Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3448: Who is innocent

"People died at our station, but no one knows what happened before this. How can you guarantee that the two of them did not have an accident at your station?"

The deputy is in the flame mercenary group, he must do things for the mercenary group, especially such an inexplicable black pot.

It will definitely not be mixed with personal grievances. Xu Qiang wants to use this method to target them, his idea is too simple.

"Did people go to where you are before?"

"Yes, the two of them came to the door and came with me to collect the tribute. As agreed, I gave them all the parts that should be handed in, with this bank card as evidence."

"You are right, maybe this explanation is perfect."

Xu Qiang underestimated this deputy, who was quick in his thinking, and quickly caught the loophole in his words.

At this time, the deputy took out a map, which was already prepared, spread the map on the table, and what was going on was clear on this map.

The place marked in red is Xu Qiang's residence, and a line extends from here to Freman's site.

"This should be very clear. The two of them left your site and entered the camp of the Flame Mercenary Corps. Then I want to ask, if the two of them are on your site, hasn't it happened? What?"

"What do you mean?"

"Perhaps they were threatened on your site, or you did something unspeakable that caused the final accident. Don't you think this is possible?"

Deputy Perod, he is not the same as Freman. In such a situation, the first thing is not to get angry, but to carefully consider the key to this problem.

And the deputy investigated a very important piece of joy, and directly pointed the finger at Xu Qiang. He smiled and said.

"As far as I know, those two people went to your station, stayed for two hours, and finally left."

There was an unusual smell in it. Two hours seemed to be nothing, but the two of them were sent out by the Mafia to collect the accounts.

There are clear rules for going out and collecting accounts. You should leave as soon as you take the money, because there is still a lot of money to be recovered within a day. If you delay time, you will be punished.

"Generally, when they collect the bills, they stay in one place for at most half an hour. Then I would like to ask, what happened in these two hours?"

Perod interrogated the prisoner with the same eyes, staring at Xu Qiang, as long as Xu Qiang was lying in front of him, he would definitely be caught.

After explaining things clearly, he became a suspect again in an instant. Today Xu Qiang came here for a meal, and it was really thrilling.

Drake looked in his eyes with interest, waiting for Xu Qiang's next answer. How to explain this is all Xu Qiang said. He will analyze the logic inside and whether what he said is correct.

"That one……"

Xu Qiang's eyes were erratic and unspeakable.

After hesitating for a long time, Xu Qiang's shoulder fell, and Pedro smiled when he saw Xu Qiang's reaction.

Next, Xu Qiang will tell the truth, in front of Drake, he can't continue to hide it.

"Well, Boss Drake, there is one more thing I didn't tell you. You must not be angry."

Drake's eyes were gloomy. He didn't expect Xu Qiang to do it in the end. At this time, if Xu Qiang wanted to speak out, he would naturally give Xu Qiang this opportunity.

It’s just that I have already thought it in my mind. When Xu Qiang finishes speaking, he will throw Xu Qiang and the people he brought into a lion cage to feed his pets.

As for this rookie mercenary, there is no need for it to exist, and you can wipe them out by just moving your fingers.

"I said before, if someone admits, I will give him a chance."

"Boss Drake, the reason why your people will stay on my site for two hours is that I invited them to dinner alone and gave them a sum of money. I hope they can help me more after they go back."

Xu Qiang explained that it was quite normal. A new mercenary might offend the rules set by the Mafia.

Therefore, in order to indulge in these people in advance, it is also to give himself a reminder. This is why Xu Qiang said, he said immediately.

"I bribed Boss Drake's men, fearing that you would be angry if you knew it, so I didn't tell the truth."

"Is it all?"

What Drake wanted to hear was not such a thing. What Xu Qiang said and what he thought were completely different.

They both planned to order people to take Xu Qiang out to feed the lions, but after a long time, Xu Qiang wanted to say this.

"Yes, if you blame it, you can blame me alone. This is my own idea and has nothing to do with my team members."

Drake is a dignified mafia, the boss of the business sent here, how could he care about such a trivial matter, which will damage his demeanor as the boss.

I thought Xu Qiang was going to confess his guilt, but it turned out to be like this. Perod admires Xu Qiang's thoughtfulness and calmness in doing things.

In just a short encounter, Xu Qiang has taken the temper of everyone present in place. If such a person grows up, he will inevitably become a strong enemy in the future.

"Mr. Xu Qiang, what we need is how you explain what you did in these two hours, not for what purpose. You seem to have changed the concept?"

Freeman was impatient for a long time. From beginning to end, Xu Qiang didn't know what he was talking about, playing everyone like a fool.

"Xu Qiang, I don't think you can explain it. You want to fool around. Maybe the two of them have already had an accident at your station."

"General Freeman, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense. This matter has absolutely nothing to do with me."

"What about the evidence?"

Freeman at this time, learned the tone of Xu Qiang before, and said it for a long time. This needs evidence.

If there is no evidence, it is useless to say anything, and the explanation for this matter is originally not clear, and where evidence can be obtained.


"Didn't you say before that you have to prove anything? How do you prove that all this has nothing to do with you?"

Xu Qiang took out a mobile phone from his body at this moment. He had already made sufficient preparations before. If there weren't these, how dare he come to the appointment easily.

Let alone a Freeman, even Drake at this time will not let him easily, Xu Qiang unlocked the phone.

"If you talk about evidence, I really have it here. Boss Drake, you are a sensible person. I think I will be innocent."

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