Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3583: Another arms dealer

"This is impossible. All the arms business in the mercenary world is controlled by the Edward family. No one dares to compete with Edward."

"Then how do you explain what you see now?"

There was another guess deep in Zhan Spear's heart, but this idea could never be mentioned with Xiao Yi.

He thought about whether it was Edward and Freman secretly doing the arms business. Such a guess is not impossible.

Edward is a businessman, as long as the price is right, he can cooperate with anyone in business.

It was not convenient to tell Xiao Yi about this matter. It was carried out behind the scenes. He didn't expect to be hit by Zhan Spear and Duan Zhisheng.

"It seems that I need to report this to the captain."

Zhan Spear notified Xiao Yi of this matter, presumably the captain would understand his intentions and carefully explore the reasons behind this.

"Well, we don't care about this beforehand. We are only responsible for taking away this Perod, and the others are not within our scope of responsibility."

The next morning.

As the sun gradually rises, the temperature in the desert keeps rising.

At around seven o'clock in the morning, the temperature had reached more than 30 degrees. In this hot environment, there was nothing to block.

The desert is like a big melting pot. There is nowhere to hide in this melting pot. You can only rely on a simple shady place to avoid such weather.

No normal person can suffer such a burn, let alone Perod who is exposed and hung on a pole.

Soon Perod was sweating profusely, and the sweat soaked his clothes, but it didn't take long before the sweat was evaporated.

After coming back last night, he didn't drink a sip of water or eat anything. Perod is suffering unbearably.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

The sun was hanging in the air, and the members of the mercenary group, as they passed the flagpole, looked towards Perrod.

This is their former deputy, but because he violated Freman's will, he fell to the current end.

It is conceivable that if they make mistakes in the future, they are afraid that the end will not be much better. Everyone has a knife in their hearts, and they may not know when they will fall on themselves.

"Mr. Perrod, is it really dead this time?"

"This is what the general meant. No one can save him without a word from the general."

"Don't say it is seven days. In this environment, it is a miracle to be able to survive two days."

Whoever dared to defy the orders given by Freyman would be hung here and dried up like his deputy.

Freman was blowing the air conditioner in the room. He would not suffer such torture while reading the newspaper leisurely.

Sure enough, in today's newspaper, the news that the Flame Mercenary Group had been defeated was published, and the biggest responsibility among them was the improper command of Freeman.

Freeman was not angry. After talking with Jock yesterday, he was more confident to deal with Xu Qiang and the others.

His own responsibility is right. If he didn't initiate action, there would be no yesterday's failure.

"How is Perod? Is he still alive?"

Asked the people around him, Perod's life and death had been decided, and Freman would not leave a traitor by his side.

"He can't just die so easily, I want everyone to see his fate, no one will come to defy my wishes in the future."

"I've seen the general before. Perrod is still alive. I'm afraid it won't last long in this kind of weather."

"In the beginning, I didn't intend to let him live, just a traitor. If he died, he was dead."

Freeman had already issued a verdict on Perod, so to deal with Perod in order to kill a hundred people, let everyone in the mercenary group understand.

He is the general of the mercenary group, no matter how powerful the deputy is, he can dominate everything with a single word.

"Order to go down and everyone will remember what I said. No one is allowed to drink a drop of water or feed him a bite of food. If anyone violates this rule, he will be executed immediately."


The deputy is dead, you can be sure of this.

Perod hung on the pole, his mouth dry and his breathing became so heavy that he couldn't open his eyes in a daze.

A strong will is supporting him, and Perod did not go to soften with Freman, nor would he beg Freman to give him a happy life.

"It's miserable, it's so miserable, I guess this time, Perrod has completely given up on his master."

Standing not far away, War Spear looked at Perod’s look. It won’t take long for Perod to be able to hold it for another day.

This is a desert. The temperature is 40 to 50 degrees. It is not bad if people are not exposed to the sun directly. How can a mortal body suffer such a criminal law.

"What should I do now? Do you want to save people?"

Duan Zhisheng didn't say anything, that is, he did not agree with Zhan Spear's statement that it is not time to save people.

"Wait anyway, this guy can't die if he hangs like this. It's not too late to save someone when he's dying."

"I found you, a scholar, really cruel."

"Don't underestimate a scholar like me. I will not only kill people, but also punish my heart."

There was no rush to save people because it was not the time. Duan Zhisheng wanted to use Perrod's criminal law this time, which made Freman lose his heart.

At the same time, he would completely bring Perod over and become a person on his side. With a deputy like Perod, Leng Jian's strength will also increase a lot.

Xiao Yi received the news from Zhan Spear, and when he saw the news, he frowned.

He understood what the War Spear meant, and wanted to ask himself if it was Edward, and Freman was in the arms business.

I believe that Edward's character will not do such tricks secretly. Perhaps there are other reasons behind this incident.

The only thing that can help with the investigation is to go to Natasha. Xiao Yi felt that this matter was not easy and had to be investigated.

"Natasha, please check for me. Someone did an arms business in the mercenary world last night. The other person is Freeman. Can you find out who this arms dealer is?"

Natasha was working outside. After receiving Xiao Yi's call, she immediately found a place to pick it up.

"I know about Xiao Yi, but the relationship involved is very complicated. I advise you not to investigate it anymore."

"What? What's going on? Could it be that this matter is implicated in Edward?"

"It's not what you think. Mr. Edward has no connection. It is in this world that a second arms dealer has appeared. His strength and background are very powerful..."

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