Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 259 257 Detonate Xiangjiang’s red heart!

Chapter 259 257. Detonate Xiangjiang’s red heart!

The messy room was filled with all kinds of strange garbage. Chen Li'an rummaged through the garbage and found a crushed can. After spraying it red with a spray gun filled with red paint, he used a very fine spray gun to paint it red. Wire is wrapped around a giant metal heart.

This is an unfinished work. The red wire is like a blood vessel on the heart, entwining all the garbage together.

The half white and half red metal heart looks strangely beautiful.

The white side is the original appearance of dirty garbage, harboring dirt and evil.

The red side is surging with hot red light, warm and warm.

In a clean corner of the room, Cheng Shufen leaned against the wall and looked at Chen Li'an's creations. She felt unspeakably shocked. This was the first time she had seen an artist create. It was hard for her to imagine that Chen Li'an could turn a pile of garbage into a work of art. .

Such talent made Chen Li'an's image in her heart become extremely tall, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

How can people in the entertainment industry be compared with a master like Chen Li'an, and how can those paparazzi and gossip magazines have the right to slander such an artist!

Damn it!

Just looking at Chen Li'an's work that was about to be completed, Cheng Shufen felt a little worried. She always felt that he was alluding to the current complicated situation in Xiangjiang.

Why did you use garbage to make it? You really don’t have to worry about being washed away by those banana people!

You have to know that white people are still managing Xiangjiang now. It’s hard to say whether the art space will be closed down.

Cheng Shufen turned her head and glanced at Wang Zuxian, who was looking at Chen Li'an longingly, and whispered: "Can you persuade Li'an to release this work after his return?"

Hearing Cheng Shufen's voice, Wang Zuxian turned to look at her and said, "I can't persuade her, and it was the reporters who wrote it first. Li'an is just fighting back."

Cheng Shufen sighed, feeling that Wang Zuxian had no political acumen at all, so she had to sit next to her and explain the current situation.

In Hong Kong itself in 1996, many people resisted and rejected the return next year. This was most obvious in the economy. The property and stock markets were in chaos.

This is a manifestation of people's panic. Chen Li'an stood up and exhibited such a work at this time. At worst, it is suspected of undermining unity.

But at best it is a positive work. Different people will have different feelings after seeing it, but many people in Xiangjiang will probably only think of the worst after seeing it.

The human heart is always the hardest to understand, and you might hate Chen Li'an because of it.

Cheng Shufen sighed and looked at Wang Zuxian and said, "It would be great if he could still create photography works like the last time. Many people in Xiangjiang like Li An's work very much."

Wang Zuxian tilted her head and thought for a moment and said: "I don't think it matters. I'm coming back anyway, so there's nothing to worry about. Besides, Li'an is only creating art and has not disclosed any of his political stance or remarks."

"Don't worry, Li'an is also well-established in the Mainland, and there are people on top of it, and they are also internationally famous artists. Nothing will happen."

Wang Zuxian hugged Cheng Shufen's arm and said, "It's almost time for class. I have to go back to school. Sister Shufen, can you see me off?"

Cheng Shufen looked at Wang Zuxian speechlessly and said, "You can't drive there by yourself."

"I didn't drive today, why don't you give me a ride?"

"Okay, I just have to go back to the company."

Chen Li'an, who had been focusing on creation, didn't notice Wang Zuxian and Cheng Shufen leaving, nor did he notice that the princess appeared here at some unknown time, followed by Leslie Cheung and Liu Jialing who were joining in the fun.

They had made an appointment to play mahjong, but the princess insisted on coming over to see them, so they came over together.

But seeing how focused and selfless Chen Li'an was, no one made a sound to disturb him.

In front of the huge metal heart, Chen Li'an, who was wearing denim work clothes, looked particularly sacred and focused under the white spotlights. The three of them did not dare to say hello, and even their breathing was subconsciously careful.

