Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 355 354 Money is the primary driving force

Chapter 355 354. Money is the first driving force

After not seeing Huo Jianqi for a long time, Chen Li'an felt that he missed this old friend.

The most important thing is that Huo Jianqi brought Chen Li'an's best actor trophy. After the Golden Rooster Awards, Gong Li wanted to take it away from Chen Li'an, but Huo Jianqi refused and insisted on handing it over to Chen Li'an himself.

Chen Li'an looked at the trophy and couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said, "It's quite nice. By the way, where's the bonus?"

Huo Jianqi: "Is it appropriate for us brothers to talk about money when we meet?"

"It's appropriate. There is also a share of the movie. Please hurry up and get it back." Chen Li'an said mercilessly, playing with the trophy for a while and putting it aside.

Golden Rooster, this name is festive, I like it!

Huo Jianqi sat opposite Chen Li'an and said speechlessly: "I know, I'll ask my wife to bring it to you later."

Chen Li'an curled his lips and said, "My wife is older than my wife all the time. It's great to have a wife."

After the two chatted for a while, Jia Zhangke came, opened the office door, and said sheepishly: "I'm late, I'm sorry."

Chen Li'an smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay. The time is just right. Let's talk about the film festival together."

After Jia Zhangke sat down, he looked at Chen Li'an and asked, "The film festival starts in February. Will you go with me then?"

Chen Li'an shook his head and said: "I don't have time to go there. You and Lao Huo can go together. The film festival is actually quite simple and the process is very transparent. But there is one thing you should pay attention to. When a film producer comes to you, don't be anxious. Sell."

Jia Zhangke nodded, looked at Chen Li'an and asked, "If you don't participate in the main competition, will it be difficult for the film to sell?"

"The Berlin Film Festival is a big film trading market. Don't worry about this problem." Chen Li'an turned to look at Huo Jianqi and said: "Lao Huo, you don't have to worry. Although the singer does not meet the Berlin Film Festival's entry criteria, but There is no problem with screening, as long as there is an opportunity to screen, the film will not have to worry about selling."

Huo Jianqi smiled and said, "I'm not worried. Now that you are so famous, someone will definitely be willing to buy it."

Chen Li'an thought about it and it was true. The movie itself was good, and with Chen Li'an starring in it, he really didn't have to worry about no one buying it in Europe.

Jia Zhangke also asked curiously: "Junior, what was your situation in London before?"

"It's nothing. Didn't the newspaper say it all? It's the same as what the newspaper said." Chen Li'an smiled and didn't explain that much.

Jia Zhangke didn't want to ask any more questions. He chatted with Chen Li'an for a while about participating in the Berlin Film Festival, and then decided on several film festivals to participate in.

After all, the probability of winning a grand prize in Berlin is too small. If you participate in more film festivals, you will have more chances of winning, not to mention the bonus.

Huo Jianqi is in the same situation. Although he cannot participate in the three major European film festivals, he can still participate in other film festivals.

The singer has only won one award so far, and it was Chen Li'an's Best Actor Award. The movie itself has not won any awards yet.

Huo Jianqi was also worried. With such a good film, he couldn't just mess around with it.

More than half an hour later, Chen Li'an and Huo Jianqi finished their chat. They looked at the time and said to them: "You guys sit and chat for a while. I also want to meet Director Feng Xiaogang. Don't leave at night and have a meal together."

Huo Jianqi and Jia Zhangke looked at each other and nodded at the same time: "Okay, then you go and do your work."

After Chen Li'an left, Huo Jianqi couldn't help but say: "Li'an's standards for investing in film and television dramas are really unclear. They can also invest in commercial films, independent films, and even poor Yao dramas."

Jia Zhangke smiled and said: "I can see that investing in artistic films and independent films is because you like them, and investing in commercial films and poor Yao dramas is to make money."

"It's really both hands." Huo Jianqi smiled, then remembered that neither his own movies nor Jia Zhangke's movies had the ability to make money, and suddenly he could understand Chen Li'an.

How can we subsidize these investments without making money from other places?

Huo Jianqi and Jia Zhangke also want to make money in their hearts. They have both experienced the hard days of having no money. It is really difficult to make a movie and ask their grandfather and grandma to get investment.

If Chen Li'an hadn't helped them, they wouldn't have known how much effort it would have taken. Now they only have one thought: the movie must be sold at a good price!

In another office, Feng Xiaogang was sitting on the sofa chatting with Chen Meiren, and Xu Ban was sitting next to him.

