Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3525: Estrangement

Champagne and wine, beauties in **** bikinis, and entertainment for the rich.

As long as you have money and status, you will have it here. This is the life of a real drunken fan.

Drake’s private manor is so luxurious and extravagant, especially Drake likes to swim, so he asked the workers here to build an artificial lake.

"Is this the life of the rich?"

"It's just wearing a luxurious coat. Uncovering this coat, these people are nothing."

Duan Zhisheng saw through the red dust, so at the last moment of life and death, he chose to put down those outside things, only in this way could he retrieve his own nature.

Xu Qiang and him sat alone in the corner, drinking tea to pass the time. The banquet ended earlier, so he could go back earlier.

At sunset, the sun gradually sinks, and the night is coming, and the entertainment outside is transferred to the interior.

As long as you can think of entertainment here, there are all, including these beauties wearing **** bikinis.

If the guests have needs, they can take them away and find a suitable room to release the most basic human instincts. Among the beauties on the scene, no one will refuse the needs of the guests.

There was a look indoors, staying on Xu Qiang and Duan Zhisheng, looking for a chance to shoot.

Reluctantly, this is Drake's territory. If he does something, it is tantamount to breaking the rules here. He doesn't want to fight Drake.

It is a pity that if such a good opportunity is missed, it is really unwilling. Freeman is thinking hard about how to find opportunities to clean up Xu Qiang.

"General, I know that you have resentment against Xu Qiang, but you can't do anything to him on this occasion."

The deputy reminded Freman that he was worried that the general was impulsive and had forgotten the rules set here.

Freeman poured all the brandy in the glass into his mouth and sighed deeply.

"You don't need to say that I understand it in my heart. It's just that this kid is cheap. After the banquet is over, I will keep an eye on it. I will see where he can go this time!"


The deputy yelled, his Adam's apple slipped as if he had something to say, but he didn't say it, and the words stopped.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Freeman said, after the deputy was silent for a while, he felt it necessary to stand up and say something, for the sake of Xu Qiang and for the future of the mercenary.

I don't know why, after the last battle, the general has become a different person, so he values ​​success or failure.

The last failure was an exception. Learning from the lesson, I won't commit any more in the future, but this general bit Xu Qiang and the others firmly, hoping to find a chance for revenge.

If it hadn't been for Xu Qiang to let them go last time, the deputy and more than 30 other people would have become dead long ago. At this point, the deputy would also like to thank Xu Qiang for not killing them.

"General, I don't think we need to fight the Chinese mercenary all the time. If this continues, it will not be good for each other."

"What do you mean by this?"

"If it weren't for Xu Qiang and let us go last time, we would have died long ago. From this point of view, we still owe them a favor."

The deputy reminded Freman that even though he had no friends on this battlefield, deep down in his heart, he did not want to treat Xu Qiang as his enemy.

Freeman stared at his deputy, no wonder that a few days ago, he urged his deputy to investigate the movements of Xu Qiang and others, but the deputy did not move for a long time.

It turned out that this deputy thought in his heart that Xu Qiang and the others were regarded as life-savers, but he wanted to hear what Pedro would say.

"Go on."

Seeing Freman's face unhappy, the deputy knew that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

But when the words came to the lips, I couldn't take it back. I had to bite the bullet and say all my inner thoughts.

"General, we don't have to focus on this newcomer. On the contrary, I think this Xu Qiang is good. If possible, I hope to develop an ally with this Xu Qiang."

"Ha ha!"

Freeman let out a sneer. He didn't care who said the words, as long as it didn't conform to his wishes, Freeman would not give any face to him.

"Perrod, you think I am avenging revenge, right?"

"I didn't mean that."

"Before you have always been with me. I told you what to do, you never asked."

He thought that his deputy's heart had changed, and he was no longer at the same mind as Freman, and he would actually retain his own opinions on this matter.

This deputy has followed Freman for many years, and has been working by Freman's side since the establishment of Freman's flame mercenary group.

Now Freeman was suspicious of his intentions, which made Perod very sad. At this time, there was a gap between the two.

The deputies' kind words turned into loyalty and rebelliousness. He never thought that the general who once made Perod, such a loyal follower, would become like this.

"Perrod I ordered you to hunt down Xu Qiang, but you refused to accept my order because of other things. Is this also related to Xu Qiang?"


Perod never lied, knowing that Freeman would get angry, he still told the truth.

"I don't know how to position Xu Qiang in the general's heart, but he spared me once and I owe him a life."

"It's good for you to admit it truthfully. When you say this, do you think of any consequences?"

"I know the consequences in my heart, and I will bear it, but I still want to say, General, you are wrong, you are really wrong."

Two sentences to emphasize one thing, Perrod hopes that the general can wake up at this moment and not do such useless things for a little bit of hatred in his heart.

In the world of mercenary battlefields, the situation is changing rapidly. If you don't keep going, but care about your personal gains and losses, sooner or later you will be surpassed by others.

"What I do and make decisions, it is not your turn to accuse me. I will discuss this matter when I return. Xu Qiang and I already have grievances. This kind of hatred cannot be easily resolved."

Freman wanted to be a face-saving person. From the day his flame mercenary group was defeated, this incident became a nightmare deep in Freman's heart, and he still refused to disperse.

As long as there is a chance, he is thinking about how to come to Xu Qiang to settle accounts. Now that Xu Qiang's strength is like an ant in his eyes, it is not worth mentioning.

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