Zhang Guorong looked at Chen Li'an with the most complicated eyes. He had seen Chen Li'an too many times, and it was always difficult to connect the current Chen Li'an with the usual Chen Li'an.

He suddenly thought of what Chen Li'an said before, if you are friends with an artist, you should not go see his works, otherwise you will be unable to help but swear.

Zhang Guorong now wants to swear, damn, why are you so awesome? How did he do it?

The princess and Liu Jialing also felt the same way. Especially the princess felt that the Chen Li'an in front of her was possessed by someone. Is this the same Chen Li'an who likes to touch her black silk legs?

The difference is too big! How can I use my feet to cough after this? I won’t dare to step on him after that.

The princess was really conquered by Chen Li'an's talent at this moment. She was fascinated by Chen Li'an's huge contrast. She was fascinated by Chen Li'an's side as a lover, and she admired his side as an artist.

She suddenly remembered a saying, when looking for a man, you should either find someone with high authority and wealth, or someone who makes you want to stop.

Chen Li'an is the man who makes her want to stop, and he also has money!

Although the princess is also very rich and does not care about Chen Li'an's money, Chen Li'an's wealth shows that he is capable, which makes people want to stop.

Liu Jialing, who had been watching quietly, suddenly understood why the princess and Wang Zuxian liked Chen Li'an and why they were able to accept his philandering.

You can't find such a man even if you hold a lantern, and what woman can have it all to herself?

Unless I saved the galaxy in my previous life.

The three people had different thoughts and left after watching for a while.

After going out, few people said anything, as if they were still immersed in the shock just now.

Actors and singers are born with outstanding empathy abilities, and they can feel the scene just now more strongly than others.

Zhang Guorong silently lit a cigarette and took a puff before saying, "Let's go, Li'an's spiritual world is different from ours, let's go back and play mahjong."


Liu Jialing: "."

It's so realistic, but compared to Chen Li'an, I really feel ashamed.

Before getting in the car and leaving, the princess looked back and saw the newly installed sign. She felt that this would be the starting point of Chen Li'an's glory in Hong Kong.

Wave Art Space doesn’t know what kind of wave Chen Li’an will create here!

On the busy and noisy street, the sign hung tightly there, and the words did not attract the attention of passers-by. There were several galleries on this street, and the opening of an art space was nothing worthy of attention.

However, people who like art will still stop and take a look after seeing it, with strong curiosity in their hearts. However, the place has not opened yet, and no one has walked into the half-covered door to find out.

At the other end of the street, a woman wearing sunglasses and a mask was wandering around boredly carrying a bag of paint. When passing by the Wave Art Space, she took a curious look.

There are many galleries here in Xiangjiang, and the art space is really a strange existence. The woman curiously stretched her head and took a look into the half-covered door, and smelled a strong smell of paint.

After listening carefully, there was a clanging sound of metal, which was very rhythmic.

The woman couldn't help being curious and pushed open the wooden door and walked in. As an amateur painter, she had a strong curiosity about art.

Walking through the messy and dark passage, the woman looked at the white light at the end and felt a sense of mystery, and the anticipation in her heart became even stronger.

Suddenly, the tinkling sound that had been ringing in her ears suddenly stopped, and the woman paused, regretting that she had been too reckless.

Will there be renovations going on inside?

The woman wanted to retreat, but the sound of a spray gun suddenly sounded inside and the strong smell of paint hit her face. This was not the smell of paint used for decoration, but the smell of good paint.

And it's not an ordinary pigment, it's an ore pigment made by ancient methods, which is completely different from that kind of industrial pigment.

She had done Chinese painting and was very familiar with the taste of this paint.

"Take a look, just take a look." The woman muttered, carrying the paint and walking inside again.

When she passed through the light cast by the spotlight, she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

Landfill! What stuff is in here!

But soon her eyes were attracted by a figure in the garbage. The high-hanging spotlight cast a long figure on him, and a huge heart hung in front of him!

