joe's plane to land, three white vans drove over from the vegetable wholesale market in Medina and approached the city center...

  The window of the van is hung with sackcloth for sunshade, and Qiaojia sits in the back row and looks at the flow of people and cars not far away through the gap...

  Some girls, who are estimated to be female opinion leaders, led a large number of supporters to stand in front of the National Guard to protest.

   These people loudly protested the inaction of the National Guard, and at the same time blocked the road ahead.

   The people of the National Guard probably felt that what they were doing was not authentic, so instead of driving these people away, they chose to respond with silence.

  Joga pressed the headset and said, "Technical team, I need a route to the hotel..."

  Because of the distance, the special operations team and technical team that flew from Mukalla to Mecca arrived earlier than the Global 8000 that departed from Tobruk.

  Tony and Curry, who have already set up the equipment and completed the network connection with the drone force controlled by Devali, quickly provided a route for Joe.

  Joga took out the tactical computer and checked it, then handed the marked map to the Qatari intelligence agent in the driver's seat...

   "Turn left in front and send us to the back door of this market, and then you go to the predetermined location in the north and prepare to meet us."

  The Qatari intelligence agent is a little nervous, but the basic quality is still qualified...

  He turned the direction slowly, leaned his upper body out of the car window while moving slowly, and while communicating loudly with the vehicles next to him, he slowly changed lanes and squeezed into the left lane.

Qiaojia saw the vehicle turned into a small road on the left, he picked up the tactical helmet and put it on his head, then looked at Dorian beside him, and said with a smile: "Why don't you talk? Don't tell me you are nervous ..."

  Dorian sighed, and said: "Boss, I just think it's not logical to be shot in the back and go to the battlefield within a month...

  I keep thinking, what should I do if the media asks me questions?

   Could you tell them that P·B's people are all invincible Iron King Kong? "

   Qiaojia laughed after hearing this, and said, "Why can't P.B's people be firm-willed?

   ‘We’re used to playing with injuries’

  What do you guys think of this slogan? "

  The doctor bird on the back seat nodded and said: "I think it's okay, tough guys in Hollywood do this, why can't you, boss?

  As long as Princess Emina is willing to cooperate, let him cry in front of the media, and then boss, you are seriously injured and admitted to the hospital again because of a torn wound. At that time, absolutely no one will suspect that you were a fraudulent injury. "

  Ayu heard this, smiled and said: "Yes, the boss will bring Emina back to Sangha Town together, and then we can rest for a while!"

   Qiao Jia heard it and said curiously: "King Kong, are you homesick?"

  Ayou nodded naturally and said, "Yes, I'm a little homesick!

  Boss, Sangha Town is our home. Everything you do is to make Sangha Town better, but you haven’t been back for a long time. "

  Sincere people always speak very philosophically. Qiaojia was taken aback by the words, then he sighed and said: "King Kong is right...

  This time I received the final payment for the Yemen war, and then we all went home to live together for a while.

   I, the savior of the President of France, always seem to be alive and kicking. "

   While Qiaojia was speaking, the van suddenly stopped...

   Seeing the driver signal to get off the car, Qiao Jia opened the door, and Dorian and Ronnie got out of the car first to build a defense...

  Medical Officer Bird and Ayou rushed to the back of the car, opened the rear compartment, and lifted a small electric flatbed loaded with spearhead missiles, switchblades and spare ammunition...

   Memnon and Kuba in the two cars behind are doing the same thing...

  Choga took a quick look at the quiet market on the side under the cover of vehicles and walls...

He vaguely saw the high-rise building on the other side of the market, and after confirming that he could approach the hotel where Emina was trapped after passing through, Qiaojia pressed the communicator and said: "Team A is in place, bat team 1 follows us, bat team 2 Watch the back road...

  Everyone stay vigilant, let's go! "


  Mecca City Airport…

   The much-anticipated Global 8000 landed slowly on the airport runway!

  The terminal building in the distance is full of passengers holding up their mobile phones to take pictures. The Shah’s Defense Forces put martial law on both sides of the runway...

  De Valli stood next to a military vehicle, beside him were the Knife Squad and the Jazz Squad who were determined to stay behind to meet the boss...

  Seeing the Global 8000 stop slowly, the front hatch opens...

  De Valli waved his hand to signal the staff to push the gangway over, then he wiped the sweat from his brow nervously, and said: "The intelligence agency has intercepted some bad information, we need to be extra careful on the way!"

  'Cerberus' looked at the position of the cabin, nodded slightly and said: "Ask your people to hand over the security command to me. Our boss is injured. I won't allow anyone to hold us back..."

While the two were talking, a group of Tobruk militiamen wearing P.B military uniforms got off the plane first and began to be on guard. Then two tall militiamen carefully supported the hated "Boss Joe" and walked slowly. stepped off the plane...

  De Valli was the first to spot the problem, as the elephant, who was almost inseparable from Boss Joe, was missing...

  'Cerberus' also discovered the problem, but he acted calmly...

   "Draw the car over and let 'Boss' get in the car..."

  De Valli didn't know what happened, he thought Boss Joe had stopped the trip due to physical problems...

   After personally escorting that 'Jackal' into the car, Devali got into the car and looked at Hassan who took off his hat and revealed his scarred face...

"what happened?"


   "Why didn't the jackal appear?"

  Baya looked at the very anxious and angry crown prince in the reception room of the luxury hotel, and said calmly, "Sir, you need to keep calm now..."

  The crown prince glared at Baia, whose identity was not equal to his own, and said loudly: "I am very calm, I just want to know why the jackal arranged for a double to come to Mecca.

  The situation in Medina is very bad now. I need him to appear in front of the media to help me stabilize the public opinion of the outside world, instead of watching him play tricks.

  Why doesn't he show up?

   Could it be that the legendary jackal is also timid? "

  Bayer shook his head expressionlessly, and said, "Your Highness, the outside world has many misunderstandings about our boss, but in terms of 'bravery' and 'sense of responsibility', our boss is absolutely well-deserved."

   While talking, Baia suddenly heard Tony's voice coming from the radio, he nodded reservedly to the crown prince, stretched out his hand and made an inviting gesture, and said, "Sir, don't you want to know where our boss is?

  I'll take you to see..."

  The crown prince was stunned for a moment, looked at Baia's calm expression, and said, "Where is the jackal?"

  Baya turned around, shook his head and said: "When everyone is struggling with how to negotiate to solve the problem, our boss has reached the core of the problem..."

  The Crown Prince was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and he said incredulously, "The jackal is in Medina?"

   Baia nodded slightly and said: "Yes, our boss has gone to the place you think is the most dangerous.

   If it’s not troublesome, Your Highness, you should apologize for the word ‘cowardly’ you said earlier! "

   As he spoke, Baia glanced at the crown prince with a complex expression, stretched out his hand and said, "Sir, please come with me, and you will see how a real warrior solves problems...

   Then you have time to think about why things have developed to this point? "


  Dorian ambles towards a grocery market filled with cart stalls...

Sticking to the wall and watching several women with their children huddled between two booths, Dorian raised his index finger and made a gesture of silence, and then whispered to the rear: "4 people, 30 meters, AK... "

   Saying that, Dorian squatted on the ground and gave up the shooting space above to his boss...

  Joga stood behind Dorian, confirmed the enemy's position through the shared micro-drone picture, and then whispered: "You are in charge of the left, I am in charge of the right...

  3, 2, 1, fire~”

  (end of this chapter)

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