From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

073 The End Of The War... The World Falls! [The Third Update Asks For A Full Order! 】

073 The End of the War... The World Falls!

Su Duoduo and Alfonso are sanctuaries.

Although Su Yiyi has not yet been promoted to the sanctuary, her combat power at this time is no less than that of ordinary sanctuary experts.

When the protective barrier was shattered, and even the elemental brilliance array that could threaten them could not be activated again, there was nothing in the City of Hope that could stop them.

The Mosquito Knights began to charge.

Under the command of Su Yiyi, a total of 10,000 monster knights blasted open the city gate that had lost the protection of the moat barrier, rushed into the city and started the first batch of killings.

Su Duoduo directly turned into his own prototype, a 100-meter-tall abyssal spider descended on the city, tearing apart and devouring countless aborigines and players!

Alfonso chanted a mantra, and the endless cold current turned into frost, snow and ice and spread in the city, turning half of the city into a country of ice and snow!

City of Hope.

The great city created by the cooperation of all races on Saint Laurent Continent has finally fallen!

Even if there are countless other magic circles in this city, even if there are millions of elite troops and tens of millions of players in this city, it is still difficult to change this ending!

They played all their cards, but they didn't even manage to slightly injure the monster emperor!

Nothing can resist the invasion of the abyss, nothing can resist the ravages of the monster emperor!

time flies.

There are more and more dragon-eating ants and undead monsters in the City of Hope, and the already hard-to-resist players and aborigines are even more at a disadvantage.

When Su Bai turned on the halo of fear and the halo of corruption and descended on the city from high above, the resistance of the aborigines and players was weakened to the extreme!

More and more players and aborigines were slaughtered, turning into the experience and killing value of the dragon-eating ants.

There are also more and more players being transformed, and the corpses have become new undead monsters.

One hour.

two hours.

Three hours.

After six hours had passed, this mighty city that carried the hopes of all the survivors on the Saint Laurent continent turned into a dead city after all!

Not to mention living beings, there are not even corpses and equipment left!

The corpse was transformed into a new undead monster by Alfonso, or swallowed by the dragon-eating ants army.

The equipment was even devoured by millions of dragon-eating ants!

With the racial talent of [Life Bite], all existences that contain energy, including equipment, can be devoured by dragon-eating ants, "becoming their means of restoring health and strengthening the body!


Su Bai soared into the sky and appeared above the City of Hope.

"Go ahead.

"Eat everything you see!"

"Destroy everything you see!"

"Let the entire continent be enveloped by the breath of the abyss!"

Millions of dragon-eating ants and tens of millions of undead corps frantically rushed out of the city of hope in countless directions, spreading towards the southern continent!

The destruction of City of Hope also means the destruction of the last power of this main material world.

Perhaps, in this corner of the world, there are still missing legendary heroes and epic heroes. These scattered legendary heroes and epic heroes are completely unable to pose a threat to the Dragon Devouring Ant Legion and the Undead Legion.

When there is no need to worry about the strong among the enemies, the biggest goal of the Dragon Devouring Ant Army and the Undead Army is to spread quickly and spread the breath of the abyss towards the southern continent!

Every dragon-eating ant, every undead monster is a source of pollution.

When they spread rapidly, it means that the breath of the abyss spreads rapidly.

pollute the land, pollute the air.

Transform all the areas they pass in the direction of the abyss!

At this time, it doesn't matter whether the survivors of the Southern Continent are slaughtered or not.

As long as the breath of the abyss can be spread quickly, even if there are still many aborigines alive in the southern continent, there are still many players hiding in remote places, and it will not have the slightest influence.

The war of planes has been won.

Saint Laurent continent is doomed to sink!

Su Bai is just reaping his own spoils!

The day passed.

The fastest dragon-eating ants have appeared thousands of miles away, and even brought the breath of the abyss thousands of miles away.

Two days passed.

After destroying the symbolic resistance of several small cities, the figures of dragon-eating ants and undead monsters have appeared three thousand miles away.

Five days later.

Half of the entire southern continent is covered with dragon-eating ants and undead monsters.

Ten days passed!

In the most remote part of the Southern Continent, a flying ant appeared! It also means that the whole world is under the aura of the abyss!

The ruins left after the City of Hope was destroyed.

Su Bai is waiting here.

With the spread of dragon-eating ants and undead monsters, more than 80% of the entire Saint Laurent continent was polluted by the breath of the abyss, he opened his eyes.

One, the time has come.

His eyes swept across the land in front of him, extending to the horizon in the distance.

Su Bai muttered to himself, activated his power as the abyss lord, and communicated with the will of the abyss in the dark!

"I want to drag the Saint Laurent continent into the abyss of desolation!"

"Let this world... perish forever!"

Accompanied by Su Bai's words, the will of the abyss that once came to the Saint Laurent continent came again!

This time, the Supreme Will did not appear!

The plane war is over, as the victor, Su Bai is entitled to get everything he can, including this entire main material world!

Not even the Supreme Will can stop Su Bai from claiming his spoils.

Because this is the reward in the rules!

The will of the abyss came, (Nonuo's) Su Bai used the power of the will of the abyss to obtain the Saint Laurent Continent, his own spoils of war!

The endless abyss aura erupted.

With the coming of the will of the abyss, huge cracks appeared in the king of the sky!

Like shattered glass!

Through the huge cracks, Su Bai can vaguely see another world! The breath of the abyss, the power of barrenness! The world behind the cracks is the barren abyss controlled by Su Bai!

The strange calm of the earth changed.

But the sky began to shatter and collapse continuously, merging with another piece of sky!

Even if he couldn't understand this kind of fusion for the time being, Yin Bai could feel it.

The main material world of Saint Laurent Continent is getting closer and closer to the barren abyss!

this world...….….

Being swallowed by the barren abyss!

PS: For the third update, please order in full! Please subscribe automatically!.

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