When the man moves, the slender shadow also moves, forming beautiful light and shadow on the huge metal heart. The shaking light image is like bringing blood to the heart. The dead metal seems to come alive, emitting a silent but shocking sound. Loud noise!

The woman swallowed subconsciously, feeling that her imagination was too rich, but looking at the huge heart in front of her, her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

This is art! What are those things you drew by yourself!

Under the spotlight, Chen Li'an was a little tired at this time. He sat on an old wheel hub and looked at the work that was about to be completed in front of him with his chin propped up.

He has been creating for the past few days with almost no rest. His excitement made him unable to stop at all, but his body still felt tired after a long time.

Chen Li'an looked at the spray gun in his hand and threw it in the garbage. He stretched out and pulled a broken box, leaned on it and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The woman who had been peeking behind Chen Li'an felt strange when she saw Chen Li'an asleep leaning on the garbage pile.

Why are some people sleeping in garbage heaps so attractive? The woman was a little curious about who this artist was, so she walked over quietly.

When she walked up to Chen Li'an, she took off her sunglasses and took a closer look at the sleeping Chen Li'an. She felt that he looked familiar.

If Chen Li'an hadn't fallen asleep, he would have thought she looked familiar, much like his first teacher. No, this was his first teacher!

Peach Li Lizhen!

Li Lizhen looked at Chen Li'an's handsome face and thought about it carefully before she remembered, isn't this the mainland artist who was begging on the streets in the news two days ago?

Looking at the garbage in the room, Li Lizhen looked up at the garbage heart again, and then realized that the newspaper had scrawled on it.

They are not begging on the street, they are obviously looking for creative materials.

Li Lizhen looked at the sleeping Chen Li'an and the dust on his face, and couldn't help but murmured: "You are so free and uninhibited, you can sleep so soundly in a garbage dump."

If a homeless person sleeps in a garbage dump, he will only be called a trash and a lazy person. But if it were a handsome artist like Chen Li'an, he would become unrestrained and unrestrained.

The difference is really mysterious.

Li Lizhen looked at the sleeping Chen Li'an and admired this so-called "perfect lover" for a while before getting up and walking away quietly.

I really don’t know if she is the perfect lover Li Li, but the scene she saw today did make her remember it for a long time. When she returned home and lay on the bed at night, the scene she saw in the afternoon was still in her mind.

When you close your eyes, the image you saw in the afternoon will come to mind, the figure standing in front of the huge heart.

Li Lizhen lifted the quilt covering her head, looked at the ceiling and muttered to herself, "I can't sleep anymore."

Do you want to take another look tomorrow? Li Lizhen turned over and suddenly remembered that Chen Li'an seemed to be holding a press conference tomorrow.

If you do that, you won't be able to go, and the paparazzi will recognize you.

Annoying paparazzi!

Li Lizhen cursed in her mind, pulled up the quilt to cover her head, and the bedroom fell into silence again.

It was already late at night, and Chen Li'an, who had been squinting for a while in the afternoon, had already woken up. This work was not finished yet. He had to work overtime tonight to finish it!

In the garbage dump late at night, Chen Li'an's busy figure looked particularly lonely, like a silent warrior preparing for the battlefield.

Tomorrow he will be alone, facing the constant attacks of paparazzi and reporters, and he will feel like a generous sacrifice.

Chen Li'an's only weapon is the huge heart in front of him. He hopes to use it to blow up Xiangjiang tomorrow!

As time passed, the sky gradually became brighter, and Chen Li'an's movements became slower and slower.

It wasn't until the fiery red sun rose outside that Chen Li'an dropped the bottomed spray gun on the ground, looked at the completed Wave Series 2 in front of him, and breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

The bomb is ready and ready to explode!

More than two hours later, the room full of garbage was decorated by Chen Li'an, and the room was filled with people.