Chen Li'an pushed the door open and walked in. Feng Xiaogang stood up and said politely: "Teacher Chen, long time no see."

"Director Feng, please take a seat." Chen Li'an looked at Feng Xiaogang's cheerful expression and guessed that he must have been very happy these days.

In a short period of time, the box office exceeded 10 million, which made him feel proud.

Chen Li'an looked at Feng Xiaogang and said with a smile: "Director Feng, Party A and Party B are very successful. Your understanding of comedy movies is really good."

Feng Xiaogang smiled and couldn't help but pat his leg. He had heard a lot of compliments in the past few days, but today was the happiest one.

After all, the people who praise him are different. If ordinary people praise him, he will be happy for a while. What's more, many people have recently criticized him for making sketches instead of movies at all.

Feng Xiaogang was happy and suffocating at the same time. What happened to commercial movies? Why should I say that what I shoot is a sketch? Movies that make money are good movies.

Chen Li'an and Feng Xiaogang said a few more polite words before getting down to business. They came to Feng Xiaogang today to poach someone.

The company currently has no capable director and is in urgent need of a director to kick off the film production business.

"Director Feng, I wonder if you are interested in joining our company." Chen Li'an said with a smile and handed over a cigar.

Feng Xiaogang took it with both hands, hesitated and said, "It's an honor for me, Mr. Chen, to invite me, but I can't help the factory's cultivation now that I'm gone."

Chen Meiren couldn't help but said at the side: "Director Feng, the current situation in the factory is not good. It is inevitable that you will be constrained in doing things. If you come to our company, we will give you the greatest autonomy."

Feng Xiaogang was actually very excited. Working in a factory had its benefits, but Chen Meiren was right. The system would inevitably lead to constraints. If nothing else, it would be difficult to invest in movies.

Don't look at this movie to make money. If you want to invest in the next movie, the factory still can't afford that much money. Who wants so many directors in the factory to ask for money?

Chen Li'an saw that Feng Xiaogang was hesitant and said: "Director Feng, think carefully and don't rush. We have many friends and many paths. Even if we don't come to our company in the future, we can still continue to cooperate."

After hearing what Chen Li'an said, Chen Meiren glanced at him and felt that he should persuade him again today, and he might be able to win.

Chen Li'an noticed the look in Chen Meiren's eyes and secretly pressed his hand to her. At this time, Feng Xiaogang was very proud of himself. How could he change jobs casually?

And since he can get a share of the box office this time, he may have other plans in mind, and he won't change jobs for a while.

Chen Li'an is now talking to Feng Xiaogang about changing jobs, just to grab a head start, and also to make him more proud. After being praised, his mentality will be inflated, and he will fall into trouble.

When he ran into a wall in the factory and had difficulty distributing box office profits, he naturally understood the benefits of stepping outside the system.

After Chen Li'an and Feng Xiaogang chatted for a while, they sent him off. Chen Mei and Xu Fan chatted happily and even made an appointment to go for a beauty treatment together next time.

After they left, Chen Li'an remembered that Feng Xiaogang didn't seem to be divorced. Is he and Xu Fan now in an unclear stage?

But there's nothing to say. This kind of thing is so normal in the industry. Isn't Chen Li'an himself a standard scumbag?

Not to mention the eldest brother, Chen Li'an is still very self-aware.

In the evening, Chen Zhannan, Huo Jianqi and Jia Zhangke had dinner and drank some wine together and then went home.

I didn't go anywhere tonight, I didn't make an appointment with anyone, I just went home and had a good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, Chen Li'an flew directly to Yangcheng, and the MP3 matter had to be implemented as soon as possible.

Chen Li'an is quite concerned about this matter. This may be the most accessible electronic product in the 1990s besides VCD.

The barriers to other electronic product industries are too high. Unless you assemble like VCD, there is no future.

After Chen Li'an landed in Yangcheng, he went directly to the factory. Now the scale of the factory is much larger than last year. The local support is great, and the treatment of large taxpayers is different.

Chen Li'an came to the conference room to meet with the R\u0026D team, and his head was spinning as they listened to a bunch of professional terms.

However, Chen Li'an respected them very much. After they talked for half an hour, he said, "That's very good, but I actually didn't understand what you said."

As soon as Chen Li'an's words came out, the conference room burst into laughter. A young technician joked: "Teacher Chen, we actually can't understand your artwork."

"Haha, after all, every other line is like a mountain." After Chen Li'an joked, he said seriously: "But I have a few requirements. First, the size must be small, second, the memory must be large, and third, it must be able to connect to the computer to download songs directly. ."

