Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3482: Hit as much

Earlier, He Yunguang and Xiao Yi said that it is not trouble to solve Lu Qingshan of the Qinggang. The trouble is how these people from the Qinggang should deal with it.

Now Xiao Yi understood the meaning of this sentence. It is worthy of the Youth Gang that has existed for hundreds of years. The development forces are deeply ingrained and there are so many people under his hands.

As long as there is an order, so many little brothers will be rushed out immediately, working hard for Lu Qingshan.

Xiao Yi clenched his fists again. Today, when he came to the Green Gang, he had no other choice. Since he wanted to fight, he would fight happily.

The Dao Qi in the Purple Profound Realm in his body was circulating rapidly, and the physical strength that Xiao Yi had lost could immediately be restored to the original state. At this moment, Xiao Yi was not tired to get down.

"As expected of the Qinggang, it is really strong in number, then let me see what else your Qinggang can do."

"Xiao Yi, I said, I will definitely serve you well today. There is a saying that the law does not blame the public. You should know what it means."

Xiong Linxie smiled and said, this time, more than two hundred people were mobilized from outside. Even if Xiao Yi is able to face more than two hundred thugs, how long can he support him?

And once Xiao Yi gets injured, it turns out to be two different things. Don't forget that this is the Qing Gang. Those people in the Qing Gang are not good things.

"You must be careful. If you are hacked to death by accident, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. Buy yourself an insurance earlier."

"You have a lot of nonsense, you will know in a moment, the two of us, who should buy insurance."

Xiao Yisi was not afraid. For him, the human-sea tactics did not have much advantage. Such a battle would be a child with a single blow.

It's like playing a game. Everyone in the Green Gang just came out of Xinshou Village and faced an account that was almost full.

I thought that there were so many people, but as a result, all of their big moves were killed in seconds, and the gap in strength couldn't be made up.

In the next time...

"Call someone!"

"Continue calling people!"

"What the **** is going on, why hasn't this Xiao Yi fallen?"

Xiong Lin on the second floor had no thoughts, sitting leisurely on a chair and drinking tea, with big beads of sweat coming out of his temples.

If you use any words to describe it, it is estimated that all Xiong Lin can think of is terrible.

A total of only more than twenty minutes have passed. He has already called four groups of people in a row, and all the big hands who are active outside have been mobilized back here.


The result was so tragic. The thugs who had been mobilized were all beaten to the ground, humming and screaming intermittently.

What is strength, Xiao Yi gave the most perfect explanation.

Holding the two people's arms in their hands, after twisting them in a circle, they flew over and kicked the two of them flying, and fell into the pile of people on the side.

"Five hundred... more than five hundred people were just killed. Is he a machine and don't know what tiredness is?"

Xiong Lin called out more than 500 thugs, more than 500 people, even if one person spit a mouthful, they could raise fish.

At any rate, he was also a powerful thug of the Green Gang, who fell into Xiao Yi's hands, feeling that everyone had become paperless, so vulnerable.

"Calling people! Keep calling people!"

"No one is there anymore, someone has to guard the outside field."


Xiong Lin said in shock, this is really the first time in the history of the Qing Gang that someone came to beat him, and there was no way to deal with it.

The mobilization of so many thugs is not enough for Xiao Yi to clean up, and if the fight continues like this, the result will not be much better.

Not to mention other things, even the medical expenses of more than 500 people have become a huge expenditure. Some of them were seriously injured, and some of them failed to survive and were killed on the spot.

Xiong Lin's face was pale, and he didn't know what to do anymore. Originally, he planned to claim credit in front of Lu Qingshan and do something to establish his majesty.

After losing so much at once, Lu Qingshan would not spare him easily, and Xiong Lin had no choice.

Xiao Yi unscrewed a bottle of white wine and flushed the blood from his fist. At this moment, he looked up at Xiong Lin who was standing on the second floor and smiled.

"Is anyone else coming? I'm waiting for you to call someone."

"You... Xiao, don't be too arrogant, this is my youth gang, it's not your turn to be wild."

Xiong Lin pointed at Xiao Yi and cursed. Xiao Yi bent his knees and jumped. The second floor was more than three meters above the first floor. This jump, Xiao Yi actually jumped up and landed beside Xiong Lin.

I just wanted to talk to Lu Qingshan, it had nothing to do with this group of people, but these wastes had no choice but to stop his Luca.

Xiao Yi was already standing next to Xiong Lin. Xiong Lin's legs couldn't help but tremble, regretting why he had to pretend, and now there is nowhere to regret it.

"You just reminded me to buy insurance, but I want to ask, how much did you buy for yourself."

"You... Xiao Yi what do you want to do? I can tell you, I am..."

As soon as Xiong Lin spoke, Xiao Yi slapped his backhand. A man as big as Xiong Lin was slapped away by Xiao Yi.

He slid on the ground for a certain distance and stopped, and his head hit the railing, showing how much strength Xiao Yi used to slap.

"There is really a lot of nonsense, although I don't want to work with people like you, but you have a face that is owed."

Xiao Yi said coldly, the two younger brothers with Xiong Lin didn't even have the courage to run to help when Xiong Lin was beaten.

The two fell on their knees in front of Xiao Yi, begging Xiao Yi to forgive them, and they also followed the instructions.

"Xiao Yi, please forgive us. We all acted according to Lu Qingshan's instructions. These are not our intentions."

Not too lazy to look at the two of them, Xiao Yi walked towards Xiong Lin step by step, Xiong Lin vomited blood and a few teeth came out of his mouth.

Not only that, a slap directly interrupted Xiong Lin's mandible, and if Xiao Yi's shot was heavier, Xiong Lin would have to lie on a hospital bed and eat liquid food for the rest of his life.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Xiong Lin no longer felt sensation on his face, and opened his mouth but couldn't make any sound. He just kept whimpering here.

"I'm here to settle accounts with Lu Qingshan, what matters to you? I'm looking for death!"

Xiao Yi grabbed Xiong Lin's collar and walked to the side of the railing. At this moment, Lu Qingshan walked out of the room.

Lu Qingshan knew what happened outside. He planned to let Xiong Lin give it a try. How capable Xiao Yi was, and as a result, he was beaten so badly.

It wasn't Xiong Lin that blamed him. If he changed to another person, he ended up in the same way. So Lu Qingshan couldn't sit still, pushed open the door and walked behind Xiao Yi.

"Stop! Xiao Yi is my youth gang, and Xiong Lin is my newly appointed second in command. If you dare to touch him, I will..."

Xiao Yi grabbed Xiong Lin's collar and lifted the whole person out of the railing. Xiong Lin was unconscious and looked home.

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