Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3825: Little Junior Sister is here

When everyone was discussing, a guest came from outside and quietly entered Xu Qiang's residence.

The outposts set up outside are useless to her. They are basically the same as if they are not. She can come in quietly, or go out quietly, and no one will notice her existence.

Yingluo is here.

I had long heard that my senior brother and sister had become Xiao Yi's right-hand man and were doing things for Xiao Yi.

She wanted to find a chance to come out and meet, but if she was with Master, if she left, she would inevitably feel that she was lonely leaving Master alone.

There was the thought of leaving in my heart, but I never mentioned it. This time it was Xiao Yi who said it, and Master agreed to it.

After returning to City H with Xiao Yi that day, she was alone in the next place. She arrived here by plane and was about to see her senior brothers and sisters. She was excited and excited.

In a short while, she checked all of Xu Qiang's residence, and she found an acquaintance in a relatively remote room in the residence.

Still the same as the original habit, the Poison King is always so incompatible with the crowd, he only likes to stay in this kind of corner and study his poisons and the poisons he feeds.

It would be strange if this kind of person had a girlfriend. Yingluo quietly knocked on a window, and the figure looked like a cat, and instantly entered the poison king's room.

"Hey... the house still has this strange smell. I really don't know how the big brother can stay in this place."

Yingluo stretched out her hand and slapped under her nose. After walking a few steps, she saw that the big brother Poison King was busy with the work at hand.

The poisons raised one by one were placed in bottles and jars. One of the boxes was crystal clear, made from a piece of ice crystal taken from the Arctic.

There is a strong cold inside, which can keep the ice crystals from being melted. The ice silkworms that are bred here are specially fed by the old poison king, and they have always been treated as treasures.

Ice silkworm is very rare in this world. It is not an ordinary thing. It does not eat the leaves of mulberry trees. Instead, it devours other poisonous insects as its own food.

The cost of feeding is extremely high, and of course the rewards are also very impressive. The silk spit out by the ice silkworm, and the inner armor woven into it, can resist the puncture of a knife and gun, and will not be punctured, which is equivalent to the current body armor.

But in terms of performance, it is much stronger than body armor. It is just a lining when worn on the body. It is light and comfortable. It can be cooled and breathable in summer. If outsiders want to buy it, they can't buy it for any amount.

"Hey... poor little thing, it's not that I treat you like that, it's really that **** Xiao Yi brat, he actually asked me for five inner armors, not to mention you, even if I can spin silk, I can't keep up. what."

The old man of Poison King complained that before, the ice silk had all made inner armor and brought it back to Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi's reply to him was only two words, satisfaction.

He also asked Old Poison King to have a few more such good things. Old Poison King wanted to scold his mother at the time. This is ice silk, how could it be so easy to get.

It takes a lot of time and energy to make an inner armor. What's more important is that the other poisons you raise have become the rations of the ice silkworm. Good things are wasted.

Yingluo chuckled behind her, it seemed that her big brother, with a strange temperament, was eventually planted in Xiao Yi's hands, and there was nothing to do with Xiao Yi.


Yingluo's laughter caught the attention of the Poison King.

A poison dart was shot out in his hand, and the moment he turned around, he saw that there was no one behind him, and the poison dart hit a pillar.

Just now, I clearly felt that there was someone in my house, why did he disappear for a moment, or said that his perception was wrong, and the old man of the poison king doubted.

"Is it my perception wrong?"

The moment the Poison King turned around, he looked back and saw the ice crystal box in front of him, and lost his trace.

It was still placed in front of me just now, how can I say it would be gone? This speed is so fast that he doesn't even know what happened.

He didn't even know who did it. The Poison King quickly got up and went around in a circle. At this moment, he was sure that there was indeed someone in his house, or an uninvited guest.

Yingluo hooked the beam with one foot and hid the box in her hand. It was a long time since she had a joke with the big brother, and the box was placed on the beam.

When the Poison King turned around, she was already avoiding the Poison King's sight with her extremely fast posture. No matter how fast the Poison King was, how could she be able to catch up with the Thief Saint.

"come out!"

The Poison King looked up and saw that there was no one on the beam. He searched all his rooms and made sure that no one was there.

The ice silkworm is so precious, if it is lost like this, the half-life will be gone, and the poison king yelled.

But no one responded. Although he couldn't find the person, the Poison King also had his own way. He held a vial in his hand.

"If you don't come out again, don't blame me for being rude."

Yingluo saw the bottle in the hands of the big brother, and knew what was in the bottle, a kind of poison in it.

Once it is opened, the poisonous inside will quickly melt into the air, turning this place into a place filled with poisonous gas.

"Don't don't! Big brother, I can't come out, why use this method, it's boring."

Behind the Poison King, Yingluo's ghostly figure appeared, pouting a little dissatisfied.

Ying Luo who appeared in front of him was a strange woman to the Poison King. The only difference was that she could find some familiar shadows on this face.

When she left, Yingluo was just a child, and now she has grown up and turned into a beautiful girl. He wouldn't dare to recognize it if it weren't for a big brother.

"Are you...little sister?"

"Big brother, don't you know me? Fortunately, I made a special trip to look for you this time, which really made me sad."

Yingluo smiled and rushed forward, grabbing Poison King’s beard, and everyone in the world who dared to treat him in this way, there was no one other than Junior Sister, this must be the little Junior Sister who could not run away.

"Are you really a junior sister? When I left, you were still a baby. How can I recognize you when you grow up so big in an instant."

"Big brother, you are old, you are still so sloppy, if this goes on, you really will be bachelor for a lifetime."

The old Poison King blushed. Whoever allowed his character to have a strong interest in poison, except for women, would be annoying to see it.

Besides, anyone like him would marry him. Ordinary people might die in the hands of poison one day, and those who are capable will naturally look down on such a bad old man.

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