From Ants To Demon Gods Of The Abyss

057 Break Out Of The Center Of The Earth, And The Monsters Return! [The First Update Asks For A Full

057 Break out of the center of the earth, and the monsters return!

a few minutes ago.

After arriving at the end of the tunnel with the gold-eating ants army, Su Bai saw the sealing magic circle composed of countless small magic circles.

[Eye of Insight] Sweeping across the sealing circle, countless information appeared in Su Bai's field of vision.

In a short time, Su Bai found a way to break the sealing circle.

After all, it is the magic circle used by the Saint Laurent Empire to prevent races and monsters from breaking out of the earth's core world. This sealing magic circle is very strong, and it is a powerhouse at the peak legendary level who appears here and wants to crush it. This sealing circle is not so easy.


A magic circle has its core.

This sealing circle, which is composed of countless small magic circles, has the biggest weakness, and that is the spar as the core of the seal.

For other monsters, the sealing spar is on the other side of the sealing circle. Even if they want to destroy it, it is difficult for them to pass through this extremely powerful sealing circle.

For Su Bai, this is not a problem at all! 20

Standing in front of the sealing circle, feeling the strong magical atmosphere emanating from the sealing circle, Su Bai gripped the magic insect spear tightly.

Huge magic power injection.

Blue flames burned on the pitch-black body of the Insect Demon Spear.

When the blue flame burned to the extreme, Su Bai poured all his strength into the Demonic Worm Spear, aimed at the sealing spar outside the sealing circle and threw it vigorously!

The Insect Demon Spear was like a flash of lightning, instantly breaking through the sealing circle that could withstand Peak Legend, and hit the spar as the core!


There was a crisp cracking sound.

Before the gap pierced by the magic-breaking power on the sealing circle healed, the spar as the core shattered!

The entire sealing circle shattered!

With a dodge, Su Bai passed through the sealing circle that had begun to dissipate, and appeared above the Valley of Sealing Demons.

"Evil... King of Insects?!"


"It should be the Monarch of the Demonic Insect!"

In the Valley of Sealing Demons, "Mingdai Qinglong" watched helplessly as a blue lightning shattered the core spar of the sealing circle, and then a black figure flew out from the crack at the bottom of the canyon and appeared in the Valley of Sealing Demons over the sky.

Black helmet, black armor, black odd-shaped gun.

When this iconic image came into view, "Ming Dai Qinglong" immediately remembered the figure that had disappeared for more than a year!

Lord of the Dark Forest!

The monster boss who led the gold-eating ants to slaughter dozens of novice villages and towns, captured the capital of the Rhine Duchy, and directly led to the collapse of the Rhine Duchy!


"This is the Saint Laurent Empire! There are three legendary heroes stationed here alone, how dare he appear here?!"

It is no secret in the surface world that the Lord of the Dark Jungle became the King of Mosquitoes after advancing to the Epic.

In particular, Su Bai unified the earth's core world, not only advanced to legend, but also promoted his title from the king of monsters to the legendary king of monsters. His legendary degree of hundreds of points made him once the best of all. The well-known monster boss.

Whether it is the monster race and humanoid race of the aborigines, or the player, Su Bai's deeds are already familiar.

But with Su Bai's silence for the next year, his popularity among players gradually faded.

Except for the Rhineland players who were deeply poisoned by Su Bai at the beginning, most of the players regarded Su Bai as a game story—a BOSS of Novice Village, after countless efforts

The plot of growing up step by step to become the master of the earth core world.

Saint Laurent Empire is very powerful.

The entire game world is named after Saint Laurent, which is enough to show the power of this empire.

Correspondingly, players born in the Saint Laurent Empire are also proud.

Even if Su Bai advances to legend, even if Su Bai becomes the master of the inner earth world, even if the passage leading to the inner earth world is sealed in the Valley of Sealing Demons... No one thinks that Su Bai will break out of the seal, Attack the Saint Laurent Empire.

Because the power gap between the two is too great!

The strength of the earth core world is enough to exceed a kingdom in the human world, but there are dozens of kingdoms in the entire Saint Laurent continent!

Even if these dozens of kingdoms unite, they may not be the opponent of Saint Laurent Empire!

Under such circumstances, no one would think that Su Bai dared to rush out of the sealed passage and appear on the territory of the Saint Laurent Empire.

But now.

He appeared!

Looking at the figure standing out of nowhere in the sky, "Mingdai Qinglong" suddenly trembled.

He suddenly remembered that the Demon Insect Monarch is different from other monster bosses!

As long as the monster emperor appears, there will definitely be gold-eating ants!

The tsunami-like sea of ​​insects pouring over the sky and covering the sky has made countless players despair!


When this small sound came, "Mingdai Qinglong" twisted his neck a little stiffly, and looked at the passage that was once sealed by the sealing circle, and countless black figures had already started pouring out of the passage!


Before "Mingdai Qinglong" sent out the signal of the enemy's attack, an extremely huge gold-eating ant charged and flew past him at an extremely fast speed.

"Mingdai Qinglong" only saw a black knight gun getting bigger and bigger in front of his eyes, and a sharp pain came, and he lost consciousness!


After passing through the sealing circle and appearing above the Valley of Sealing Demons, Su Bai's sight turned to the important military town next to the Valley of Sealing Demons.

He ignored the players and aborigines in the Valley of Sealing Demons.

The core spar of the sealing circle has been destroyed, and it cannot be repaired until a new replacement is found. In a short period of time, there is no need to worry that 713 Heart Eater Gold Ants will be isolated again by the sealing circle

The players and aborigines in the Valley of Sealing Demons, as well as the players and aborigines in the military town, are all the targets of gold-eating ants.

If Su Bai did everything by himself, he wouldn't need to raise gold-eating ants.

Su Bai's goal is just a legend!

At this moment, only legendary heroes are qualified to be his opponents!

Su Yiyi was the second to rush out from the sealing passage, her figure was like a black streamer passing through the Valley of Sealing Demons, and all the existences she passed by, whether they were players or aborigines, were all killed by one blow.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon Insect Knights poured out from the passage and gathered behind Su Yiyi.

When more and more devil knights appeared in the Valley of Sealing Demons, and started to charge with Su Yiyi as the tip of their spears, the thousands of aborigine troops and players guarding the Valley of Sealing Demons were instantly wiped out.


More gold-eating ants start to appear!

The passage leading to the earth's inner world seems to have turned into a fountain at this time, spit out a steady stream of gold-eating ants.

For every gold-eating ants that gushed out, the Valley of Sealing Demons was hacked.

When more and more gold-eating ants appeared and occupied every inch of the Demon Sealing Valley, the entire Demon Sealing Valley had completely turned black!

Moreover, it is rapidly spreading towards the military town!

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