From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1138: well prepared for the unexpected

  Chapter 1138 A well-prepared accident

   Israel's surrender caused a **** storm among them!

  The assassination of Little Ma has put Israel under tremendous pressure, and the Israeli internal regime, which was originally dominated by extremists, has also split due to the tremendous pressure.

  The sea route was completely blocked, causing huge problems in the operation of the Israeli economy.

  France's various pressures, especially its solidarity with Gaza, have made the whole of Israel restless.

  Because once there are obstacles to the recognition from the NATO group, Israel will be like a lamb being roasted on the fire.

  There are too many countries around that want their genocide!

   At a critical moment that determines the rise and fall of the country, Netanya, who is extremely politically skilled, integrated internal voices, chose to accept the terms of compensation, and at the same time pulled the Rawai family out to sacrifice to heaven.

  The Rawai family used Mossad to do a series of things, which made everyone lose patience with them!

  When the consequences came to the door, this family was abandoned by everyone tacitly!

  Netanya still does not admit that Israel has anything to do with the attack on the French base and the president, but he has offered enough compensation in the negotiations with Brother Ma.

  The compensation not only covered the loss of the French Air Force Base, but also the cost of organizing exercises with their Greek allies, as well as financial and political concessions, which made the French government and financial institutions suffer.

   Of course, this is not the end. As the savior of Brother Xiao Ma, the key figure who avoided the civil war in the Mediterranean region, Boss Joe, and the P·B he represented also received extremely generous compensation.

  Netanya promised not to send soldiers to operate near the safe zone in the future, and at the same time paid 50 million US dollars for the care of those captured pilots and special forces soldiers.

  At the same time, Israel will provide material aid worth US$50 million to the Mukalla coalition forces in Yemen, and at the same time hand over a set of Israel's "Iron Dome System" at the bottom of the box, so that the coalition forces can use it to deal with possible rocket attacks.

   This is only the compensation provided by the Israeli government, and the dismemberment of the Rawai family is the follow-up...

  The Rawai family that was launched has a lot of investments in the global energy, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries.

  The shares of these industries are now in the hands of France, and the rapid liquidation is going on...

  Brother Xiao Ma was quite loyal. After Boss Joe announced that he had woken up, he called him immediately, and then the two discussed a rough ratio of spoils.

Boss Joe didn't ask for much. He took away the Rawai family's investment in Afika and the medical industry shares invested by the Rawai family in Greece, and then left the most elite European and American industries to Xiao Ma. .

  Because only the assets in Afika are the assets that Boss Joe's fist can reach.

  At the same time, only the Greek government is willing to unconditionally cooperate with P·B to liquidate those medical industry shares!

  The industries in Europe and the United States may seem unusually rich, but the complexity of equity transactions and the financial impact caused by liquidation are simply not what the current P·B can handle.

  Even if France takes over, they can only temporarily entrust those equity assets under the asset management company, and then spend a few years trying to realize them depending on the situation, or simply use them to replace more valuable things.

  The destruction of the Rawai family was almost instantaneous...

  Israel took into account the final decency, and did not choose to pay them in the country, but expelled them from Israel, and handed over the information of the Rawai family members to France.

  Pierre, who carried out the extermination plan, hired a special team from P.B. to go to Bulgaria with 5 million euros...

  Special forces found the core of the Rawai family in a mountain estate in Bulgaria...

  The eldest son of the Rawai family, who was already over 80 years old, strangled the fatuous parent over 100 years old who caused all this with his own hands.

  Then the second-generation brothers of the Rawai family collectively resisted all the crimes, left a suicide note and hanged themselves at the gate of the manor, hoping that their death would save the family from being purged...

  When P·B's special forces arrived, the third generation of the Rawai family who was filled with righteous indignation couldn't help but resisted, and was beaten to death in the manor without any suspense.

  The young fourth generation, the young fifth generation, and those female members who are at a loss are left.

   After seeking the consent of the boss, the special forces members who stick to the honor of the soldiers put all the rest of the family on the plane, and then sent them to a small town in the interior of the Congo...

  Boss Joe did not kill all the young members of the Rawai family. He gave the family $300 per person, which is equivalent to the local income for a year.

  If this family can stand up again in Congo with this money, God doesn't want the Rawai family to disappear.

  People should not fight against God!


  Boss Joe, who was 'seriously injured', controlled the development of things remotely in Tobruk...

