From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1074: surprise surprise farewell

  Chapter 1074 Shocked and Surprised Farewell

  During the next month, Choga took the three children, Igor, Kino, and Adele, wandering around Djibouti in such a generous manner.

  He pushed the stroller with Igor, who only knew how to drink milk and knew nothing, and the curious Kino and Adele, and met the most dangerous group of people in the world.

  Arms dealers, mercenaries, members of major powers stationed overseas, and even terrorists...

  Igor, a baby less than one year old, rode in the bulletproof stroller specially made for him by his father, and mixed a large number of gifts in various defense exhibition halls.

   Then at the French Air Force Base, broke the oldest record just set by Kino and Adele, and became the youngest gust rider...

  At the American Naval Base, Igor became the youngest Zumwalt visitor...

  In the main control room of Huaguo 056, Igor fired at the naval gun and spit out a mouthful of milk...

  In the end, because he disliked the old British frigate, he refused to board the ship for a visit, which made the very gentlemanly British captain express his deep regret.

  Boss Joe is really cool. With Igor’s cover, he saw a lot of good things in the major bases.

   France's large early warning aircraft, tankers, ground anti-aircraft weapons, and most importantly, no one has ever told him in the past that there are big killers in the French air force base.

  When Boss Joe passed by the arsenal, he was taken in by the senior management of Dassault to visit it, because there were weapons prepared by Dassault for two 'prototypes'.

  For professional needs, it is natural to scan it...

  The old 'mica air-to-air missile', the old northern AS20 air-to-surface missile.

  NATO's AIM-120C air-to-air missile, AGM-88B anti-radiation missile.

   There are also several French and multinational joint research and development, which have not yet been popularized in the army, and have very advanced performance "meteor air-to-air missiles"...

  If these can only be regarded as basic weapons, then an ASMP-A (Aspum) airborne supersonic nuclear missile hidden in the lower layer of the arsenal that Choga himself cannot touch is too scary.

  At present, the mainstream of nuclear weapon launching in the world is submarine-based, sea-based, land-based...

  When the old United States sealed the AGM-129 air-launched cruise nuclear missile, France's Aspum became the only air-launched nuclear weapon in active service, and it could be carried and used by any Rafale of Army Aviation and Hainan Airlines.

   Compared with the killer weapon that Aaron sent to Sangha Town, this thing has a smaller equivalent, but its technical content is much higher!

The five big brothers are also divided into levels. The three countries of the United States, Russia, and China all have three types of nuclear strike capabilities: submarine-based, sea-based, and land-based. Britain only has submarine-based nuclear weapons that can be used, while France has found another way other than potential-based nuclear weapons. Air-launched nuclear weapons.

   And everyone ignores that France is a nuclear power. They have the largest number of nuclear power plants in the world, and the largest amount of uranium mining in the world. 60% of the electricity in France comes from nuclear power plants.

  With so many nuclear-related technologies, their nuclear weapons are naturally very advanced!

Although Aspum only has an equivalent of 300,000 tons, it unexpectedly meets the actual needs of France. Not only is it convenient to transfer, but it is also more secretive to release. Most importantly, 300,000 tons of equivalent is an uncomfortable level. .

   Whenever France is forced to attack a certain place with this kind of missile, not only can it promote force, but it is also unlikely to trigger countermeasures.

  Because of France's status as the big brother, there are still bombs with a yield of 300,000 tons. If they are not dropped in important cities, they will not be at the level that needs to be countered.

  Boss Joe, who was always in high spirits, was frightened into a cold sweat here!

   These French guys don’t think it’s possible to fight in Syria and North Africa at this stage, but they still have ruthlessness.

   Why the nuclear weapons were deployed in Afika, Choga couldn’t speculate wildly, but the location of the deployment already explained a lot of problems.

  I don’t need it, but when I need it, I will show it to you. If you are in a hurry, you don’t know...

   This is very scary!

  French military strength is here, and the Rafale can cover the whole territory of Afika one-way with the tanker!

   Qiao Jia pretended not to know the existence of Aspum, and visited the maintenance center of the Rafale fighter at the invitation of Dassault's senior management.

