Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3415: First task

The northern part of Africa is the battlefield of real mercenaries. In this chaotic zone, battles break out almost every day.

The armed forces in various places, in order to expand their territory, continue to launch wars with the outside world, and want to gain more benefits.

It's just that they have many shortcomings in terms of weapons and equipment and combat effectiveness. In order to make up for this shortcoming, the best way is to spend money to ask mercenaries for assistance.

As a result, the mercenary business has bred in this land. The mercenaries have no clear position. They exist to make money.

A paid today, and the mercenary organization took the money and went to help fight B. Wait until A has no money or the battle is over.

B can also give the mercenaries before the same hire to help them fight A. As long as they pay, they will do everything.

There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests. This is the case.

Xu Qiang was wearing a gray combat uniform with a helmet tucked into his arm, and he was inside a broken wall at the moment.

After entering this area, Xu Qiang soon received his first task to protect the local forces from breaking through and safely send them to the designated area.

After the task is completed, he will receive a reward of three million US dollars. For Xu Qiang, the money does not have much meaning.

What is really needed is combat experience. No matter how rigorous the training is on weekdays, if you don't experience fighting on the battlefield, it's just a matter of fact.


A drone passed overhead. This was the fourth time it had flown. Xu Qiang and every member of the mercenary knew what this meant.

"Pay attention, a new round of shelling is about to begin!"

Xu Qiang gave the order in time. In this case, the drone is not here to give you gifts.

Unmanned aerial vehicles were released in advance to detect their defensive arrangements, and then there was a round of shelling. This morning, it had already experienced three times.

After entering here, Xu Qiang and his team saw the cruelty of war. When they woke up in the morning, this place was still a village.

However, the people in the village have already evacuated ahead of time. In the fighting area, regardless of whether you are a combatant or an ordinary person, the moment the shells fall, life becomes so humble.

Sections of ruined walls have become places of refuge. Lengjian mercenaries need to protect their employers in advance before avoiding shelling. These are ordinary people and some teenagers.

Lenny is a native of this country. She is well aware of the suffering in this place, so since entering the war zone, Lenny has worked hard to protect the people who were displaced during the war.

An underground warehouse was originally used to store food. At this time, it was built as a refuge. There were more than 30 children hiding in it, staring at Lenny with wide-eyed eyes.

They all live in the same world. Other children are studying carefree in school, but their fate has changed. Now even the most basic survival has become a problem.

"Don't be afraid, we will be safe and send you home."

Lenny's skin color, plus she is a woman, she came to comfort these children, who believed what Lenny said.

Along the way, the Lengjian mercenaries repelled the enemy's seven or eight sieges, and every time they successfully brought them out of danger, none of them were injured.

The young people walking on the other side, as well as the middle-aged men who came with them, hid in a safe area, within the range of shelling, and could not reach them.

Qin Gang grabbed a small charge, while Bart held a telescope on the other side, looking at the distant sky, his face gradually darkened.

"The shelling is coming..."

The sound of shells whizzed past, hit from a distance, and landed in this piece of rubble.

The violent explosion rolled up a monstrous flame, and a section of the destroyed wall of the house was completely torn apart, flying around and becoming hungry powder.

Dust and smoke were floating, and a shell fell without causing any casualties, but everyone knew in their hearts that they could not relax at this time.

Xu Qiang leaned against the inside of the wall. As Leng Jian's captain, he not only needed to avoid shelling, but more importantly, he had to guard against sneak attacks by his opponents.

The two personnel guarding the front, investigating the situation, reported the situation ahead to Xu Qiang in time.

"Damn it! Another round of shelling, how many shells does this group have!"

This was the fourth time that Xu Qiang and the others had been fired in the morning. They had to find a place to hide.

When they headed north from South Africa, Xu Qiang and his team were well-equipped, and each of them was equipped with the most advanced weapons. However, considering the conditions did not allow them, they did not carry heavy firepower equipment.

Now that I encountered such a confrontation, I had to hide and wait until the shells were over before I came to think of ways to repel the enemy's attack.

Powerful artillery fire, like a meteorite falling from space, roared down from the sky, and the explosion of artillery shells seemed to be razed to the ground.


Xu Qiang vomited the dirt that ran into his mouth. This was simply too awkward. If he had struggled for strength, he would have killed these people long ago.

"Hold it up. This is the temptation of the enemy. They want to use this energy to force us to show up and fight them."

Lenny and Xu Qiang said, although their stomachs are flaming up, it is best to stay here and not go out.

The enemy's use of this kind of firepower suppression is precisely because of this, which shows that the opponent is very guilty and does not dare to fight directly on the opposite side.

Xu Qiang understands this, and no matter how aggrieved in his heart, he has to stay here honestly. Now he is responsible to the entire mercenary.

With the continuous bombardment, the other party's goal was to completely wipe out Xu Qiang and his party who were hiding in the artillery fire.

"Fire me fiercely and destroy this mercenary!"

The enemy leader yelled from the artillery position.

This mercenary has not been repelled for several consecutive times. The existence of mercenaries has seriously affected their interests, and these people must be eliminated.

In order to deal with Xu Qiang and his party, he invested a lot of manpower and weapons and equipment, and had also carried out several blockades before, but it seemed that the results were not much. Xu Qiang and the others were like Xiaoqiang who could not be killed.

"Boss, if we continue to fight like this, the reserve of shells will be running out."

The subordinates found him and reported a situation to him.

Pay attention and observe, you will find the people here, everyone is wrapped in a black headscarf.

The difference between the forces of the two sides lies in this turban, which is black, while Xu Qiang and their employers are wrapped in a blue turban.

Originally a member of a country, due to some special reasons, armed forces rebelled. The Blue Turban army retreated steadily, forming a front, and the two sides formed an endless confrontation.

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