  Sharing the Rawai family's property didn't actually make him feel very excited, but his son Igor was domineering in Tobruk, which gave him a particularly sense of accomplishment.

The little guy's big crocodile driver went on strike because of the dry weather here, but the little guy didn't mind, he took over his mother's two Brescia lion dogs, and sat in a dog-pull stroller all day with a group of brothers and sisters in the hospital wandering around the…

  Grace, who was supposed to go to Sangha Town, has now become a nanny for a group of children, and soon she finds that if she takes care of these children according to normal people's ideas, then she can't handle it at all...

   Boss Keno always wants to develop his younger brother in Tobruk...

   This kid with the dream of being the boss of a gangster didn't think much of Grace, an unknown mistress, but Gino was very patient with the obviously thinner little George.

  Adele has a bright smile, but she always carries a pistol wherever she goes...

   This fits well with Grace’s western temperament, but it’s a pity that after trying to go to the shooting range with Adele a few times, Grace completely gave up the idea of ​​practicing guns.

   Jacques is very obedient, but this child has an older sister who is not worried, Briella...

  Among these children, Igor is the most worry-free. As long as the stroller is moving, he will be happy. The faster the stroller runs, the more heartless he will laugh.

  Little George, who seemed a little weak due to illness, seemed a bit out of place with these energetic children.

   On the twenty-fifth day...

  Choga, who got up early, endured the urge to go out, dragged the ring hanging from the ceiling of the ward, and completed the 300th pull-up...

  Grace, the only woman other than Ayu, brought him breakfast.

   Seeing the bouncy Boss Joe's hormones flying around, Grace shook her head uncomfortably, put down her breakfast, pointed at the bandages on Boss Joe's body, and said, "Your most important task now is to heal your injury...

   Now that everyone thinks you're recovering, it would be weird if you came out stronger. "

   Qiaojia shook his head indifferently, found a T-shirt and put it on, and then ate a few mouthfuls of tasteless breakfast...

   Release videos every day to report safety to the outside world, making Boss Qiao, who is impatient himself, feel that he is a tool man!

  Hearing the sound of laughter from outside, Qiaojia went to the window and looked out, and found a cauldron set up on the flat ground at the back door of the hospital...

  Jacques was lighting the fire, and the restless Briella was laughing and spinning around the cauldron, as if this could make the water inside boil quickly...

   Igor’s stroller was hung behind Little George’s stroller, and then two big dogs dragged them around the yard slowly...

  Igor was laughing happily, while little George was crying. The louder he was crying, the happier Igor was laughing in front.

  Kino and Adele brought a lot of dumplings from the hospital canteen in a small cart...

  Several little princesses from the Middle East and a pair of sons and daughters of Prince Shah Dewali pushed the cart full of lunch boxes and happily followed Jino's footsteps...

  Two boy scouts Phil and Rick adopted by Kaman guarded the back door of the hospital to prevent some smaller children from getting in through the cracks in the door.

  Kino threw a large plate of dumplings into the pot, and then shouted to Rick and Phil: "Dude, don't be nervous, these are good guys, they're just a little hungry..."

  Choga didn't care about the children's nonsense, he said to Grace: "You are not my nanny, what's the point of staring at me all day?

   Didn’t see those children at the door, they were the children of refugees who came from the war zone.

  If I were you, I would do something meaningful!

   That old guy Tom Reed hasn't responded since he called me. As an ally, I think he will definitely not be stingy about spending money to let his daughter who has suffered a lot to do something good. "

  Grace froze for a moment, lowered her head and said: "I'm not sure who hurt little George, there may be internal problems in the Reed family, it must make Tom very sad...

   I don't want to bother him right now! "

  Joga looked at little George who was hanging behind Igor's car, he shook his head with a smile and said: "The kid has recovered, but this is not a reason to soften your heart.

   A mother who cannot protect her child is not qualified!

   Unless you keep little George in Afica forever, sooner or later you will have to face this!

   Actually, I don't mind doing it for you!

  Because anyone who wants to profit by hurting a baby over one year old should pay ten times, hundreds and thousands of times.

  The scum of the Reed family is only a part, and there is a chain of interests behind them.

   Targeting Little George is targeting me, I have to give enough responses!

  I didn’t have time before, but now I have…”

After hearing this, Grace shook her head vigorously and said, "My father won't let anyone meddle in the internal affairs of the Reid family. If I want revenge, I have to wait for him to sort out the family's problems, otherwise I won't even want anyone who wants me." I don't even know..."

