From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

007 The Projection Of The Gods, The Gods Come To The World! [Fourth More Full Order! 】

007 Projection of the gods, the gods come to the world!

"Time is up."

When a certain moment came, above the main material world, in the kingdom of the starry sky, an infinitely bright and beautiful figure silently recited a sentence, and a divine power passed through the kingdom of God, passed through the gap in space, and descended into the real world somewhere in.

at the same time.

In the territory of the Buluo Empire, in a certain city that is being attacked by countless monsters, Emily, who is leading the players of this country to fight against the invasion of monsters, suddenly heard a familiar voice in her heart.

"Emily, my terrestrial incarnation, the original disaster is coming to an end.

I just released the magic of light and blessed a buff skill for the players near me. When I heard this sound, Emily suddenly felt like tears filled her eyes!

This is the voice of the Goddess of Light!

More than ten days ago, she received an oracle from the Goddess of Light, and she exited the game world ahead of schedule and returned to the real world, waiting for the disaster that the goddess said in the oracle to come.

But she was far from expecting that the disaster in the oracle of the goddess was actually this kind of disaster!

Not to mention, it was just the initial disaster...

Let her clan suffer heavy losses!

The Unfallen Empire, one of the most powerful countries in the real world, used to have a territory covering most of the world. Even if it is no longer as powerful as it used to be, it is still one of the countries with great influence in this world.


When space cracks appeared and monsters in the game descended, this country seemed extremely weak in the face of this sudden disaster...

The power of thermal weapons has been weakened to the extreme.

And with the passage of time, as the energy level in the real world increases, this weakening continues.

The violent agencies that were originally used to maintain the stability and security of the country are hardly effective in the face of these monsters coming in like a tide. Only players... relying on the abilities in the game can effectively resist the attacks of these monsters !

There are only three Sanctuary players in the Unfallen Empire.

It is also under the leadership of these three Sanctuary players that those players can resist the invasion of countless monsters and keep the three largest cities in the Buluo Empire with difficulty.

As for other places...

Already when the monster came, it fell, and there was no longer a living thing.

The divine voice is coming again.

When the voice of the Goddess of Light sounded in her heart, Emily didn't even care that she was still on the battlefield, she was still on the edge of the city, leading tens of millions of players to resist the attack of the monster frenzy!

She fell to her knees.

Big tears fell from his eyes.

The face that has been pretending to be confident and resolute in the past ten days has also recovered at this moment.

"Your Majesty the Goddess."

"Your loyal believers are praying to you, praying that you will send down miracles to save the world; praying that you will send down divine punishment to kill the monsters that slaughtered your believers; praying that you will come to the world and lead us out of this disaster..... .”

Without Emily's magical blessing, the pressure on the players fighting against the monster frenzy increased greatly, and the monster almost broke through the defense system they had managed to maintain.


No one blames Emily.

Not only because Emily is the only sanctuary here, but also the pillar of the city, but also because of what Emily prays!

Over the past ten days, nearly a million players died in the monster attack, and became the food of countless monsters, which gave them enough authenticity and existence, from false to real.

No one can accept this result.

But the reason why they can persevere until now is that on the one hand, Emily, the saint of light, is still there, and on the other hand, it is because of Emily's continuous publicity in the past ten days!

After the initial disaster, the goddess of light will come!

The supreme god will personally lead them to resist the invasion of monsters, lead them out of disaster, and lead them to the light!

In the past ten days, they have seen no hope.

And now, there is hope!

"Goddess of Light..."

"Is it finally coming? Those high gods... are they finally willing to cast their eyes on the earth..."

A knight player with terrifying scars on his body muttered to himself.

This player, who is second only to Emily in strength, has been at the forefront in the past ten days, beheading countless powerful monsters, and thus suffering countless injuries.

If it weren't for the fact that a large part of Emily's light magic is buff and restorative magic, this knight would have died in battle long ago.

And when this moment comes,

Even this powerful knight who is as strong as steel couldn't help but shed tears: "They... why did they come!!!"

Ten days.

There are only these three big cities left in the mainland of the Unfallen Empire.

Even if many people from the Buluo Empire fled into the city at the very beginning of the disaster, and fled into these three largest cities, during the disaster of more than ten days, the population of the Bufall Empire was still enough was cut by a third.


This third... all. Become a monster's appetite!

This includes family and friends of this mighty knight!

"Goddess...come down!!!"

"As long as we can save our people and our country, I, Carlos, would like to become the most devout believer of the goddess and fight for the glory of the goddess forever!!!"

Strong tears fell down.

Carlos repelled a monster with a heavy punch, and let out a loud shout, which also let the players farther away know the news that the Goddess of Light is coming.

Emily's heart.

The divine voice continued to sound.

"Emily, my embodiment on earth. What are you willing to give to save your enemies?"

"Pay what?"

Emily was slightly taken aback.

The sounds of the surrounding battles were still coming into her ears. Emily, who was kind-hearted at first, finally made a decision in line with her identity and occupation after enduring countless baptisms of the divine magic of light.

"Your Majesty... Emily, I am willing to give everything I have!"

"very good."

"From now on, your body will be your support on the ground, and your soul will be the port where the light will grow: your existence will be the proof that the light shines on the world!"


"Dedicate your faith, show the faith of your people, I will come, and personally guide you through this initial disaster and the greater disaster that will come later!"

When this answer came,

Emily no longer hesitated, and began to pray devoutly.

"My Goddess, your followers pray for your coming...  

Under the blessing of the divine power of light, Emily's voice spread far and wide. Under her leadership, more players joined the ranks of this prayer.

"My Goddess, your followers pray for your coming..."


The sound is getting louder.

More and more players joined the ranks of praying, and more and more power of faith was gathered, appearing beside Emily [Enter Emily's soul.

Through that trace of divine soul that has long been hidden, it is linked to the body of the goddess of light above the kingdom of God.


The goddess of light who is honored as the king of gods... finally begins to descend!

PS1: Sorry everyone, I accidentally fell asleep last night, this is the fourth update, there is still a chapter where the author continues to write, and it will be posted as soon as it is finished!

PS2: For the fourth change, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

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