From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1134: everything is the best arrangement

  Chapter 1134 Everything is the best arrangement

   "Turkey is a rogue country!"

   “It’s not the first time they’ve attacked P·B, and it’s when P·B has a UN mandate and is maintaining peace and stability as an ally…


  The first time they blew up and killed some of the American staff detained by ISIS, as well as several heroic American Marines.

  The reckless, irresponsible, despicable actions of the Turkish government, which violated international law, made me have to capture their fighter jets...

   Now they're at it a second time!

  If it wasn’t for the help of the Syrian government forces and the Kurdish Democratic Forces, maybe they would have succeeded...

  If they succeed, the safe zone that sheltered nearly 300,000 people will no longer exist...

   All the hard work of the past few years will be in vain!

  I don't know what that Edogan is thinking, maybe this son of a **** has been carried away by the dream of the OSM empire...

  Maybe he wants to find an outlet for the domestic inflation that has nowhere to vent...

  Maybe he thinks that it is more in the interests of local chickens to replace those currencies that depreciate faster than Peninsula cars with weapons and ammunition early and then start wars to make a profit...

  Maybe the son of a **** just can't control the armies that tried to overthrow him...

  Perhaps this **** with the emperor's dream in his mind can't control the anger of the domestic people, so he wants to divert attention through war.

  I don't know what this **** is thinking, I only know that he found the wrong person!

  I believe that there is justice in this world, I believe that justice will be declared, and I believe that they will pay the due price..."

  Joga’s series of accusations with “maybe” caused the reporters under the steps of the cinema entrance to make a “buzzing” discussion…

  All those who came today were entertainment reporters who paid attention to Princess Emina's movie, as well as a large number of white left media and women's rights representatives...

  The movie that was shown in the cinema just now made these people feel very exciting. Several famous female film critics have already released news through Twitter when the movie ended...

  They said that the movie "Saving Princess Emina" has been booked for this year's Hollywood Best Film Award...

   As a result, just when these people thought that the interview after the premiere would be a feminist carnival, the sudden news disrupted all rhythms.

  These people used to focus on ideology and social news. Boss Joe suddenly directed them towards international political news, which made them a little uncomfortable and excited at the same time...

   Whatever, 'Knight Joe' must be right!

   As an Arab country, Turkey itself is the target of the movie "Saving Princess Emina"!

  Plus there is a United Nations certification, confirming that the chicken has launched an attack on the safe zone established by Knight Joe and Princess Emina...

   Then what else is there to say?

   Simply discussing a movie, where is the enjoyment of expanding the influence of the movie and politicizing it?

  Joga looked at the entertainment media reporters whose eyes were starting to light up, and said with a serious expression: "I regret the attack on the Tuji military port last night...

   But I can't help but wonder?

  Why did the local chicken not focus on investigating the culprit after the attack, but aimed its guns at the safe area?

  We all know that the Turkish navy is very weak, and those old warships simply cannot support the ambition of that lunatic Edoan...

  This makes me have to suspect that the attack on the military port is a farce directed and performed by themselves...

   It is a conspiracy by the turkeys to find an excuse to attack the safe zone, and at the same time to obtain enough funds from the domestic parliament to expand the navy. "

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at Brother Ma with a very complicated expression, and said seriously: "Sir, as an important member of the European Union and NATO, I think France should play an important role in this matter."

   Facing the suggestion from Boss Joe, Brother Xiao Ma nodded seriously and said, "You're right!

  Everything has a cause and effect. Only by investigating the reasons why the chickens were attacked can a reasonable punishment be made for their attack on the safe zone.

  I will propose a joint investigation team of the United Nations, NATO, and the European Union to conduct a detailed investigation of this matter..."

   After finishing speaking, Brother Xiao Ma stretched out his hand and patted Boss Joe's arm. When shaking hands with him intimately, he whispered 'thank you' in Boss Joe's ear...

  ‘Crisis’ not only contains dangers, but also opportunities.

  Mr. Ma, who has just been in office for a year, needs to make his voice heard on international occasions!

  This meeting is at the right time, and he will naturally get the attention of the media.

   It doesn’t really matter what the final result is, because there is no key conflict with French interests...

  The important thing is that Brother Xiao Ma stepped in and played an important role!

  Furthermore, during the investigation, France can take advantage of the native chickens and reap some political benefits.

  Boss Joe doesn’t care about this. His series of combined punches that reverse black and white pushed Ai Duoan to the point where thousands of people reviled him...

   Then, in order to ease the international influence, Edoğan will inevitably intensify the investigation. Coupled with the intervention of the United Nations, Israel will definitely not be able to escape.

  The point of human anger is sometimes weird...

  When a drunken person stabs someone with a knife, and is accused of being counterattacked and injured, what he hates is not necessarily the innocent passers-by who counterattacked, but those who drink him or encourage him to hurt others.

  Boss Joe used a series of actions to reserve this role for Israel, and this is just the beginning...

   While Boss Qiao was chatting with the media reporters, a strange flash of light suddenly appeared on the second floor of the building opposite the cinema...

   At the moment when the flash appeared, Boss Joe bent sideways and flew violently into his shoulders, hugging Brother Xiao Ma's waist, and smashed into the French Secret Service team...

