Only then can we proceed to the next step, so Xiao Yi wants to break through this layer of shackles and needs a place with a huge Dao Qi to support it, otherwise, once Dao Qi cannot be supplied, Xiao Yi is stuck in a key position.

Forcibly stopping the breakthrough is an extremely huge damage to his body, it is very likely that the meridians will be destroyed, and he will become a waste.

Only when all these conditions are prepared, Xiao Yi can try to take a gamble. Now he has everything he should have.

He has checked the rich Dao Qi here, which is exactly what he thought in his heart. It should be enough to refine these Dao Qi and condense it in the Dantian.

Sitting on the futon, Xiao Yi forgot the existence of time, and devoted himself to refining qi.

first day……

the next day……

The third day...

A week has passed.

Xiao Yi still closed his eyes tightly and sat motionless in the cave, turning into a stone in the cave.

He hadn't touched some of the food and fruits in the cave. If ordinary people didn't eat for such a long time, they would have been hungry.

In the past few days, Xiao Yi has been repeating it, comprehending every word of Xuantian Taoism, and comprehending the profound meaning of these words.

Dao law remains unchanged, Dao law changes.

What is Tao and what is Dharma?

What he wants is not only an improvement in strength, but also an understanding of Taoism, and a thorough understanding of the mystery in Xuantian Taoism.

Xiao Yi kept thinking, every word of Xuantian Dao Fa gradually turned into a black aura, constantly attracting Xiao Yi's consciousness.

Those black qi were produced in Xiao Yi's illusion. During this week, Xiao Yi had been thinking about these things, unable to comprehend the meaning.

However, because of his own impatience, a weak point of consciousness appeared and was controlled by the fantasy generated in his heart.

The whole person couldn't control his thoughts, and the characters of Xuantian Dao Fa in front of him turned into different things to attract Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi, let's get married."

Suddenly Li Xiaojia appeared in front of Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi fell into his own fantasy and couldn't help himself.

"Xiaojia, I said, now I still don't have the ability to give you a stable life, you will wait for me to settle the matter at hand, I will honor my promise."

Xiao Yi stretched out his arms, trying to hold Li Xiaojia in his arms, but at this moment, Li Xiaojia's face suddenly changed.

She pushed Xiao Yi away, her face became angry, and she said in a disappointed tone.

"You have been pushing back and forth. I told you that you are rejecting marriage. In fact, you don't love me at all, do you?"

"Xiaojia, don't think so. I really can't give you peace of mind. Will you wait for me for a while?"

"Are you planning to let me wait for you to grow old? Xiao Yi, you let me down!"

Seeing Li Xiaojia turned to leave, Xiao Yi stepped forward to grab Li Xiaojia's hand, but at the moment when the hand was about to touch, Li Xiaojia's figure suddenly disappeared.

Another person appeared in front of him, and his figure gradually became clear.

"Xiao Yi, I left alone for you, and gave birth to our daughter in October. I have been suffering all this silently, but you are happy with other women!"

Meng Nana appeared, her face was haggard, she stood in front of Xiao Yi, her eyes were bloodshot, and she asked.

Xiao Yi felt guilty for Meng Nana. If it were not for her recklessness and carelessness, Meng Nana would not have been forced to leave.

He kept thinking about when he could make up for their mother and daughter, but Xiao Yi didn't find the right time before his own matter was resolved.

"Nana I'm sorry, listen to me..."

"I don't need to listen to your explanations here, Xiao Yi assumes that I have never met you."

"Don't do this! It must be very hard for you to live with your children alone. Let me assume the responsibility of being a husband and a father."

In Meng Nana's arms, a little girl suddenly appeared, and the little girl showed a weird smile at Xiao Yi.

"Who is this uncle mom, I don't want to see him!"

The little girl said to Meng Nana, Meng Nana hugged the child and turned and left here.

"This is my child, it has nothing to do with you!"

Different people kept appearing in front of Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi tried his best to keep them, but in the end all disappeared in front of him.

Xiao Yi stood alone in the mist, what was in front of him could not be seen through, he didn't know what he should do.

Still unable to get out of here, the fog became thicker and thicker. At this moment, Xiao Yi seemed to step on something under his feet.

Looking down, I saw that under Xiao Yi's feet, a pool of blood was constantly spreading, and along his shoes, his clothes had been dyed blood red.

Xiao Yi stretched out his hands, his fingers were stained with blood, and a strong smell of blood came over his face.


Before Xiao Shan fell in a pool of blood, Xiao Yi hurried forward to help, but it was a pity that it was too late.

There were several fatal wounds on Xiao Shan's body, and Hua Tuo couldn't save people alive, Xiao Yi shouted desperately.

"Grandpa... Grandpa, wake up."

Xiao Shan, who fell in a pool of blood, slowly opened his eyes, and he saw Xiao Yi in front of him.

A trembling hand touched Xiao Yi's face, coughing violently, opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood on Xiao Yi's face.

"Yes... it's Xiao Yi!"

"Grandpa is me, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yi tried to stop Xiao Shan from bleeding, placing a hand on the position of his heart, but he didn't expect that his fist would directly enter his chest.

There was an eye-catching wound on his chest, and his fists could fit in. He could see the beating heart in his chest.

"It's all because of you! Xiao Yi is all because of you. I rescued you at the beginning and only wanted to live a peaceful life. I didn't expect that you were implicated in the end and could not escape the disaster."

Xiao Shan had a hideous face, and he was accusing Xiao Yi of negligence. It was because of Xiao Yi that he was conspired by others.

"Grandpa is not like this, I didn't expect this to happen."

"I saved you Xiao Yi, but died because of you in the end. I am very unwilling."

Xiao Yi was stained with the blood of Xiao Shan, facing his grandfather, Xiao Yi was even more unable to resist, unable to escape from this illusion.

He fell into the illusion and didn't know what was happening outside. Because of a Xiao Yi, at this time, there was a big disturbance in the Breaking Dawn Villa.

Standing on a mountain peak, Ji Jiangyue saw the place where Xiao Yi was retreating. The flow of Dao Qi was abnormal, and he knew that something was wrong.

In addition, such an anomaly caused a slight earthquake, and everyone in the villa could feel it. They were all talking about what was going on.

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