From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1112: meeting ceremony

  Chapter 1112 Meeting Ceremony

  150 km north of Muradin…

  Near a tributary of the upper Masirah River, the most important in central Yemen…

   At 8 o'clock in the evening, 35-year-old Shaheen bent down and walked out of a tent, and then greeted a black man with a strange smile, and let the deputy who had been waiting in line for a long time enter the tent.

  Looking at the armored vehicles and armed pickups parked around the camp, as well as a large number of men who put on new military uniforms, Shaheen stretched his arms vigorously, and let out a loud cry...

   As an "aspiring youth" of the Youth Party, Shaheen felt lucky!

  Thinking about those old guys who wanted to prevent him from bringing people to Yemen at the beginning, Shaheen smiled triumphantly...

  A mysterious organization has raised the price of mercenaries. As long as the young and strong of the Youth Party come here, they will start with a monthly salary of 1,000 US dollars, and the equipment is provided with high-quality weapons for free.

  Shaheen lived to be 35 years old. It was only after he came to Yemen that he touched a brand-new American-made rifle for the first time. It was the first time he felt the joy of unlimited RPG, and it was the first time he saw the power of armored vehicles.

  The heavy armor of the armored vehicle made Shaheen feel that he could kill to the end of the world. The Al Qaeda people were beaten to the brim. They must be too stupid and too afraid of death.

   Al-Shabaab soldiers are not afraid of death!

  When Shaheen led the team to inspect the camp, he kept laughing heartily and shouting loudly, reminding the people around who is the boss here...


  On a sandstone mound that has been weathered for many years on the opposite side of the river, the 'monkey' was wearing a camouflage cloth and lying on the top of the hot mound, holding a telescope and looking at the other side of the river...

  The precision shooter "Black Panther" looked at the river bank through the scope, where a few young black men were killing a few local Yemeni villagers to practice courage.

  A dozen villagers fell to the ground wailing, and those crazy young black men, encouraged by the people around them, swung their machetes and chopped the villagers into a dozen pieces...


  'Black Panther' gritted his teeth and cursed, then looked at the 'monkey' beside him, and said: "There are nearly 400 villagers imprisoned near the river bank, calling for bombing can easily accidentally injure those people...

  Captain, what shall we do? "

'Monkey' stared at the binoculars expressionlessly, while carefully observing the situation in the camp, he said: "The people of the N Battalion are still 15 kilometers away from here, the artillery is already in place, the air force has already taken off, and the boat brigade of the Lion Company There's still a while to go..."

   Speaking of 'monkey', he pressed the communicator and said: "This is the night tiger, I will mark the main points of the enemy camp, and ask the air force to attack those positions in the first round of bombing.

  We request the cooperation of the synthetic battalion and the boat brigade to cover the evacuation of the local Yemeni villagers..."

   "This is Qingshan, your request has been received, the headquarters is conducting research and judgment, and I will give you an accurate answer in 5 minutes..."

  As he spoke, Qingshan paused for a moment, and said: "We have no experience in fighting against Al-Shabaab. Once the attack starts and the other side launches a counterattack, you will need to face the siege of thousands of people and cover the evacuation of those villagers..."

  'Monkey' listened, and glanced at the gray temples of his comrade-in-arms 'Black Panther', he grinned and said, "That's what we do!"

   Said 'monkey' hung up the communication, said to 'black panther': "stare at the leader black..."

  'Black Panther' nodded slightly and said, "He can't run away!"

'Monkey' reconfirmed the situation in the camp, then crawled back a few meters, turned around and retreated down the hill, looked at the jazz team and the ferryman who were resting in the shadows, and said with a smile: "I heard it all... "

The 'Crow' of the Jazz team put down the compressed biscuit in his hand, glanced at 'Monkey' with innocuous eyes, nodded expressionlessly, and said in a hoarse voice: "You will kill yourself sooner or later, But you're right, that's what we do!"

  The ferryman's Comet shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's really hard to be a mercenary now, but we are elites, that's what we do!"

  After listening, 'Monkey' glanced at his companions around him, and found that none of them showed hesitation, he stretched out his fist to touch 'Crow' and 'Comet', and said: "It's an honor to fight side by side with you!

  Later we will cover the battlefield with smoke bombs, and establish indicators with IR lights and incendiary bombs. Our air force and artillery are pretty good..."

   Said 'monkey' and patted the lion head badge on his arm, he said with a smile: "Our luck will not be bad!"

  'Crow' poured the last bit of powder from the compressed biscuit bag into his mouth, then he stood up after sucking his fingers, and said, "I don't believe in luck, but I believe in our companions..."

   Said 'Crow', glanced at his watch, and said: "We started to move at two o'clock at night. The river surface is only more than 100 meters, and the deepest part is only two meters. Everyone carries a rope to cross the river.

  Don’t try to save everyone, we drove all those villagers into the river…”


  At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Boss Joe was sitting in the simple conference room watching the picture on the big screen...

  The 14-hour meeting made everyone very tired, but the picture that Boss Joe projected on the wall of the meeting room cheered up everyone present and widened their eyes.

  For the past 14 hours, Boss Joe has never mentioned anything about the Shabaab...

   This once made Hamza very entangled. He was worried that P·B would not spend a lot of energy to confront the Al-Shabaab, because Somalia really couldn't give enough benefits.

  Now Hamza understands that Boss Joe had planned everything before he came!

  5000 al-Shabab crossed into Yemen, this is no secret in the Gulf of Aden.

