Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3798: Mysterious old man

"So many years have passed, and the warning left behind has such a deterrent, who is it?"

With curiosity, Xiao Yi continued to walk forward. The evil spirits and blood from the alien beasts outside were temporarily blocked by Tai Chi Tu.

However, it seems that Taiji Tu won't last long and will disperse sooner or later. Xiao Yi needs to hurry up and return to his residence in time.

When Xiao Yi felt his vision widened, he saw another stone chamber in front of him. Someone stepped into the stone chamber and turned on two lights.

The three hidden arrows of the talents were shot from this place. There is a place like this to hide in the cave. What is the secret in it.


Right in front of Xiao Yi, there was a white-haired old man sitting with his back to Xiao Yi.

The clothes he was wearing were already weathered, and from the perspective of the style of the clothes, Xiao Yi had never seen it before.

A long robe covers the body, and a hairpin is inserted in the hair. In today's society, if someone wears clothes like this, 80% of them will be regarded as crazy.

"Old senior, I didn't intend to break into this place. I didn't have any malicious intentions. If seniors dislike me and harass me, I will withdraw now."

Xiao Yi said to the old man's back, the white-haired old man sitting on the ground did not move at all, as if he had merged with the stone room and was lifeless.

"Don't ask more, he is already dead."


"Having stayed in this place for hundreds of years, this person's strength has not reached the realm of emergence and ascension. Although he does not eat like ordinary people, his body will not be able to bear it after a long time."

Zixu said at this moment, no matter how strong a person's cultivation is, he is still alone before reaching the ascension. He doesn't need three meals a day, and if he doesn't eat for a long time, his body will collapse.

The white-haired old man sitting here has been trapped here for at least seven or eight hundred years. If he is buried in the soil for seven or eight hundred years, even his bones will rot into scum.

After finally meeting a person, it turned out to be a dead person. He wanted to inquire about the news and would not answer Xiao Yi's question.

Xiao Yi walked around the stone room. The stone room was very clean. There were no valuable clues, but Zixu made a new discovery.

He saw a knife above the stone chamber, half of the blade was inserted into the stone wall, leaving only the handle and a section of the blade outside.

Knowing the materials of various casting magic weapons, this knife is not simple, and Zixu is now speaking.

"Apprentice! Take down the knife above and refine it, it will be a good magic weapon for you."

Zixu had planned to wait until Xiao Yi had time before, and taught Xiao Yi the method to refine Xiao Yi's own magic weapon, but to refine the magic weapon requires finding the right material, and it takes a lot of time.

There are ready-made things to use at this moment, and of course they won't let it go easily. Xiao Yi raised his head and saw the long knife on the stone chamber.

The shape of the long knife is simple and simple, with a dragon head on the handle. It has been dusted here for hundreds of years, and you can still feel the cold light blooming on the blade.

"It really is a good knife, let me take it off!"

Xiao Yi jumped and grabbed the handle of the knife with one hand, and the support of Dao Qi made his body hover in the air.

The long knife was inserted into the stone wall. He thought it would be easy to pull out, but Xiao Yi found that the reality was not that simple. The long knife was firmly embedded in it.

No matter how hard he tried, this long knife didn't move at all, the more Xiao Yi did not give up, he must pull out this long knife.

When he put his mind on this long knife, Xiao Yi didn't notice that the white-haired old man sitting on the ground had already fallen. At this moment, the two hanging arms actually moved a few times.

The white hair hiding in front of him couldn't cover the two scarlet eyes. The white-haired old man suddenly stood up and stretched out his palm to pat down towards Xiao Yi.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Xiao Yi's side. Xiao Yi looked back and saw only two blood-red eyes, and he was shocked.

"Fuck, what's the situation? Have you cheated on the corpse?"

Xiao Yi quickly let go of his hand and fell from the top. At the same time, a whip kick hit the white-haired old man's head heavily.

This kick of Xiao Yi is not merciful. The previous greeting was out of politeness, but the white-haired old man was going to kill Xiao Yi. This was two different things.

The white-haired old man was kicked into the air and hit the stone wall on the side, his head turned back, one can imagine how much strength Xiao Yi used with this kick.

"Senior, I have greeted you before. You are fine without saying a word, but you can't engage in this kind of sneak attack behind the scenes."

He kicked the old man, but Xiao Yi didn't relax in his heart. All this seemed too easy.

Since this white-haired old man had such a strong strength before his death, even if he was a corpse after his death, there was no saying that he could be killed so easily.

Sure enough, when Xiao Yi was thinking about it, the white-haired old man who fell on the ground stood up again, just in a very strange posture.


The action is blunt like a robot, and like the zombies in Plants vs. Zombies, first you put your legs up.

Then there was the body, followed by the head. Obviously, the body facing Xiao Yi was the front, but the head turned back.


He stretched out his hand to hold his head and twisted it directly, as easily as **** a screw.

This scene caused Xiao Yi to take a breath. What happened to this white-haired old man was so weird that Xiao Yi was caught off guard.

"Dragon Slayer, die!"

The white-haired old man stared at Xiao Yi with scarlet eyes, opened his mouth and let out a roar.

It turns out that the long knife on the top of the stone wall is the old man's personal thing. When someone moves his long knife, he will wake up.

Dragon Blade...

Domineering name.

"Master, what's going on, didn't you say that the people here are dead?"

"It seems that something abnormal has happened to him that can restore his body's ability to act, but his mind is completely lost."

Xiao Yi noticed that the hands and bare arms of the white-haired old man showed a purple-cyan color.

Obviously this is not the skin color that ordinary people should have. Is this white-haired old man really turned into a zombie to guard his weapons?


There was a loud noise behind him, the entrance of this stone room was sealed, and the originally raised boulder fell, blocking the only exit.

It was too late for Xiao Yi to quit, and there was such a weird old white-haired man in this place. It really was curiosity that killed the cat. If he knew that, he shouldn't have come in.

"Damn it! Are you going to be trapped here?"

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