Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 120 118 Dancing with Concubine Yang

Chapter 120 118. Dancing with Concubine Yang

(PS: In order to avoid risks, the names of the characters in the movie were changed. Dragon Boat Festival became Mid-Autumn Festival, Ruyi became Linglong, and the movie title also became Huayue.)

"Li'an, are you ready?" Director Cheng asked, sitting behind the monitor and looking at Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an adjusted his robe, nodded silently, then walked into the room and sat in front of the camera.

Zhong Qiu was sitting on a chair in the dim room, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably on his knees.

The black eyes seemed to be burning with blazing flames, hot and twisted.

His exquisite young lady went to meet the man she loved most, to save the betrayer who deceived her feelings, to find that liar!

Zhongqiu couldn't understand why she wanted to abuse him so much and why he ignored his love for her!

She would rather love someone who doesn't love her at all, someone who deceives her and plays with her!

Is this Linglong still the eldest lady who is aloof and unattainable? What's the difference between her and those prostitutes in the alley!

Zhongqiu felt that all her expectations and perceptions for more than 20 years had been betrayed, and her feelings and dignity had been trampled on!

The pure and strong love in my heart was all distorted at this moment. From time to time, Zhongqiu's mind flashed back to the promiscuous women in the alley before. Through the open window, I could still hear the seductive shouts of the promiscuous women downstairs. Voice.

Zhongqiu felt as if a thick fire had been ignited in her body that could not be extinguished or calmed down. She just wanted to release these raging fires on Linglong and fall into hell together!


The old wooden door was pushed open, and Linglong came back in a dress and permed hair. She did not save her love. Facing such a man, she chose to let go. I love you but I don't want you anymore.

Just like what she said to the housekeeper Pang An, she doesn't want all the aunts and wives of the master and the young master anymore and lets them go.

But Zhongqiu didn't know all this. Zhongqiu, who was sitting in the dark, was shocked. Before she could say a word, she was hugged by Zhongqiu. The hot and twisted desire completely blurred Zhongqiu's consciousness. At this moment, he just wants to drag the once-high-ranking eldest lady down to hell, shatter all the auras around her, and trample all her dignity!

Facing the Mid-Autumn Festival that turned into a monster of desire, Linglong had no way to resist. Her shouting and resistance were all useless at this moment. Her brother completely degenerated in this twisted emotion.

Gong Li, who was thrown onto the bed, looked at the twisted and perverted Chen Li'an with extremely complicated feelings in her heart. He was really perverted. He really acted like a pervert and looked like a pervert.

"Click!" Director Cheng, who was sitting behind the monitor, took off his headphones and shouted.

Chen Li'an's mind cleared slightly when he heard the click. Looking at Gong Li who was pressed under him, he quickly withdrew his evil and perverted magic grip and stood up with a long sigh of relief.

"Sister, I didn't feel like my performance was very good just now. I guess I have to do it again." Chen Li'an said to Gong Li apologetically, which meant that he would ravage her again later.

Gong Li tidied up her somewhat messy clothes and said, "You underestimate yourself too much. You performed very well."

Chen Li'an didn't believe Gong Li's words. How could he not know? How could a person with such a healthy mind act such a pervert? He would definitely do it again.

Chen Li'an turned to look at Director Cheng, waiting for him to call him again.

Director Cheng was a little excited at this time. He was very satisfied with the performances of Chen Li'an and Gong Li. He couldn't help but stood up and clapped his hands and said, "The performance you just performed really expressed the most complex emotions in the characters' hearts. It's not surprising at all." It’s like a performance! Li An and the character just blend into each other!”

Gong Li sat up from the bed and looked at Chen Li'an who was slightly stunned and couldn't help but laugh: "Haha. It doesn't look like he is acting as a pervert!"

Chen Li'an: "." Director, I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language! Be careful, I'll slap you to pieces!

Who can tell who is playing? Who are you calling a pervert?

Depressed, very depressed!

This is the first time that Chen Li'an feels that being praised is not a good thing. He sits on a pony and drinks wolfberry water with some melancholy. He will no longer have any scenes in Shanghai, so he is now free.

Zhou Jie, who also didn't have many scenes, also came over, looked at Chen Li'an and said, "Why do you feel that you are so unhappy? Isn't it good to do it all over again? I had to film all my previous scenes more than ten times."

Chen Li'an said with some waning interest: "What's so fun about going through all kinds of transformations? I wonder if they thought I was really a pervert."

"Haha. It's true!" Zhou Jie was amused by Chen Li'an's words. She put a hand on his shoulder and covered her mouth with a smile.