   Now Boss Joe obviously wants to wipe them all out!

  That is 5,000 young and strong, and they were wiped out, which means that the strength of the al-Shabab in Somalia will be greatly reduced.

  Others only saw the situation in front of them, but Alkin, the UN representative who came with Boss Joe, was shocked to find that everything that happened in Yemen and Somalia seemed to be under the control of Boss Joe.

  The war actually started a few months ago, when Boss Joe had a verbal war with terrorists on the Internet!

  And since then, Boss Joe has included the Youth Party as a target, which means that he has foreseen the current situation since then...

  On the day of the meeting between the two parties, the Yemeni P·B combat team launched an attack on the al-Shabab...

   It's all in the plan!

   Alkin looked at Boss Joe, who was still very young in appearance, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of humor in his heart...

  When everyone was immersed in the commercial war in Yemen, this young man used the war in Yemen to leverage the situation in Somalia.

   Use one force to do two things, and use the Yemen battlefield to maximize the leverage of influence!

   No wonder he was able to maintain P·B, and gradually develop and grow!

   Earn two, or even three or four shares of income by doing one thing, and the military cost will be reduced a lot if it is evenly shared?

  According to P·B's habit, every time they go to a place, they have to pull a target out to show their toughness and cruelty.

   Well now, with the help of his sponsors, he got it done in Yemen!

  It is unknown how the Al-Shabaab will react, but the representatives of the African Union present and the top Somali leaders need to go through a baptism...

  That is 5,000 armed soldiers, and the Somali national regular army is only more than 30,000 people, and about half of them are clan armed forces.

  Brother Joe gnaws on this, and the Somali government will know who is the boss in the future!

  Alkin does not sympathize with the Al-Shabab people, because when they cross the sea to join the war, they are no longer civilians.

  The reason why Alkin's mood was complicated was that he felt that he had taken a non-refundable boat ticket. After witnessing the battle with his own eyes, he could only follow Boss Joe all the way to the dark!

   Just when Alkin crossed himself and comforted himself with P·B's good resume, the war started hundreds of kilometers away...


  Three top special forces crossed the river at night, 18 team members brought 18 ropes, and established 18 life-saving passages on both sides of the river bank...

   Then the three teams divided into three directions, and started a quiet sweep around the camp where the prisoners were held.

   Don’t expect the people of the Al-Shabaab to set up strict sentry posts like the regular army. After more than 20 sentry posts in appearance were killed, no one in the camp found anything unusual...

  The feeling of everyone watching remotely through the sports camera carried by the soldiers in Bososa is particularly obvious...

   Quiet and silent killings are more chilling than those fanatical and brutal killings!

  However, it is basically impossible to evacuate hundreds of prisoners without alerting the enemy...

  When the first batch of villagers went into the water, the actions of the three teams were discovered, and then there was a fierce battle...

  18 top masters rushed into the position already selected, threw smoke bombs to isolate the enemy's sight, then lit the IR lamp on the helmet, and then released incendiary bombs around themselves...

  If they want to buy time for the villagers to cross the river, they need to stand firmly in place and prevent the Al-Shabaab people from approaching.

  Even if they are extremely well-equipped, they will soon feel strenuous when facing the siege of the Al-Shabaab with heavy weapons.

   Just when the people in the conference room began to worry about those warriors, 12 speedboats rushed over from the lower reaches of the river...

  The armed speedboat with extremely fierce firepower rushed to the oblique rear of the special forces, and while using the powerful firepower to provide a strong cover for the special forces, the soldiers of the Lion Company kept calling the local Yemeni villagers to hurry up and cross the river...

   Just when the Al-Shabaab members realized the strength of the enemy and were about to launch armored vehicles to greet them, violent explosions occurred in many places in the camp.

  The huge flames were accompanied by extremely violent explosions, and more than a dozen heavy Griffin missiles covered all the key points in the huge camp...

  Some armored vehicles and armed pickups in the camp were paralyzed, and the entire camp fell into extremely low visibility.

  It was late at night, and with the smoke and dust all over the sky, the youth party members completely lost their sight...

  People in the meeting room watched the screen switch from the soldier's first perspective to the aerial bird's-eye view. They were still wondering what happened just now, when several jet fighters flew across the screen...

   Immediately afterwards, like a festival in the camp, a series of extremely terrifying high-frequency fire lights lit up...

   "Cluster Bombs..."

  When the representative of the African Union shouted out in surprise, Boss Qiao kept staring at the IR light near the river bank on the screen...

   After confirming that there were no shortage of lights, he took a long breath,

   After an armored convoy approached the battlefield from the upper reaches of the river and began to meet the special forces from the flank, Qiaojia was completely relieved...

  Looking at a group of speechless senior Somali officials who were shocked by the battlefield situation, Boss Qiao said with a smile: "Gentlemen, this is the first cooperation gift I give you!

   Hope you guys like it! "

As he spoke, Qiaojia asked the technician to turn up the voice. Hearing the faint sound of cannons in the high-frequency communication between the command center and the front line, Boss Qiao watched the gray and huge camp light up one after another on the screen. He smiled and said: "War is actually the simplest thing!

  The significance of victory is to enable people to no longer experience war, and to enable people to regain hope!

   Gentlemen, I never fight pointless wars!

   Now that I have made a bet, it is time for you to show me your sincerity in the future!

   Don't make me rush you, okay? "

  (end of this chapter)

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