Most of them are reporters with cameras and video cameras. There are reporters from Hong Kong, mainland China and many foreign reporters.

There are also many artists and art critics who Chen Li'an dated a few days ago. The best choice is to deal with foreign artists and art critics like Banana Man.

In the dim room, the reporters were whispering to each other. They didn't know what the thing covered with red cloth in the center of the room was. They were all curious about the purpose of Chen Li'an's press conference.

Chen Li'an, who was only wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, soon appeared. The venue was quiet for a second, and then immediately became excited. More than a dozen reporters surrounded Chen Li'an, shoving microphones and cameras into his face.

"What is your purpose of holding this press conference?!"

"Do you want to explain that you went out to pick up trash on the street a few days ago?"

"Why did you go to Xiangjiang to pick up garbage? Did you offend the powerful people in the Mainland?"

Listening to these messy questions, Chen Li'an didn't react at all. He just pushed them away silently and walked to the red cloth.

There were many artists and art critics in the crowd who could understand Cantonese and couldn't help frowning in disgust at the annoying paparazzi reporters.

There were also many foreigners who couldn't understand Cantonese and were asking the people around them. After listening to their friends' explanations, they couldn't help but frown.

Several artists who came from Paris were old friends of Chen Li'an, and they sneered at these strange remarks. The artists from the mainland even disdained to argue with these paparazzi.

Chen Li'an's new acquaintance in Japan, Ido Muruji, and several Japanese artists all looked at the reporters impatiently.

However, no one spoke up to stop these reporters, and Chen Li'an did not speak. He just looked at them silently, then bent down and grabbed a chain on the ground.

Chen Li'an's thick arms wrapped around the chain, and he instantly tightened it and pulled it back hard.

Everyone in the field was attracted by Chen Li'an's inexplicable movements and watched in silence what he wanted to do.

Veins popped out in Chen Li'an's arm. He pulled back suddenly, and the metal heart covered with red cloth was pulled up high and hung in the air.

Chen Li'an tugged on the chain and moved hard. The metal heart shook violently, and the red cloth on it fell off.

The huge heart was instantly exposed in front of everyone, and the heart swaying in mid-air seemed to come alive, beating violently!

The tiny wires on the heart that connected the garbage together shone red under the light, as if blood was flowing inside, and the huge heart also made a dull sound.

The huge heartbeat and flowing blood gave everyone a strong shock. Before they could react, red blood suddenly sputtered from the heart, dyeing the other half of the white garbage red.

The red liquid flowed down the angular "garbage" and flowed along the hanging chains onto Chen Li'an's arms, instantly dyeing his white T-shirt red!

His strong arms were dripping with red liquid, and his determined eyes made Chen Li'an look full of hormones. Especially when the red liquid flowed onto Chen Li'an's body, making the T-shirt stick tightly to his body, perfectly showing off his muscle lines.

Everyone was shocked by this scene and was speechless for a long time. Looking at Chen Li'an who seemed to be reborn from blood, he couldn't help but hold his breath.

Zhang Guorong and Wang Zuxian in the crowd had strange lights in their eyes. The princess even tightened her legs and supported Carina Lau, feeling that she could no longer stand.

Li Lizhen, who had sneaked over, stared blankly at Chen Li'an, her eyes full of admiration and shock. Yesterday's semi-finished product was enough to shock her, but she didn't expect that the complete work would be even more exaggerated!

Red wave of life force! ! !

Anyone who understands Chen Li'an's works seems to feel the power contained in the body of this mainland artist. This is not his power alone, but is brought about by a powerful nation that is constantly striving for self-improvement!

Many people in Xiangjiang suddenly seemed to understand something. They squinted their eyes and meditated quietly, wondering whether they were going to take the initiative to approach the mainland.

Everyone was speechless, even those annoying paparazzi opened their mouths and were speechless for a long time.

"Mainland boy! I'm just writing gossip news, why don't you make such a big deal about it!"

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