  When the two were in mid-air, a flower of blood exploded on Boss Qiao's back...

   "Protect the boss..."

  Dorian and Ayu rushed over like beasts...

  A flower of blood exploded on Dorian's shoulder as he was marching, but this guy gritted his teeth and rushed over, together with Ayou, set up the boss and rushed into the cinema.

  The sudden shooting caused the media reporters in the audience to scream, and then the scene became chaotic...

  Nice, who stayed outside, forcefully pushed Qiao Liang into the cinema, then snatched the submachine gun from a bodyguard of the Iron Wall Mercenary Group, and fired at the third floor of the building tens of meters away...

   "Papa papa..."

  'One Eye' looked at the chaotic scene, and suddenly realized what happened, he drew his gun and rushed to the opposite building...

   "Group A defends the movie theater, Group B, let's go..."

  Greek Prime Minister Kypras stood outside the cinema, realizing what happened, thinking about the political storm he was about to face, he already didn't want to live...

   Pushing away the Greek secret service who wanted to come to cover him, Kipras shouted loudly: "What are you doing in a daze?

  FUCK, help take down the assassin..."

   Just when the scene was chaotic, the huge Ayu rushed out of the movie theater with Boss Joe in his arms...

  Ronnie and Doctor Bird drove a car to the steps of the cinema, then picked up the boss and started running towards the mansion...

Qiao Liang got into a black Escalade with him, and just when he was a little lost, he saw the old man in the back seat sitting up and taking off his suit with his teeth grinning, and then wanted to reach out to rub the flesh and blood fuzzy back…

"elder brother…"

   Qiaojia glanced at Qiao Liang, grinned, and then said to Ayou: "King Kong, look at my back...

  FUCK, the **** Elephant claims to have learned from a special effects artist...

  FUCK, why does the blood bag hurt so much when it explodes..."

  Ayou reached out and tore off the 'bloody' part of Boss Joe's back, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "Boss, did you forget to put a layer of protection inside?"

Speaking of which, Ayou stretched out his hand and tapped Boss Joe's bruised back, which made him cry out in pain. The female Afika King Kong shook her head helplessly and said, "Boss, next time you should find a professional, Elephant!" It is really…"

   Qiaojia grinned and cursed Dorian, then looked at Qiao Liang and said, "I will take a helicopter to Crete, and then transfer to Tobruk for hospitalization...

  You stay here to continue your work, and appease the people in Greece by the way...

  The most important thing is that you have to take good care of those princes. They need to cooperate with Jamie to eat our opponents in the bond trading market one month later.

  Also, let Brother Ma not worry about me, after all I just saved his life..."

  Qiao Liang is no longer a child. He looked at his elder brother in horror, and said in disbelief: "Brother, you arranged the assassination?"

   Qiaojia shook his head with a smile and said, "I didn't arrange the assassination, but I provided the assassin's gun!"

   As he spoke, Qiao Jia patted the horrified Qiao Liang on the shoulder, and said, "The bodyguards around you are of great quality. The assassin was able to bypass the security protection and sneak into the opposite side of the cinema. I was the one who opened the door...

  Xiao Liang, don’t think about other things, keep the secret, don’t tell anyone, and just do your job well…”

  When Qiao Liang heard this, he took a deep breath and said, "Brother, why did you do this?

   Who are you hiding from? "

   Qiaojia said with a smile: "I don't need to hide from anyone, I just need to avoid the political vortex in the future.

  I have been hit hard, only P·B can use the voice of sympathy from the outside world to get the most out of it!

  I will stay in Tobruk, I will see who will be the first to jump out and bite me when I get hurt!

  In the past I have been in the open...

   Now I have an excuse to retreat into the dark! "

  After listening to it, Qiao Liang realized for the first time that his brother’s work is not only beautiful, but also has some dangers that he has never been exposed to or even aware of...


   Just when Boss Joe and the others took a helicopter to the south and flew directly to Crete, and then transferred to Tobruk...

  Using the complex buildings of Santorini, Yossi temporarily got rid of the pursuit of the special forces in the rear, borrowed a rope that had already been laid out, and descended from a cliff to the seaside below...

A black speedboat was parked on the south side of the coastline full of reefs. Madeleine, who was driving the boat, launched the speedboat the moment she saw Yossi appear, and then raised her gun to shoot at the top of the cliff for cover, while motioning for Yossi to swim over quickly. get on board...

Just as Yossi took off his clothes and was about to rush into the sea, he was horrified to see two French patrol speedboats appearing on the sea in the distance. When they shot, 'Mamel' exploded. A blood flower bloomed...

  Then the loyal Mossad female agent 'Mamel', like a flower withered in the wind, plunged into the sea and disappeared.

   "Bang bang bang bang..."

  A series of bullets hit the stone behind Yossi...

Seeing the speedboats encircling in the distance, as well as the special agents and bodyguards starting to descend from the cliff behind, Yossi let out a long sigh, threw away the automatic rifle with no bullets, pulled out his pistol and shot himself in the head …

   There was a "click" sound of jamming...

  Yosi tried a few times to pull the trigger, and after finding that he could not repair the pistol in a short time, facing the secret service that had already approached him, he had no choice but to throw away the weapon and knelt down on the spot with his hands raised...

  (end of this chapter)

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