  After listening to their bragging, Boss Joe sat on it with his son in his arms, and asked the P·B pilots who were being trained to take turns to take a few children to the sky for a tour.

   After coming down, he praised Dassault's senior management, saying that he would definitely push the UAE to make a big noise and make a bunch of big noses happy...

  After wandering around Djibouti, Boss Joe withdrew to P·B’s base...

   When I have nothing to do, I will fight with al-Qaeda on the Internet, and pay attention to the progress of Tong Tong's film by the way.

  The starring role of the movie has been decided. Princess Emina herself was rejected by the Iranian female director because of her inappropriate temperament. The female director chose an 18-year-old beautiful princess among many Middle Eastern princesses.

   As for the role of Jackal, because Boss Qiao was also not available, Tong Tong gave the role to Qiao Liang in the end.

  Bai Gewu didn't have high requirements for acting skills, it was just a simple remote audition, and Qiao Liang got the role by virtue of his similar appearance to his brother.

It’s really easy to use Qiao Liang. Boss Qiao’s pre-war speech in Sangha Town was recorded by professional media cameras. Baige Wu only needs to take additional shots to fix a big scene and buy him enough time to go Shoot real war.

  Because it was all shot on location, and the two directors went hand in hand, the progress of the film was very fast.

   The difficulty was not filming the process of Princess Emina's escape from America, because there were more literary scenes than gunfight scenes.

  Qiao Liang didn't even have to stay in America for too long, he put on makeup and went to the scene, waited until the stand-in was almost done, put on a few poses, and then interacted with many beauties according to the lines and it was over.

   The more difficult thing is to shoot the war in Central Africa because of Princess Emina!

  Wu Baige was the one who filmed Windtalker, regardless of what other people think, or how flawed the plot is, the scenes in that movie should be said to be of a very high level at the time.

  When Baige Wu arrived in Central Africa, visited P·B's base, and realized what kind of power he could use to assist in the filming, the old man went crazy...

  He overturned the original script, wrote it himself, and described the ups and downs of a devastating battle in a storybook, and wrote to Boss Joe, expressing his desire to shoot a real battle in his lifetime.

  Boss Joe doesn’t care, this film won from the very beginning of filming, because it not only caters to the political correctness of Europe and the United States, but also caters to the political needs of Shah Salman at this stage.

  The key lies in the Iranian female director. As long as she can clearly express Princess Emina’s distress and yearning for a free life in the literary play, the film will be mostly successful in politics, and it will be hard to justify not winning an award.

  The Iranian director is responsible for the suppression, and Baige Wu is responsible for the explosion, and the more violent the explosion, the better it will be for P·B's image and the box office.

  Wu Baige is old, but there is no need to question his professionalism.

At this time, the big director was not satisfied with the co-production of two directors. He worked overtime during the preparation interval to review the experience of Boss Qiao, and then wrote an adapted script based on what happened in Monaco. With the approval of the warlord princess Charlene...

  So "Saving the Princess-Life and Death Line" was put on the agenda by the big producer Tong Tong.

  Relying on her strong background and 500 million dollars in cash in her hand, this girl has gone crazy in Hollywood by pulling a bunch of princesses as a rookie.

  Although this little fat man is sometimes silly, he is still reliable and serious in his work.

  She has been in Hollywood for more than half a month. Taking advantage of the preparations for "Saving Princess Emina", she not only got to know many celebrities, but also figured out the filming process here.

  Filmmaking has a complicated process, but everything starts with the approval of the project by the producer.

   With a script or even an idea in hand, the producer can start building games...

   Several Middle Eastern princes pooled 500 million U.S. dollars. In fact, 100 million dollars for the production cost is enough.

  Disney will bear half of the follow-up 200 million publicity costs, that is to say, Tong Tong only spent 200 million to complete a big production that claims to have an investment of 300 million.

  If it weren’t for the political appeal of this movie, the cost of publicity and distribution can be controlled within 100 million U.S. dollars, and it will be fully borne by Disney.