  Boss Joe, who was already a little bored, looked at Grace with a complicated face, shook his head in disgust, and said, "You wealthy families are too troublesome..."

   When Grace lowered her head and wanted to say something, Dorian suddenly pushed the door open...

   "Boss, Princess Emina is trapped in Medina..."

  Joga frowned and said, "Stuck? What do you mean?

   Our people should have passed by very early. I have reminded Emina to pay attention to the itinerary. Why does she still have problems? "

  Dorian shook his head with a heavy expression and said, "How could Princess Emina give up the chance to fight for a certain amount of freedom for Shah women?

  The Middle East box office of the film exceeded 1 billion US dollars in less than a month, and its influence is still expanding...

  In fact, this time it was not Princess Emina's problem, but an internal problem within the Shah.

  There was a problem with the National Guard responsible for the security of the venue, and Princess Emina was attacked while speaking at the rally.

  Our people were well prepared. They protected Emina and retreated into the city of Medina, and finally entered a luxury hotel for defense. Then they sent a request to the Shah government...

   But the Shah's security forces were intercepted by the National Guard in Medina, and the two sides are now facing off.

  The Shah's power struggle has entered a heated state, and those people have already torn faces with the crown prince.

   It was the remnants of Isis who attacked Princess Emina. Once something happened to Princess Emina, the crown prince would face enormous pressure.

  Now the Shah is very hesitant, because once the security forces clash with the National Guard, it means that a civil war broke out within the Shah..."

   Choga frowned and punched the window sill. Just when he was about to swear, Prince Shah Devali’s phone call came to Choga’s satellite phone...

   Qiaojia answered decisively, angrily cursed: "Are you **** idiots?

  I have created such a good international situation for you, but you have been procrastinating until now and have not dealt with the problem well...

  Emina's security should be perfect, why can you make mistakes in such an important link? "

   Realizing that Boss Joe had gotten the news, Devali said in a heavy tone: "Jackal, it's because the situation is so good...

  So our Crown Prince wanted to deal with the National Guard Commander Ben Abdullah together, which completely cornered the other party.

   Jackal, Princess Emina can't have an accident, but we can't fall into civil war either!

  I have arranged for the drone to patrol above the hotel where Emina is staying. Now Princess Emina is relatively safe, but the news of her being trapped has been leaked.

   Someone must go in and rescue Princess Emina before the matter is irreparable, otherwise everything will be over! "

  Choga trusts De Valli, and this guy has completely formed an alliance with him because of the procurement of drones and the production line.

   For this reason, Devali even sent his favorite pair of sons and daughters to Sangha Town when the Shah was in turmoil.

  But Qiaojia doesn't trust the crown prince very much now, because he has played a good hand of cards like this, fully showing the characteristics of being overjoyed and ecstatic.

   It is still unknown whether such a person can withstand the huge pressure. Once he starts to negotiate with the other party, the situation will become more complicated, and the situation Emina will face will become more dangerous.

  Those ISIS remnants who are being used as guns will not give anyone face!

  Choga didn't think for too long, he said in an unprecedented serious tone: "De Valli, can I trust you?"

  De Valli on the other end of the phone may have realized what Boss Joe wanted to do, and he said in the most solemn tone: "Jackal, I swear on my life and family honor, you can trust me!"

  After hearing this, Choga took a deep breath and said, "I will take someone to take a secret plane to land in Medina, and I need to meet your Crown Prince!

  If he doesn't agree, I need you to cover my landing in Medina, and then I will **** Princess Emina out...

  Dewali, if your crown prince disappoints me, then our cooperation and the cooperation between P·B and the Shah will all be nullified! "

  De Valli heard it and said in surprise: "Jackal, you are injured, you shouldn't take risks..."

  Joga smiled wryly and said, "A friend of mine told me that if a male lion cannot prove that he has the determination and ability to protect the female lion, he will quickly lose the support of the outside world...

  Princess Emina is too important, I **** regret it, I should have brought Emina back earlier..."

While talking about Emina’s character and the importance of the women’s liberation upsurge in the Middle East to her, Qiaojia said helplessly: “FUCK, people with ideals are not obedient, and I **** like it very much. support people like this...

  Emina has done a lot for me, so I should go and pull her out of the vortex...

  I will kill whoever blocks me! "

  (end of this chapter)

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