Chen Li'an didn't know what Zhou Jie meant, whether he agreed with his own statement or that he was a pervert, and felt very depressed.

Seeing Chen Li'an's depressed look, Zhou Jie patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'm complimenting you on your performance, not saying you're a pervert."

Chen Li'an felt better after hearing what Zhou Jie said. Teacher Zhou still knew how to look at people, but he still felt something was wrong.

Zhou Jie also pulled a small horse and sat down, tilted her head and asked, "Are you going to have no more roles to play in the future?"

"Well, there are still four or five scenes in Suzhou, and they will be gone after filming." After Chen Li'an finished speaking, he turned to look at Zhou Jie and asked: "Teacher Zhou, I remember that you don't have many scenes, why haven't you finished filming yet?" ?”

"I didn't know that the director was making changes. One moment he wanted to add some emotional scenes between me and my brother, and the next moment he wanted to delete it. I don't know if it was considered completed."

Speaking of this, Zhou Jie is a little depressed. In the movie, the character she plays is the hero's favorite person at the beginning. She even carries photos with her. In the scene in Pang's courtyard, Linglong just looked at Zhou Jie. I want to take photos of women.

Originally, Zhou Jie was just a tool and didn't have many roles. However, Director Cheng wanted to enrich the image of the male protagonist, so he thought about adding a few scenes. However, after thinking about it later, he felt that the role was overshadowed, and it was awkward for a while.

Looking at Zhou Jie who was also being tortured by Director Cheng, Chen Li'an took out a piece of fruit candy from his pocket and put it in her hand and said, "Eat a piece of candy, poor Teacher Zhou."

Seeing Chen Li'an coaxing her like a child, Zhou Jie couldn't help but take out the teacher's side and hit him on the forehead with her slender fingers.

"Why are you talking to the teacher?"

"Teacher Zhou, you really treat me as your student. I have never learned dancing from you." Chen Li'an rubbed his forehead and gave Zhou Jie a white look.

Zhou Jie peeled off the candy and held it in her mouth. She looked at the silver candy wrapper reflecting the colorful light. She hesitated and put it in her pocket. "Then learn now. I have already eaten your apprenticeship ceremony."

Chen Li'an: "." The tuition is really cheap, but now I have nothing to do, and dancing with Concubine Yang is also fun.

"Can you do the splits?"


"Can you lower your waist?"


"Can you raise your legs high and do a straight horse?"


After a series of questions, Zhou Jie basically understood Chen Li'an's basic situation and couldn't help but sigh: "You have a good foundation. You can skip the previous steps and start learning the dance steps directly. What kind of dance do you want to like?"

Chen Li'an touched his chin and thought for a while before saying, "Ballet or national standard."

"You're quite ambitious. Ballet is quite difficult and it's not suitable for you right now. Let's start with the Latin part of the national standard." Zhou Jie said, taking Chen Li'an's hand and standing up, "Start with the most basic dance steps first." , follow me and learn.”

Chen Li'an and Zhou Jie stood facing each other holding hands. Chen Li'an's eyes were focused on the dance steps at her feet. After a few glances, he felt that it was quite simple and not as difficult as the steps in Baguazhang.

Bagua pays most attention to movement and footwork, so Chen Li'an's leg skills are very good. He learned a set of very simple basic dance steps after practicing with Zhou Jie twice.

"You learn quickly and have a great rhythm. You don't look like a beginner at all." Zhou Jie raised her head and looked at Chen Li'an and said with some surprise: "You are really suitable to be a dancer."

Chen Li'an smiled sheepishly and said, "This is just the simplest step. Teacher Zhou, don't praise me so much. If you don't learn well later, you should be disappointed."

"No, the movements can be practiced, but the rhythm and dance sense are innate. You are really suitable for it." Zhou Jie said with some excitement: "Next, let's do something difficult. Just relax and follow my movements."

"Okay." Chen Li'an agreed with a smile.

Zhou Jie put one of Chen Li'an's hands on her waist, and she also supported Chen Li'an's waist, performing the most standard dance movements for two people.

Chen Li'an watched and felt the rhythm of Zhou Jie's body, relaxed the control of his body, and allowed her movements to drive him.

On the streets of Old Shanghai, under the red neon lights, there is no music or stage. A charming woman in a cheongsam dances with an honest man in a long gown. The contrast is extremely strong, but the movements of the two They are so in tune, so beautiful that they are breathtaking.

Perhaps it was because she had not danced since she had been in the group for too long. Zhou Jie was very excited at this time and drove Chen Li'an's body to dance wantonly. Their bodies were sometimes close to each other and sometimes separated.

