From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

005 Underground World, Land Of Exile! [Sixth Update Please Subscribe! 】

005 Underground World, Land of Exile!

After learning that the passage discovered by the elite gold-eating ant is likely to lead to the exiled land, Su Bai couldn't sit still.

In a very short period of time, he gathered the small worker ants, the queen ants, and an army of gold-eating ants with a number of 50,000 and an average level of 30, and headed for that passage.

The rest of the gold-eating ants continue to use the nest as their base, hunt the surrounding monsters, and continue to upgrade their levels.

It's not that Su Bai is overly cautious.

But according to the description in the book he had read, the exiled land should be regarded as a hidden map in the game, and the monster levels in it are likely to range from the lowest level of 10 to the highest level of 100!

In such a hidden map covered by heavy smog, no matter how cautious you are - it is necessary!


Under the rapid march, it took Su Bai less than a day to reach the canyon at the foot of the Temural Mountains with the gold-eating ants.

Then, led by the elite gold-eating ant, Su Bai, the worker ants, the queen, and fifty thousand gold-eating ants filed in, and walked through the canyon into the underground passage that seemed to be formed naturally.

An underground passage is a huge ground seam.

All the way down along the jagged rocks, the light is getting dimmer.

When Su Bai led the gold-eating ants army deep into the ground several thousand meters, the light in the tunnel became brighter again.

Clusters of fluorescent mushrooms grow on the rock wall, bringing a rare light to this dark and deep underground passage, illuminating the entire passage like evening.

Another few hours of marching.

After winding down several kilometers again, this long underground passage finally came to an end.

It suddenly opened up.

Slightly golden rays of light emanate from the exit of the underground passage, illuminating a section of tens of meters of passage, just like daylight on the ground.

A few steps across the distance, Su Bai appeared at the exit of the underground passage.


He was shocked by the scene before his eyes!

After nearly a full day of fast marching, what appeared in front of Su Bai was a vast new world!

This underground world, which exists nearly 10,000 meters deep underground, is not as dark as Su Bai imagined. Even if it is not as bright as the daytime of the surface world, the entire underground world is like dusk.

And the source of these rays...

Suspended hills float in the sky above the underground world.

I don't know what kind of material these hills are made of, not only can they be suspended in the sky a thousand meters above the ground in the underground world, but they also emit a slightly golden dazzling light!

Earth Sun!

According to the description in that collection of books, these floating mountains are the source of light for the entire Exiled Land, the sun in the center of the earth!

There is still day and night in the inner earth world.

The difference is that the difference between day and night here is not judged by the rising and setting of the sun—these suspended mountains called geocentric suns have existed since ancient times and have always radiated eternal light. fall.

The reason for the division of day and night in the earth's core world is a magical magical creature, the crow.

The Flame Crow is a magical creature bred from the floating mountain.

This kind of creature does not have a strong attack power, nor a strong defense power. The only thing worth noting about them, other than the huge number, is the fire element resistance that can be called a bug!

The sun in the center of the earth is the lair of the flame crow!

As a very regular magical creature, every once in a while, countless flame crows will fly out from the earth's core sun, looking for food and multiplying everywhere in the earth's core world.

At this time, it is the daytime of the earth core world.

And when twelve hours have passed, these countless flame crows will return to their lair, the earth core sun.

When countless flame crows return to their lairs, even the light emitted by the earth's core sun will be blocked, and the brightness of the entire earth's core world will also drop significantly—this is the night of the grass core world.

Compared with the world on the ground, the world in the core of the earth called the Exiled Land is not that big.

But it also far exceeds the area of ​​the Principality of the Rhineland, and is even wider than the area of ​​the Kingdom of Kuwait!

With an area of ​​thousands of miles, countless suspended mountains have become the earth's sun in this world. Countless rivers and lakes are distributed on the ground, coupled with the light released by the earth's sun, making the entire earth's core world lush, like A small world in its own right!

For the residents of the earth core world, the ground under their feet is the earth.

At a height of one thousand meters, the gray rock walls that are so thick and hopelessly thick are their sky!

At this time, Su Bai is standing on the sky of the inner earth world!

"The world in the center of the earth..."

"It turns out that this is the land of exile......

Standing at the entrance of the Earth's core world, looking at the magnificent and magnificent Earth's core world below, even Su Bai, who has experienced several big scenes, couldn't help being shocked, and muttered to himself.

●Ask for flowers...0

Next, he had to face a choice.

Do you want to enter the inner world!

The rock wall as the sky dome is about a thousand meters above the ground. Falling to the ground from this distance, with Su Bai's current strength, he may be injured, but he will never be seriously injured.

He thought it would be easy to enter the inner earth world.

Moreover, with the [Blink] skill, as long as Su Bai grasps the timing, Su Bai may not even be injured.

But after entering the underground world, it is not easy to return to the surface world.

At an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, the position where Su Bai is standing is already the lowest point of all the rock walls in the field of vision. This distance, even if he releases all nine levels of displacement, it will be difficult to cross.

Unless he advanced to legend in the underground world, it would be difficult for him to return to the surface world.


From an altitude of more than a thousand meters, Su Bai can be unscathed.

Even with the little worker ants and queen ants, he can guarantee that he can safely land on the ground. But he has nothing to do with the more than 50,000 gold-eating ants that followed him...

Falling from this height, these gold-eating ants, who are only at the elite level at most, will definitely end up smashed to pieces!

To go, or not to go.

This is a problem.

"Go back."

"Using the nest as a base, it hunts and grows around."

"If this trip goes well, maybe it won't be long before I return to the ground."

After a long time, Su Bai finally made a decision and gave the order to the 50,000 gold-eating ants behind him.


Su Bai decided to enter the underground world.

For other beings, the underground world is a place of exile, but for Su Bai, the underground world is a land of rare opportunities!

He had a premonition that the opportunity for him to be promoted to legend lies in the king of the world in the center of the earth!

When the 50,000 gold-eating ants began to retreat, Su Bai also grabbed the bodies of the worker ants and the queen.


Jump down from the sky of more than 1,000 meters!

PS1: Hey, a new map is open! The author guarantees that the plot of this map is not worse than that of the Rhine Kingdom, and even more exciting~ The epic advancement of the worker ants, the professional differentiation of the gold-eating ants, and the legendary advancement of the protagonist .........Wait, it will all be unfolded on this new map! Stay tuned~

PS2: Please subscribe for the sixth update! Please subscribe automatically!.

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