Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3821: The price paid

There was a power hidden in Xiao Yi's body, and this power made Xiao Yi feel terrible.

Once this power broke out, he couldn't control himself, and he didn't know what kind of things he would do.

At that time, as long as they appeared in front of Xiao Yi, they were all his enemies, burning their own essence and blood, bursting out several times their strength.

The last way to stop is to wait until the essence and blood in one's body are all exhausted. Once a person's body loses the essence and blood, the immortal Daluo can't save it.

Xiao Yi once thought that if there was any way to control this force, he would not have to live in fear and worry all the time.

"What? Master, you mean, is there a way for me to control my violent power?"

"I didn't notice it before. I seem to have seen it somewhere before. There was such a combat secret level. It seems to fit your current situation."

Zi Xu recalled that if Xiao Yi could control it, then the killing qi that grew in his body would bring great benefits to Xiao Yi.

This will become Xiao Yi's hole card. Just imagine Xiao Yi is fighting with a person of the same realm. When the two are evenly matched, a powerful force burst out of Xiao Yi's body.

Relying on the advantage brought by the runaway, the result of the battle can be reversed directly, Zi Xu said immediately.

"But don't be happy too early. The method I thought of is not so easy to do. To control the power in your body, you need to endure the pain that ordinary people can't bear."

Zixu reminded Xiao Yi that everything in the world is fair, and if you want to get strong power, the premise is to pay a price.

Originally, this was a law, and only after experiencing this kind of training, could Xiao Yi achieve real growth and progress.

Xiao Yi frowned, and even Master said it was difficult to do. One can imagine how difficult the conditions are.

"Master, I want to try it."

"I knew you would say that, so I'm going ahead. If you want to control your violent power, the premise requires a strong soul power. Only when the power of the soul power is extremely strong, can you fall into In the state of rampage, you will not completely lose your mind."

Zi Xu explained that the strength of the cultivation method of the power of the soul is ten times that of physical training, and the pain is more than ten times.

"Because of entering a state of rampage, a person's blood will be lost, and the result of the loss of blood will reduce your lifespan."

For human beings, it is only the seven or eighty years, and practitioners will live longer.

However, as long as it does not break through the final shackles, the snake will eventually turn into dust from the fog, and everyone's result will be the same, and it will eventually become a loess.

Life span is of extraordinary significance to practitioners. Only when life span is prolonged will they have the opportunity to break through and emerge.

"You have to think carefully, relying on the reduction of life expectancy in exchange for the power you want, is it worth it or not?"

"I remember Master, you said that the loss of lifespan of the essence and blood can be supplemented by acquired practice."

"Yes, it is true, but it is very small for your current realm. Only if you can break through the Golden Profound Realm, can you do what I said."

Xiao Yi's current cultivation level is indeed an outstanding one, but after all he can't escape the passage of time. He chooses to exchange time for opportunity or opportunity for time.

This was a difficult choice. It was normal for Zixu to see Xiao Yi thinking about it, but even if Xiao Yi chose to give up, he would not mind.

"Master! I still decided to try."

"Are you sure?"


Xiao Yi nodded and said, no matter what in this world, you have to work hard, and only if you work hard will you have hope.

"Master, I have thought about it. If I fail to fulfill my wish, it will be of any use even if I live longer. Instead of doing this, I might as well try and see how powerful I am!"

"Okay! As expected of my Zixu's apprentice, this kind of courage at a young age is rare."

Zi Xu said with relief that next he would use his own methods to hone Xiao Yi's soul power, so that Xiao Yi's soul power would get a brand new transformation.

Two powerful opponents appeared by Xiao Yi's side. Now Xiao Yi's growth rate is obviously about to fail to keep up. Even if he can't defeat all his opponents, he must at least have the ability to protect himself.

"When your power of the soul meets my requirements, I will give you a unique secret."

"What's the secret? Master, can you tell me something?"

Xiao Yi curiously said that Master Zixu is a strange person, he created "Xuantian Dao Fa", and in many secret methods, they were created by his own talent.

Zi Xu didn't speak, but saw his fingers move, and several white silk threads popped out of his fingertips. The white silk threads pulled the other end and connected to Xiao Yi's body.

As Zixu's fingers moved here, Xiao Yi's body could not be controlled freely. He stood up and walked a few steps forward, making a few moves, which made Xiao Yi very surprised.

"this is……"

"This secret is called puppet technique."

As the name suggests, puppetry is to use special materials to create a puppet, which is similar to the current shadow puppet show.

It's just different from the shadow puppet show. The former is just for performance. The real purpose of puppetry is to protect yourself and kill people. Puppeteers need a powerful soul to do it.

A puppet is a machine. It doesn't know about fatigue or pain. As long as the owner who made it is alive, he can always control the puppet to fulfill the owner's requirements. If the opponent is strong, the ultimate loss is just a puppet.

"The cultivation level of the power of the soul is divided into the heavens and the earth, the sky is the highest level, and the yellow is the lowest. Now your power of the soul is only in the yellow level."

"What? I think that my soul power is the same as the cultivation base, there is such a big gap between the two."

Xiao Yi said in surprise, this was beyond his expectation. After a long time, his cultivation base and the power of the soul were not at the same level.

Zi Xu had a gray beard. It was normal for Xiao Yi to have such a cognitive error, but he explained with a smile.

"Do you think that the power of the soul can be cultivated by an individual? Of the people that the old man has seen, only two have amazing talents in this area."

One is Xiao Yi, the other is the woman Xue Yaoyue next to Xiao Yi, but Xue Yaoyue is in a special situation, she is the resurrected soul of the day after tomorrow, and she is the awakened.

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