Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3631: Wake up the dragon

This smooth breakthrough and entering the Golden Profound Realm was truly thrilling.

Fortunately, the most difficult Xiao Yi has survived. In order to celebrate Xiao Yi's success this time, a curfew was specially opened at Bro Xiao Villa today.

Breaking Dawn Village has strict rules, especially after eleven o'clock in the night, large-scale activities must be suspended.

This was decided by the previous owner of the villa. No one dared to break the rules. The old owner likes to be quiet, especially at night. He hates the quietness of others disturbing him most.

He felt that this breakdawn villa was a rare place of tranquility in this world. Since it was the word quiet, it should be like a paradise.

But today is an exception. These friends who knew Xiao Yi were all celebrating Xiao Yi's breakthrough. At around two o'clock in the morning, the hall in the villa was still full of people.

"What kind of wine is this? I have never had it before."

Xiao Yi held a wine jar, which was wiped clean, but his nose was very sensitive.

There is still a smell of earth, this wine should be dug out from the earth, and it has been aged for many years.

Otherwise, there would be no such mellow aroma of wine, Xiao Yi's voice fell, and the three elders beside him said with a smile.

"Your kid is a blessing. This is the peach blossom drunk brewed by the elder in his twenties and buried under a peach blossom tree."

The third elder was the one who accompanied the winemaking at the beginning, but at that time the third elder was still very young.

Ji Jiangyue buried this peach blossom drunk in order to find the person he likes in the future, dug it out from the peach blossom tree again, and tasted it together.

Thinking about it, it feels very poetic, but it is a pity that the elder Ji Jiangyue did not wait until that day.

Ask what love in the world is, and teach life and death.

It was probably Ji Jiangyue, who had missed Xiao Yi's father at the beginning. She would rather live alone in this life and live alone in this way.

"It turned out to be like this. I said there is a floral smell in this wine."

Xiao Yi glanced at the great elder sitting aside, Ji Jiangyue had a few glasses of wine, his face flushed.

How could someone with her cultivation level, ordinary alcoholic things make her drunk? Xiao Yi could guess why she had such a performance.

Alcohol is not intoxicating and everyone is drunk.

Perhaps it was thinking of some experiences with his father that made Ji Jiangyue so sentimental. Xiao Yi didn't understand at this time why his father made unexpected decisions.

Regardless of his identity background, Ji Jiangyue, who has a dignified appearance and a poem, has always been pursuing his father, and there is no reason to refuse.

But according to what Ji Jiangyue said, it was only a few months before the father chose his mother, and the two had not had any contacts before.

What does the sudden decision in marriage mean? Xiao Yi once asked Ji Jiangyue. Ji Jiangyue had never seen his mother, but heard that she was a very ordinary woman.

I want to ask other people for more information, it seems that there is no chance, except in the family land of the Xiao Clan, no one will tell Xiao Yi about this.

"Xiao Yi thinks that this breakthrough in this realm is absolutely suppressed in strength. I must work harder in the future. Although I may not be able to surpass you, I don't want to be opened such a big gap."

Qinglong and Xiao Yi were discussing matters related to cultivation. Xiao Yi was already in front of them. For some problems encountered in cultivation, you can ask Xiao Yi to find out.

"If I didn't make a breakthrough, if I took your move in the same way as before, not dying is also a serious injury. It seems that you have made great progress in the recent period."

"Xiao Yi, don't you know that Qinglong wakes me up less than four o'clock every morning, and accompanies him to practice together, until the sun goes down before he is willing to rest."

Bai Hu admires Qinglong's perseverance very much, probably because Qinglong is a disciple of the Great Elder, and as a big disciple, he must set a good example.

Qinglong will win glory for the break of dawn and will not let down the expectations of the great elder. This is the truest thought in Qinglong's heart.

"I can't stand it anymore. When I was trained hardest by my master before, I didn't have that hard work."

Bai Hu complained repeatedly that among so many people, no one else would be willing to serve as a training partner for Qinglong, because this difference in strength, no matter how large the number of people, would be of no use.

The only thing that can be found is Baihu. The two remaining guys each have their own missions, and Baihu has had enough of these few days.

Qinglong's eyes were firm, as if he felt that this was a very common thing. Every practitioner must do this in order to get a rapid improvement.

Xiao Yi was considered half a person who came here. He knew that Qinglong's cultivation method had its own problems, and said to Qinglong at this time.

"Is Qinglong like this?"

"It's not as serious as Baihu said. We also took a few breaks in the middle. I just feel that when we are young, we must take advantage of our vigor and double practice to improve our realm, otherwise we will only fall behind others."

"If this is the case, I would advise you not to force yourself in matters of cultivation. If you are like you, you will only get twice the result with half the effort, and the results will be very weak."

This sentence was said in Qinglong's heart, he had always had such doubts, the previous level of improvement was very rapid, and he was also very diligent in cultivation at that time.

But I don't know why, during the next practice, did I make some mistakes? In short, it didn't go as smoothly as before. Every time I got to a critical place, I stopped suddenly.

The previous efforts were all in vain. Now that I heard Xiao Yi talk about it, I just wanted to hear Xiao Yi's opinion.

"It is indeed the same as what you said. I am very confused about this. Why do I spend a lot of energy now, but I have not gained much, even zero."

Like Xiao Yi, Qinglong entered the previous misunderstanding, thinking that he could get the desired result just by relying on his own efforts.

But in terms of cultivation, it is not that simple. Otherwise, those geniuses would still be needed to do something, just like Xue Yaoyue, just practice for a few days at will, which is equivalent to one month for Xiao Yi.

There is no way to compare such talents.

"That's what I want to tell you. In the next practice, instead of consuming these energy, it is better to save time and spend it on enlightenment."


"Yes, it is comprehension. Cultivation is like a big tree. Efforts will only make the trunk more and more, but no leaves are growing on it."

Xiao Yi conveyed what the master and son had said to Qinglong again, hoping that Qinglong would gain something after listening.

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