Several technicians frowned at the same time. The third requirement was easy to say, but the first two requirements were too difficult. They required not only small memory but also large memory.

One technician asked in confusion: "Shouldn't we pursue sound quality? And the smaller the size, the memory will also be affected."

Chen Li'an looked at him and said: "I'm not a technician. These issues are not what I should consider, but what you should consider. But don't worry, I will manage enough R\u0026D funds. Once the research and development is successful, I will also manage enough bonuses."

Hearing what Chen Li'an said, their frowns relaxed slightly, but they still said to Chen Li'an: "If this is the case, we will have to spend a lot of time on storage research, and our current technical reserves cannot support it."

"Then expand the team and continue to recruit people. It is not difficult to make a music player, but it takes time and effort to make an epoch-making product." Chen Li'an took out a design draft as he spoke and said: "This I designed the appearance of the product, and you design it according to this standard."

Several technicians took the design and took a look at it, their eyes lit up slightly, but when they saw the display screen and circular buttons on it, they couldn't help but feel that the task was difficult.

Chen Li'an ignored them and directly took the design draft and told them his detailed design and requirements, from the button design to the material and color of the shell.

After Chen Li'an finished speaking, the technicians competed with Chen Li'an again. They pointed at the design drawings and started arguing with Chen Li'an that the size was too small and the buttons were unreasonable. Chen Li'an almost understood all the nouns and data they said one by one. After listening to them for a long time, Chen Li'an almost understood them. .

He sat there and nodded, and after they finished speaking, he knocked on the table and said, "I said, these problems are yours, not mine. We need to find ways to overcome them. We can't solve them without sufficient R\u0026D funds." , that’s your problem.”

"An MP3 only has a few components. Can't you overcome these difficulties?"

After Chen Li'an finished speaking, he turned to look at Qiao Linmu, who had been smiling and saying nothing, and said: "Second uncle, the research and development of new products and logistics support are done well. If there are technical problems, just hire capable people. I don't believe in a small MP3 player." Can’t do it.”

After saying that, Chen Li'an stood up and looked at them and said: "We can't make computers, we can't make chips, can't we make a small MP3? Can we just assemble it and make a processing factory?"

"If you just design a product randomly, how will you compete with foreign manufacturers in the future?" Chen Li'an couldn't help but patted the table and said, "What I want is to amaze them with the first product. What I want is for the product to be successful in the global market." Create an advantage!"

"If you have difficulties in research and development, then go ahead and overcome them. Complain to me here and ask me to change the design! Then what else do I want you to do!"

Chen Li'an felt a little angry as he spoke, but he still suppressed his temper and said: "Samsung is also preparing to do this project now. If we can't guarantee that our first product will be ahead of them, how can we compete with them! Do we want to be a representative for others all our lives?" factory?!"

Chen Li'an said the last sentence while looking at Qiao Linmu. Qiao Linmu coughed awkwardly, feeling that his nephew had become more angry after going abroad.

The project leaders, technicians and researchers in the conference room all looked at Chen Li'an and became silent. Chen Li'an was right. They didn't want to just be a processing and assembly plant, especially those who were engaged in technology. Who didn't have a strong country? Dream.

Although MP3 cannot make the country stronger, it cannot be inferior to others in everything.

"Teacher Chen! You are right! Overcome difficulties when there are difficulties." The technician who was joking with Chen Li'an at the beginning said excitedly.

At this time, everyone else in the office also said that they were committed to completing the mission. The morale was good and the military morale was available, but it was not enough.

Chen Li'an looked at them, opened his bag, and poured out a pile of banknotes on the table.

The money is not much, only 200,000, but it is still hard to look away when piled together.

Chen Li'an pushed the pile of money into the middle of the table, looked at them and said: "These money are your bonuses. This is only half. When you finish, there will be more bonuses! Whoever makes the greatest contribution will be rewarded personally by me." A car!”

As soon as Chen Li'an finished speaking, the atmosphere in the conference room exploded. Everyone screamed, why do these people enter private companies? It's true that they have dreams and pursuits, but mostly for money!

Looking at the researchers who were pumped one after another, Chen Li'an felt that his morale was working. If he didn't stimulate it, where would he get the motivation?

In the evening, Chen Li'an and Qiao Linmu were walking in the factory. The warm yellow light shone down, and the figures of the two people, an old man and a young man, looked harmonious under the street lights.

But when you get closer, you can hear Qiao Linmu cursing.

"Did you scold me on purpose during the afternoon meeting? You're not a coward. Go back tonight and see if I break your legs."

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