From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

006 Skill Fragments And Evolution Points! [The Third More Collection~]

006 skill fragments and evolution points!


The breeze blows, bringing bursts of refreshing coolness, and the blowing grass sways, casting dappled shadows on the ground.

On the fifth day of his rebirth as an ant, Su Bai climbed out of the ant nest he lived on for the first time.

Perhaps the ants in the game world are more powerful than the ants in the previous life. The ant nest where Su Bai was born was not dug on the ground, but on a small mountain wall.

The exit is half a meter high from the ground to ensure that even in heavy rain, the ant nest will not be flooded.

After leaving the ant nest, Su Bai did not leave in a hurry, but crawled forward along the route of the worker ants.

He smelled two scents along the way.

These two scents represent "calling" and "battle" respectively.

In the ant race, the appearance of these two odors may indicate the presence of enemies, and the other may be that worker ants have discovered creatures that can be used as food and summon other ants to kill or drag them back to the ant nest.

No matter which of these two situations, for Su Bai, it means his first battle in this world!

Feeling slightly excited.

Su Bai followed these two scents all the way.

He found the battlefield just a dozen meters away.

On the open space, an earthworm more than ten centimeters long was struggling desperately, and on and around the earthworm were densely packed with hundreds of black ants.

A single ant does negligible damage to an earthworm, but a gathering of hundreds of ants is enough to consume the earthworm and turn it into a food reserve in the ant nest.

As soon as he arrived at the battlefield, Su Bai joined the battle.

If he was facing other insects, he might have to think about it. But in the face of pure meat shield insects like earthworms, this is equivalent to a godsend of gene points and evolution points!

Compared with ants, earthworms have stronger strength and physique, and the corresponding defense ability of earthworms is also stronger.

Ordinary ants bite desperately, and it takes a long time for their tiny fangs to tear a small wound on the body of an earthworm, but Su Bai's four-dimensional attributes far exceed the limit of the ant race.

Coupled with his [Enhanced Jaws] passive skill, he tore off a piece of flesh from the earthworm with just one bite!

The injured earthworm twisted violently, and Su Bai saw the new subtitles as he wished.

"Eating...acquired 3 experience points..."

"Eating...acquired 2 points of experience..."

"Ding! You swallowed the flesh and blood of an earthworm and gained 1 point of earthworm gene."

1 point of earthworm gene, not much better than caterpillar gene, but it is a good start.

Encouraged, Su Bai waved his sharp fangs frequently, tearing off small pieces of flesh and blood from the earthworm's body and swallowing them.

"Eating... Gaining 4 experience points..."

"Ding! You swallowed the flesh and blood of an earthworm and gained 1 point of earthworm gene."

"Ding! You swallowed the flesh and blood of an earthworm and obtained a skill fragment!"

"Skill fragments?"

Su Bai paused slightly, and hastily opened his attribute panel.

On his second attribute panel, a new row of data appeared impressively.

[Gene Points]: caterpillar gene 3 points, earthworm gene 2 points.

[Evolution Points]: 0 points.

[Skill Fragment]: Heal 1/10.

When his gaze stayed on the third row, some information naturally appeared in Su Bai's mind.

Passive skill [healing]: You are slightly reduced by the bleeding effect and serious injury effect, and your wound healing speed is slightly increased. When food is plentiful, you can slowly repair your injuries by eating.

Obviously, this is an extremely powerful passive skill!

As an ant, Su Bai can't drink healing potions, can't find a healer, and doesn't even have healing skills. Once injured, it may be beyond redemption.

The emergence of passive skill healing undoubtedly greatly improved his survivability!

The only pity is that these are just skill fragments, not real skills. To master the [Healing] skill, you need to obtain 9 pieces of the same skill fragments.

For a moment, Su Bai looked at the earthworm with hot eyes.

The action of biting the flesh and blood of the earthworm also sped up a bit.


Possessing the talent of devouring evolution, Su Bai's appetite is extremely terrifying.

The devoured flesh and blood were converted into experience points, or gene points and skill fragments by the talent of devouring evolution, allowing him to easily swallow food several times his own body.

Even so, it took Su Bai more than ten minutes to devour the earthworm completely.

Having lost the enemy (food), the worker ants waved their tentacles blankly, scattered and continued to search for new food, while Su Bai happily opened his attribute panel.

The first properties panel is unchanged.

Swallowing an earthworm did not improve his rank and four-dimensional attributes again.

The second attribute panel is gradually enriched.

[Gene Points]: caterpillar gene 3 points, earthworm gene 5 points.

[Evolution Points]: 1 point.

[Skill Fragment]: Healing 3/10.

A living earthworm provided Su Bai with 5 points of earthworm genes, three fragments of [Healing] skill, and even 1 point of evolution.

The [Healing] skill needs seven pieces to form a complete skill, which means that he has to devour at least four earthworms.

And the evolution points...

Participating in hunting an earthworm gives Su Bai 1 evolution point.

As long as he has 5 evolution points, he can start to evolve for the first time!

PS: Thank you [Mei Ye] for the 2000 point reward from the boss, thank you for the 100 point reward from the big guy who can’t see the name, and thank you for the flowers and comments from other big guys~

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