It's just that Chen Li'an's movements began to show pauses and stiffness while dancing. It wasn't that he couldn't keep up with Zhou Jie's movements, it was just that it was his first time learning to dance and such close-fitting movements made him a little uncomfortable.

Zhou Jie felt Chen Li'an's changes, her pretty face blushed slightly, and then she remembered that this was his first time learning, so it was not surprising that he had some normal body reactions.

However, it is generally difficult for male dancers to control this kind of thing. Physical reactions and psychological reactions are two different things. Even if you have been dancing for many years, you will still encounter such embarrassing moments.

Zhou Jie loosened her hand around Chen Li'an's waist, took a step back, stopped, covered up the smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "It's very good. Although it's still a bit raw, if you practice a few more times, you'll be able to get the basics right." Got some skills.”

Chen Li'an looked at the smile on Zhou Jie's lips, made an awkward sound and quickly sat on the pony and said, "I'm quite tired after dancing for a while. Let me drink some water."

Zhou Jie held back her smile and walked over. She lowered her head and glanced at Chen Li'an's thermos cup. She could no longer control the smile on her lips. She laughed, bent over and patted Chen Li'an on the back and said, "If you want to learn to dance, in the future, Drink less wolfberry, otherwise you will be embarrassed!"

Chen Li'an awkwardly put the lid on the cup and said with some helplessness: "I may not be suitable for dancing, and it will be embarrassing if I don't drink."

Listening to Chen Li'an's words, Zhou Jie stopped smiling and stared into his eyes, but couldn't help but glance down slightly, feeling somewhat in agreement with his words.

She is indeed gifted and a good dancer. However, she also has some big shortcomings.

Zhou Jie's gaze made Chen Li'an feel a little uncomfortable. He turned slightly and said, "Teacher Zhou, let's learn this today. I'll learn from you next time."

Thinking that Chen Li'an was a beginner and it was not easy to overcome his embarrassment, Zhou Jie smiled and nodded, then sat next to him and said, "You can prepare in advance before learning next time."

Chen Li'an's hand holding the cup paused. How could he prepare this thing in advance? It can't be that if you want to practice this dance, you have to go to the palace first.

"I'd better forget it. Dancing may not be suitable for me. It's better for me to be an audience member." Chen Li'an sighed and said.

Seeing that Chen Li'an wanted to back down, Zhou Jie patted him unhappily and said, "This kind of thing is normal. You are still an actor. Why can't you overcome this obstacle?"

When Zhou Jie said this, Chen Li'an also felt that he was too lazy. He had just given up learning to sing, and now he had to give up learning to dance. He really had no determination at all, so he said humbly: "Yes! Teacher Zhou's criticism is right. , then just don’t laugh at me next time.”

Zhou Jie became a little more serious and said, "Don't worry, I promise I won't laugh at you! I'm a professional!"

Unless you can't help it, right? The corners of Chen Li'an's mouth twitched, wondering whether next time he should wear something tighter on the inside and looser on the outside, so that he wouldn't be embarrassed.

Zhou Jie turned to look at the crew who were still busy filming, then turned to Chen Li'an and said, "Let's continue tomorrow morning. I'll try to teach you before the filming is completed. I probably won't have time to meet and learn to dance in the future."

Chen Li'an nodded when he heard this. He didn't have any objections. He thought that it would be nice to have some free time and dance. When he gets older, he could go to the park to fool the old lady.

"By the way, don't tell Gong Li about learning to dance with me. I don't want to cause so much trouble on the set." Zhou Jie suddenly reminded in a low voice.

Chen Li'an looked at Zhou Jie as if he were a fool and said, "You didn't think that no one saw the two of us dancing just now, did you? This is a studio."

Zhou Jie: "." You won't believe me if I say I forgot, but I really forgot that we are on a set now.

"Teacher Zhou, don't worry. Sister Gong Li and I are not in the kind of relationship you think. The crew's gossip is just nonsense. She won't cause trouble for you." Chen Li'an felt that he still needed to explain, and asked Gong Li'an later. Li said, don't be jealous like a child, otherwise it will be embarrassing for Zhou Jie and Gong Li to fight.

Zhou Jie rolled her eyes. She was not a fool. She also had eyes. There was definitely a story between Gong Li and Chen Li'an.

It's just that this story is not orthodox, and it has some meaning of romantic love. Zhou Jie glanced at Chen Li'an, and the word "sexual love" came to mind again.

This is from yesterday, and there will be three more chapters today...

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