Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3545: Xu Qiang's request

Freeman ordered that no details should be missed and must be investigated carefully.

People were not killed in the explosion, and the most likely possibility was to hide, so this manhole became the safest place.

One person stepped forward and squatted down, and the other two held guns to guard against accidents.

Opening the manhole cover of the manhole with a strong arm is a very easy thing. When the manhole cover was opened, the two rushed forward and fired several shots at the well.

Holding the lighting equipment, he penetrated into the manhole, but found that there was no one inside.

"no one there?"

"Damn, where will these two Chinese people hide?"

The trio searched cautiously, thinking that something would be found under the manhole, but they were all empty.

"There is one more in front!"

There were a total of two manholes, one of them was checked, and the other would naturally not be let go. Soon the three of them surrounded them again.

Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng, who were hiding in the well, noticed the constant approach of footsteps, and it was obvious that Freman's people noticed this.

Xu Qiang did not speak, and used gestures to communicate with Duan Zhisheng, asking Duan Zhisheng what to do next?

Once they are found where they are hiding, in this case they cannot come back and must find a way to deal with it in advance.

With a few darts in Duan Zhisheng's hand, it is not a problem to deal with a few people. As long as he makes a shot, it will be exposed.

"Don't worry!"

Instructed Xu Qiang to calm down, and when he had to, he would take action.

The three people were already close, one of them squatted down to plan to open the manhole cover, the other two were guarded by the same procedure.

Prepared carefully, at this tense moment, suddenly a cold light suddenly appeared!

Their attention was focused on the manhole, forgetting the hidden dangers around, a military thorn came across, from one person's back, and penetrated the heart.

The other two realized the danger, and when they were about to raise their guns, a pair of big hands were stuck on their necks.

"Don't struggle!"

Xiao Yi squeezed his fingers, and the necks of the two of them were squeezed off and fell to the side.

Following the trail of Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng all the way, Xiao Yi followed here, but he did not expect that someone would shoot faster than him.

On the mercenary battlefield, all forces were fighting, and this situation could not be more common.

But the goal of this group of people is Xu Qiang, this is to touch the bottom line of Xiao Yi, no matter what the background of this group of people, dare to make this idea is to die.

Duan Zhisheng and Xu Qiang, hiding under the manhole, did not know what was happening, a thumping sound came from above.

Immediately after that, drops of blood dripped down the cracks in the manhole, and landed on Duan Zhisheng's clothes.

"What a heavy smell of blood, could it be..."

Reached out and touched it, it was indeed blood, and the manhole cover above it suddenly opened.

No matter what it was, in Duan Zhisheng's eyes, the enemy was of unknown origin. The smell of blood made him more alert, and he shot a dart in his hand.


The dart caught the sound of breaking through the air, and he had never made a mistake in his shot.

Holding the manhole cover in one hand, Xiao Yi sensed the danger approaching, and subconsciously dodged sideways, a dart flew past his cheek.

Slightly inadvertently hitting the forehead, avoiding Duan Zhisheng's attack, Xiao Yi shouted at the bottom.

"it's me!"

Duan Zhisheng stopped when he heard the sound. The second dart in his hand was about to be shot.

Hearing the voice, I knew that Xiao Yi had rushed over, so the previous blood stains should be Xu Qiang who killed Freeman.

"It turned out that you rushed over to have fun, and I almost moved really."

Duan Zhisheng kicked his feet and jumped out of the manhole, looking a little embarrassed.

But even at this dangerous moment, Duan Zhisheng always maintained his elegance, shaking the dust from his clothes.

After Xu Qiang climbed up, his arm scratched a large part. Fortunately, it didn't get in the way. He saw Xiao Yi's figure.

"Brother Xiao is really you. I didn't believe it yet when Master said you are here."

When he saw Xiao Yi with his own eyes, Xu Qiang felt completely relieved. If Xiao Yi was there, it wouldn't matter what crisis situation was.

Xiao Yi saw that the two were fine, and worried that the chaos caused tonight would involve them both.

"After hearing the movement, I followed Boss Duan's breath and chased me in the right direction. I happened to run into these three people and were looking for your trace."

There were three corpses lying on the ground. They had just died not long after they met Xiao Yi and they were both unlucky.

"Okay, this is not the place to talk. When Drake and Moro died, it was completely messed up here, so I quickly found a way to leave."

Xiao Yi reminded them that they both believed in Duan Zhisheng's strength, but in this chaotic battle, if the artillery fell ruthlessly, then someone would die.

There is a saying that the fire at the gate of the city has affected the pond fish. If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, retreating in time is the most correct choice.

"We have already planned to retreat, but before that, some conflicts broke out with a mercenary group. The general of this mercenary group does not intend to just let us go."

Duan Zhisheng and Xu Qiang have been trying to get rid of this Freman's entanglement, but this Freman is a careful eye.

The previous banquet made Freman lose face. At this time, they didn't plan to let Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng leave this place smoothly.

"He has gathered his own people and is hunting down the two of us. In desperation, we can only find a way to avoid the edge."

"It turns out that this is the case, what is the origin of this mercenary group, I will deal with this trouble."

Xiao Yi suggested, but Xu Qiang did not agree with Xiao Yi's approach at this time, he had his own plan.

"Brother Xiao...This matter started because of me, and I will end it personally in the end."

"Have you decided?"

"I know Brother Xiao is very capable, but since Brother Xiao has handed over the Lengjian mercenaries to me, then Xu Qiang, I must rely on my own abilities to settle the trouble."

Xu Qiang was very serious. He hadn't seen him for a while. Xu Qiang had experienced a lot and understood a lot.

It is no longer the stunned green who only knows how to work **** the road. He has his own ideas and plans for doing things. Xiao Yi was very pleased to hear what Xu Qiang said.

"Brother Xiao, I want to try, to what extent can I do with my own abilities? If I don't want to encounter anything, I have to trouble Brother Xiao to solve it for me."

"Xu Qiang has his own ideas, Xiao Yi, I think you can leave it alone, if he can't even handle this mercenary group, he will not be able to survive here in the future."

Duan Zhisheng's thoughts are the same as Xu Qiang's. This Freeman is a rare opponent. If a person wants to grow, he will inevitably encounter some obstacles.

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