   This is still a time when the film is relatively rushed, and there is no time for all parties to react, so the various investments have not kept up. Otherwise, it is not impossible for the producer to support the big production without spending money or spending a small amount of money.

   But the new movie is different. Princess Charlene is a female representative alongside Princess Emina, except that one represents Middle Eastern women and the other represents European and American women.

  A film adapted from the terrorist attack in Monaco, Tong Tong just let out a little bit of wind when he was visiting Hollywood big coffee, and someone came to the door with money.

  Besides, this time because there is more time, there will be more time for project establishment, preparation, and casting.

  In the Vanity Fair of Hollywood, every aspect of the film industry will generate benefits.

  The competition for investors, the game between producers and directors, the competition for roles, etc., etc., every link is related to fame and fortune.

  Tong Tong, a big producer, is instantly popular, and he spends a lot of time in Hollywood...

   But this girl has a big heart, because the eldest brother has already explained that it doesn't matter whether the movie makes money or not, the important thing is to establish a good image of P·B.

  So he took a group of princesses to Spielberg's manor to attend a party today, and mixed into a celebrity reception tomorrow to chase stars.

  It wasn't until he filled his circle of friends with photos of celebrities, that he used the sugar-coated shells of the director's fee and box office share to finalize the big Hollywood director Bang Bei who can penetrate investors' ideas and let him act as the director of the second film.

  I don’t care about other things, the female should be beautiful, the male should be handsome, the fighting scenes should be explosive, and the ending should be sensational...


   In the movie, the whole Monaco was turned into an explosion scene, and by the way, the scandal between the jackal and the princess was used to hype it, so that people can relive the legendary story of the past...

  Princess self-sacrifice in order to protect the hostages, Boss Qiao went to the meeting single-handedly, the sniper's last magical performance...

   Can this **** still be popular?

  After Baige Wu got the news, he knew that he was out of action. He locked himself in the room and held back a script about the evacuation of overseas Chinese from Libya and the war in Tobruk...

  Taking the love between Boss Joe and the real proprietress Devil Bird as the main line, it describes the cruelty of war, the responsibility of a big country, and the most important thing is P·B Niubi.

  Bai Ge Wu was prostituted once and never troubled Tong Tong, but he was unwilling to come up with a new script.

  He wanted to wait until he had proved himself with the project in hand before applying for investment from the Tong Da producer.

  Because he realized at this time that although the Tongda producer is not an expert, she is actually very good at...

  She doesn't need to consider who's face, she just needs to find the most suitable professional according to her needs.

   After Qiaojia got the news, he almost died laughing...

  A long time ago, he discussed with Qiao Liang that he wanted to enter the media industry, use movies and other means to completely establish the image of P·B, and then slowly instill psychological hints in the world...

  P·B is justice!

   Now the radio stations in Central Africa and the Congo are well established. They play some cheerful songs every day, and then talk about the tricks of farming and herding sheep, which has attracted a large number of regular listeners.

  But the network TV station is still in slow preparation, because of the lack of professionals!

  Choga never imagined that the flowers inside the wall had not bloomed, but the outside of the wall would bear fruit first.

  Movies are the best way to make money, but even if you don’t make money, you have to continue doing it without hesitation.

  Making your own movie is just the beginning. In the future, anyone who wants to shoot big scenes can come to P·B. Firearms, cannons, armored vehicles, battleships, airplanes and other things can be used for money.

  You come to Sangha Town to set up a film company, and I will give you tax exemption. The only requirement is that all content related to P·B must have a positive image.

  Lao Mei can brainwash the whole world with Hollywood movies. Boss Qiao feels that if he washes a few movies a year, at least people in Afika can recognize the existence of P·B.

   It is good to let some people who want to attack themselves have more resistance when they act!

   insist on washing for twenty years, when Igor grows up, the surrounding social environment will be different!

  When everything was moving in a good direction, the first batch of soldiers from the synthetic battalion who completed the training arrived in Djibouti on a cargo ship, and the command team of the five elder brothers also rushed over by plane...

   At that time, Qiaojia also ushered in a farewell...

   War is not far away...

  (end of this chapter)

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