Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3846: A treasure

No matter what the rumors said, Xiao Yi decided to find out first, he would naturally not believe these legends.

If there were such giant pythons, they would have already run out to cause harm to the world. The reason why I went to listen to what the old man said first was because of the folk rumors, sometimes based on some circumstances.

For example, according to what the old village chief said before, Xiao Yi believed that he had not lied. The deaths of those people had nothing to do with the old village chief. Presumably, something strange happened in this mountain col.

In addition, the old village head was quite panicked at the time, and it was normal to make wrong judgments. After Xiao Yi and Yuan Sheng and his party walked out of the village, he spoke to Yuan Sheng.

"Let's go to the place where the incident occurred first. It seems that this incident does have an uneasy taste."

"Xiao Yi, don't you think that this legend is true? After experiencing the previous things, I believe it a little bit."

People like Yuan Sheng have such thoughts, and other people certainly don't need to say more, they all describe this matter as a ghost.

"If the rumors are true, and the chaos in the world is going to be true, let's go over and read it before talking about it. If the person is alive, I will find a way to bring it out."

With Xiao Yi's words, Yuan Sheng was more relieved. He led the way. After a group of people got on the helicopter, it would take half a day if they walked to the place of the incident.

After flying over the mountain in front of you by helicopter, and flying for a certain distance, you can see a relatively obvious low-lying area among the endless mountains.

It had rained before, and after the rain, the clouds and mist in the mountains seemed to be like a fairyland in the Yaochi Lake. From this height, the peaks exposed in the clouds and mist looked like a hovering python.

The part of the mountain col happened to be the position of the giant python's eyes. After seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was thoughtful. Is this just a coincidence?

"Master, have you ever seen any clues?"

Xiao Yi asked Zi Xu Dao, he did not believe these rumors, Zi Xu appeared in Xiao Yi's spiritual world.

All things happening outside are known. When the helicopter came to a high place, overlooking the scenery here, there was a kind of guess in my heart.

"It's not certain for the time being, but what is certain is that there is no rumors of giant pythons. This rumors are only gradually evolved based on some false images that people saw at the time."

"When people enter the cave, the cave will close on its own. This is the first time I have heard of this."

"I don't feel curious after living for a long time. If you take this trip today, it may be an opportunity for you."

Zi Xu reminded Xiao Yidao that it was an opportunity but also a bit of danger. Whether the danger was turned into a bargain depends on Xiao Yi's ability. He, being a master, could not help much.

The helicopter landed slowly in the col. After the propeller stopped rotating, Xiao Yi and his group walked out of the cabin. The helicopter will wait for Xiao Yi here until the matter here is handled properly before returning.

Numerous tents have been set up in the col, and some workers and technicians in charge of mining the jade veins live in them. This is just a part of it.

Yuan Sheng's intention was to send someone to investigate the situation first. If the quality of the jade inside is good, then he would mobilize most of the workers and machines to dig a transportation channel in the deep mountains.

However, such a thing happened before the work started. All the processes had to be stopped and waited for the final result. There were only a few workers on the construction site, and some of them directly chose to go back.

Everyone knows the cannibalistic cave. If you continue to stay here, maybe something strange will happen. If you want to compare money and live, everyone will choose the latter.

"How come this worker is left with this?"

Yuan Sheng counted, and there were only six workers left, nearly 20 left.

The technician in charge of the excavation was also Professor Yang, who Yuan Sheng specially invited. He stepped forward to explain to Yuan Sheng.

Professor Yang is in his fifties, wears a pair of reading glasses, has a loyal and honest face, and has a fanatical hobby of jade, otherwise he would not take risks with Yuan Shenglai.

"Boss Yuan don't look for it. I told them all to go back. Something happened before, and these people were frightened out of their guts and said they would not stay here anymore. There was nothing to do anyway."

"Hey...Lao Yang, something big will happen if you do this."

Yuan Sheng sighed, knowing that Professor Yang was kind, but Yuan Sheng had his own arrangements for this matter.

Although the workers stayed on the construction site, Yuan Sheng gave them a double salary. They only need to stay here for 400 yuan a day and don't walk around, nor can they just talk about what happened here.

This approach is to block the news of the accident at the construction site, because most of these workers are local villagers. If the news of the accident goes back, the people in the village will not have trouble.

"The villagers in this place are very sturdy. If they come here to make trouble, no one can suppress it."

Yuan Sheng had an ominous premonition that after more than 20 people returned, there would always be a few people who couldn't help but tell what happened here, and the trouble would be serious.

"Ah... Boss Yuan, I didn't expect this. What can I do now? I ask someone to stop them back."

Professor Yang's momentary softness has caused trouble to Yuan Sheng's work. He has never brought anyone, so naturally he does not understand the truth.

"There is no need to chase them. At this time, they must have gone far. No one can catch up with them on the mountain trail."

At present, Yuan Sheng can only use soldiers to cover the water and earth, and solve the trouble when he encounters trouble.

Fortunately, this time I brought Xiao Yi. I believe that Xiao Yi can do something. If even Xiao Yi doesn't have anything, he really doesn't know how to face the families of these villagers.

Standing in this mountain col, Xiao Yi naturally understood some feng shui and numerology after practising the Xuantian Taoism. This place is a treasured place of Feng Shui that hides Feng Shui, and there should be no strange things in the place.

There are rolling peaks all around, which just surrounds this place, forming a natural cauldron. The wind gathers here and the water flows around the foot of the mountain. The foul air from outside cannot enter, and the spiritual energy here does not disperse. .

In ancient times, emperors chose to bury them in accordance with this kind of feng shui numerology, but in this remote place, no feng shui master would notice the exquisiteness of this place, and naturally it would not be noticed.


Xiao Yi let out a sigh, Yuan Sheng wondered what it meant, and asked Xiao Yidao.

"Xiao Yi, what do you mean by this wonderful word?"

"The feng shui here is excellent. If you die and are buried here, Yin and future generations!"

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