Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3882: Another mystery

The master and son emptied the purple thunder for Xiao Yi. At this moment, Xiao Yi was helpless and could only stand here and watch.

With such a tall back figure, thinking that when he first met with the master, Zi Xu could clearly seize Xiao Yi's physical body, but he did not do so. He took Xiao Yi as his apprentice and devoted himself to guiding Xiao Yi's practice.

When encountering difficulties, Zixu will appear to help Xiao Yi get through, this time the same is true, knowing that the purple thunder formation, even his remnant soul, may not be able to handle it, but he still chose to fight for Xiao Yi. all of these.

"Master... I'm sorry!"

Xiao Yi knelt down, but was already unable to return to heaven. He watched as the Master's figure gradually dissipated, and finally turned into a white light spot.

The light spot flew towards Xiao Yi and merged into his body. Zixu's remnant soul became the original form, even weaker than before. I don't know when it will be able to wake up, Xiao Yi cannot accept this result.

Everything is my fault. If you look back in time, how could you encounter something like this? On the other side of Xue Yaoyue, she didn't see Zixu's figure, only Xiao Yi passed through the purple thunder formation. , Fell to his knees.

Earlier, she had a conversation with Zixu, and now she can think of what happened, but she can't help at the moment of crisis, so she can only stay here and watch, Xue Yaoyue doesn't want to do this.

"Xiao Yi..."

At this moment Xiao Yi slowly stood up. He was sorry for the master, but the remnant soul of the master had not completely dissipated.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, Xiao Yi will not miss it. Now the only person who can save Master and restore the power of Master's soul is himself. If he does nothing, wouldn't it be a waste of Master's painstaking efforts?

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to restore your strength and wake you up early."

He stood up and looked at the stone pillar behind him. The top of the stone pillar was in the shape of an eight-treasure lotus, and each lotus petal was engraved with runes.

With a wild and quaint aura, the owner of the stone hall has set up such a large formation here, so in this eight-treasure lotus, I want to come to be the biggest secret of this stone hall, and also the treasure of the stone hall.

The lotus was in a closed state. After Xiao Yi took a closer look, it seemed that to open this eight-treasure lotus, the key is to interpret the rune on it, which is equivalent to a key.

Before the change, Xiao Yi could ask Master, Master must know the way to open it, but now that Master is not by his side, what should Xiao Yi do and how to choose.

After thinking about it for a long time, Xiao Yi decided to give it a try. He touched a few petals with his fingers, and suddenly the eight-treasure lotus had a movement. He just tried it out. Isn’t it just a coincidence that the eight-treasure lotus was opened?

As I was thinking about it, the eight petals of the Eight Treasure Lotus unfolded a little bit, and casually tested, the Eight Treasure Lotus actually opened, which surprised Xiao Yi.

The biggest secret in the stone palace was about to appear before his eyes. Xiao Yi was suppressed with excitement in his heart. After holding his breath and watching the lotus fully open, the expression on his face gradually became serious.

The biggest secret is that even the strong man outside the stone hall wanted to get this thing. After waiting for nearly 400 years, he ended up with a fall. After all, he was unable to get what he wanted. thing.


After opening the Eight Treasure Lotus, it turned out to be empty.

In the center of this lotus flower is the shape of a Tai Chi picture, and each petal corresponds to the hexagram image of the gossip.

The contents inside had already been taken away, Xiao Yi's hard work was finally in vain. He couldn't accept such a result. Why?

Is it true that good luck tricks are destined to let himself go back empty-handed. Knowing this is the result, he should listen to Master's words and choose to give up in time without letting Master get involved, and chose to sacrifice for himself.

"Is this the final result?"

Xiao Yi was not reconciled. The Eight Treasure Lotus was empty. Someone took the things one step ahead of time.

Could it be that the name that appeared on the calligraphy and painting was taken by Xiao Huaiyi? What a terrifying strength this person can pass through the purple thunder formation.

When Xiao Yi was desperate, he suddenly noticed that the hexagrams on the eight petals of the eight-treasure lotus flower were disrupted. Xiao Yi made an extra action and gradually returned the eight petals to their original positions. .

In an unintentional movement, when Xiao Yi returned the last lotus petal to its original position, suddenly the eight petals of the eight-treasure lotus flower exploded, and the petals were scattered one by one.

The Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish in the center of the lotus slowly turned, until the black and white Yin-Yang fish were completely fused together, and a black hole appeared, and the deep darkness seemed to lead to a deep abyss.

"this is……"

A powerful attraction in the black hole forced Xiao Yi's body forward. Xiao Yi didn't know what mechanism he had touched this time.

The instinctive reaction of the body wanted to get rid of this restraint, but the attraction from the black hole did not give Xiao Yi a chance at all. Xiao Yi was pulled and sucked into the black hole.

Xue Yaoyue noticed the abnormality, and Xiao Yi's figure disappeared in an instant. She rushed forward, and the purple thunder formation above the pool blocked her way. With her current strength, going up was also to die.

I don't know why, this time Xiao Yi suddenly disappeared, and she felt that Xiao Yi would not be in danger. Perhaps because of such an anomaly, Xiao Yi would have a new adventure.

The whole person was pulled into it, feeling like being thrown into the toilet and pressing the flush button. Xiao Yi's whole body was spinning around, and finally fell heavily to the ground, without knowing where he was.

Slowly supporting him to get up, surrounded by nothingness, you can't see the end at a glance, there is nothing here, only Xiao Yi is alone, and the line of sight in front of Xiao Yi gradually adapts.

"where is this place?"

Xiao Yi got up and walked, it was a completely unfamiliar world, as if he had entered the space ring.

But the space here is beyond the limit of the space ring, and I looked around. There is no end, no beginning, and it is completely chaotic world.

What exactly is this place, how to leave here, how did he come, a series of questions appeared in Xiao Yi's heart.

One thing is certain. It is the result that Xiao Yi touched the Eight-Treasure Lotus before. The inside of the Eight-Treasure Lotus seems to be connected to this place. Is it possible that this Eight-Treasure Lotus is there?

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