Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3386: Wang Sheng's inference

Wang Sheng drank the tea in the cup in one breath. This is really strange. Lu Qingshan even let out cruel words before.

Said it was for revenge for his brother-in-law, and Xiao Yi was endlessly dying. After a few days, he immediately changed his decision.

"What's the matter? The last time I saw Lu Qingshan, Lu Qingshan also said that he would settle accounts with Brother Xiao."

"I guess He Yunguang meant the peace talks. Lu Qingshan had this idea, but he didn't say it because of face."

"That's right, Lu Qingshan's gang is considered a bird. Since he wants to propose peace talks, why doesn't he take the initiative to come to H city, he still has to put on a silly air here."

Wang Sheng disdainfully said, the most uncomfortable is this kind of person, one yard goes to one yard, Lu Qingshan is really a character.

It is rare to have the meaning of peace talks. In order to avoid further conflicts, Xiao Yi could agree to go and have a good chat with Lu Qingshan.

Whether it is Lu Qingshan or He Yunguang, both of them have a certain degree of influence.

"Brother Xiao, what do you think? You said before that it will take a month to kill the Qinggang. It has been a week."

I don't doubt Xiao Yi's strength. When I followed Xiao Yi earlier, I saw Xiao Yi's special methods.

A youth gang is not in Xiao Yi's words. Of course, if the conflict can be resolved peacefully, who wants to fight.

"Of course I will go there. At 4:30 tomorrow afternoon, the place will be in a tea house in City F."

He Yunguang called earlier and told Xiao Yi about the place of the peace talks, hoping that Xiao Yi could come as scheduled.

Xiao Yi gave He Yunguang this face and went for a visit in person to see what the Qing Gang leader had.

The last time Wang Sheng met He Yunguang, this person looked pretty good. Although he was the second in command of the Qing Gang, He Yunguang did not appear to be that strong.

"Brother Xiao, I don't think that Lu Qingshan has any good intentions. If you have to go there tomorrow, it is best to bring a few more people with you."

"No, I can go by myself, there is only Lu Qingshan, I'm not afraid of him yet."

Xiao Yi had his own plans. Wang Sheng stopped interjecting. Xiao Yi had never experienced any scenes, but just went to see Lu Qingshan.

"Then I'm here, responsible for helping you to hold this Lu Qingshan woman, to be honest, I have endured it several times, and I almost started to clean her up."

"By the way, what is the name of the girl who came to me before... Zheng Siyu, right?"

The last time Wang Sheng attended Lu Qingshan's birthday banquet, when he returned, he was followed by a girl who made a special trip to find Xiao Yi.

A girl came to a strange city to find someone she didn't know. Zheng Siyu's courage was really not so big.

"Brother Xiao, you are right. That girl is Zheng Siyu. For the first time, I was followed by others."

"She entrusted me to help her to find her sister. I don't know if there is any progress."

After Zheng Siyu left, Xiao Yi sent someone to investigate, and what Zheng Siyu said was indeed true.

It was all because of the forces of the Youth Gang and the oppression of both sides of the developer that made Zheng Siyu's family ruined and his parents died in an accident.

It is conceivable that in City F, I don't know how many families have encountered such a situation, but most people have chosen to be silent.

After agreeing to Zheng Siyu, Xiao Yi must have done it. He sent people to inquire about the news, first help Zheng Siyu and find his missing sister.

Dealing with Lu Qingshan is not an easy thing to do, and Wang Sheng is very dedicated to this matter.

"Brother Xiao, the person we sent to City F is already looking for someone, but there is no news yet. I guess the people from the Qing Gang sold this girl's younger sister."


Xiao Yi was surprised and said that in the current society, it seems that there are not many words like this.

Wang Sheng is a person who confuses in the Tao, the three religions and the nine streams on this Tao, those shameful businesses, Wang Sheng understands very well.

Wang Sheng is no stranger to this word, he has encountered it once before and explained to Xiao Yi.

"Brother Xiao, you don't know that this kind of business is banned by severe crackdowns, but behind the scenes, this kind of business has been repeatedly banned."

"How to say?"

"There is money to make money, Brother Xiao, you also said, who would have trouble with money."

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and Wang Sheng was right when he said that the drug business took such a risk, how many people are still on the road of drug trafficking.

As long as there is a profit to make, there is no shortage of people who take risks for the sake of money, Wang Sheng said immediately.

"This is also a kind of business on the road. Pretty girls with a little bit of beauty will be sold to nightclubs, or places like KTV, to attract customers to make money in the store."

"Since these girls are forced to do this kind of business, why don't they choose to call the police?"

"Brother Xiao, what you think is too simple. The people who control them have already thought of this level, and have already figured out a way to control these women."

Wang Sheng once met in a night club. Those younger and beautiful girls should be at the age of college or high school.

However, they were exposed in their clothes and appeared in the night market, soliciting customers for the boss, showing off their posture. If anyone can't recruit customers, they will not talk about eating when they turn around, and they will be beaten badly.

In a word, this is a big dyeing vat. Even if you resist these in your heart when you start, you have to choose to obey and embark on a path of no return in order to survive.

"Most of them are forced to take drugs, sell them in the night market, and control their snake heads. They are like holding a rope in their hands. The other end of the rope is tied to those women."

Wang Sheng's words revealed a **** business, and these businesses are real.

"Who dares to go to the police? If you call the police, some people will be caught in the wrong hands. But where can these girls go besides walking in the night market? Their gambling addiction is too deep to go back."

"There is such a thing, Wang Sheng, you know so clearly, it shouldn't be you..."

"Brother Xiao, don't get me wrong. Wang Sheng, my Wang Sheng, is lustful and likes women, but I don't know how to do this kind of conscience."

Xiao Yi believed what Wang Sheng said, even if this guy is looking for a woman, he has his own principles.

It's normal for a woman to take it after marriage and cheating. Wang Sheng never finds a single woman.

In this regard, he only likes experienced ones.

"According to what you said, isn't this Zheng Siyu's sister already sold to a nightclub?"

"I can't find it outside. It's 80% of the possibility. It's not that the Qing Gang can't do it."

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