Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3383: Use of affection

If such a peace talk was brought up by himself, it would appear that Lu Qingshan had no face, and his identity was higher than Xiao Yi.

Therefore, from this point of view, He Yunguang is the most suitable. He Yunguang will naturally not reject Lu Qingshan's troubles.

In fact, he had already thought about finding the right opportunity to let Lu Qingshan and Xiao Yi sit down and talk about it. This so-called gang had obviously come to an end.

Even if Xiao Yi doesn't make a move, if he continues to do this kind of business, sooner or later he will be knocked out.

It's also time for Lu Qingshan. He should think about what to do next. You can't take the entire group of people and walk all the way to the dark.

"Don't worry, please leave this to me. I will invite Xiao Yi to come over and sit down with the helper."

"With you by my side at the critical moment, I feel a lot more worry-free. I really didn't look away."

He Yunguang didn't say anything. Then he went to call Xiao Yi according to Lu Qingshan's intention, and contacted Xiao Yi to come to F City for discussion.

With He Yunguang's help, one of Lu Qingshan's concerns was resolved. Lu Qingshan had other things. Besides, at this time, he wanted to take a good rest.

"You go down first, if you have anything, you can call me."


He Yunguang's enthusiasm, he did not hesitate to fight his life for Lu Qingshan.

If he hadn't been promoted by Lu Qingshan, He Yunguang would now be nothing more than a street gangster, and he would never stand out in his life.

Watching He Yunguang's departure, after waiting for He Yunguang's departure, Lu Qingshan walked to a wall in the room with a painting on the wall.

There is nothing special about this painting. Lu Qingshan took it down by hand, and there is a mysterious idea behind it.

A safe is embedded in the wall, and the operation code opens the safe. Some cigarettes are placed inside.

It's nothing more than some cigarettes. There is no need to store them so carefully, but the cigarettes inside are not ordinary goods.

These cigarettes are all mixed with some materials. Lu Qingshan has been infected with drugs since he entered the Qinggang, and has a history of more than ten years of drug use.

In one sentence, the drugs have penetrated into Lu Qingshan's bone marrow, and it is no longer possible to quit drugs.

Every time he encounters trouble, Lu Qingshan will smoke these special cigarettes alone. Only these things can calm Lu Qingshan's mind.

He took out a spot, his eyes were bloodshot, but Lu Qingshan didn't care at all, and the corners of his mouth raised and revealed a wicked smile.

"You already have the intention to leave, although I didn't say it, but I understand it in my heart."

Lu Qingshan was sensitive, and he could tell from some details that He Yunguang seemed to quit.

Lu Qingshan naturally wouldn't accept this person who pulled it up with one hand but chose to betray him in the end.

Talking with Xiao Yi is nothing more than a cover. He wants to test what He Yunguang thinks in his heart.

Sure enough, after some trial, Lu Qingshan realized the clues. He was so cruel that he could betray his brother in order to climb into the position of the leader of the Qinggang.

He has always been on guard when he treats the people around him. He Yunguang's whole heart is doing things for Lu Qingshan, but he also got a suspicion.

"Do you think you can escape my eyes? He Yunguang is regarded as I am sorry for you, this time let you do the last thing for me."

Xiao Yi is lying at home leisurely, enjoying this rare leisure, while Xiao Yi is also thinking.

At present, his strength has reached the ninth level of the Purple Profound Realm, and the bottleneck in front of him does not seem to be easy to overcome.

In addition to the effort required to cultivate, more importantly, understanding is needed. Anxious is not anxious.

Simply taking advantage of this free time, Xiao Yi thought about it, maybe there will be something new.

A phone call woke Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi picked up the phone and saw an unfamiliar phone number.

The call is from City F.

"Hey, who are you?"

"Xiao Yi, I am He Yunguang, a person like you may not remember my name."

According to Lu Qingshan's instructions, He Yunguang personally called Xiao Yi and invited Xiao Yi to come here for peace talks.

Mentioning this name, Xiao Yi immediately remembered. When Xiao Yi asked Liu Ba to settle accounts, that was the first time He Yunguang appeared.

He Yunguang and Uncle He of the Han family are related, and when Xiao Yi saw He Yunguang at the time, he could see that He Yunguang was a man of great success.

It is a rare thing to do things calmly and meticulously, to act vigorously and resolutely when it is time to shoot, and to distinguish right from wrong.

He Yunguang had never done anything bullying during his stay in the Cyan Gang. He had always followed the rules. How could Xiao Yi not remember his name?

"It turned out to be you, I remember the name, but I didn't expect you to call me."

Xiao Yidao, He Yunguang was the second-in-command of the Qinggang. If he called himself, it would seem very troublesome if Lu Qingshan was suspicious.

There are differences in positions, and He Yunguang should understand this.

He Yunguang admires Xiao Yi more. Xiao Yi does things fair and has a very personal charm.

"Xiao Yi, don't get me wrong, I'm calling, but there is something I want to tell you."

"Oh... we are not strangers, and I like to have fun, just say anything if you want."

Xiao Yi said, Xiao Yi would definitely not be suspicious if He Yunguang showed up.

"Actually it's about you and the Qinggang. There is a saying that you plan to get rid of the Qinggang within a month, right?"

These words reached He Yunguang's ears, then Lu Qingshan must have known it, and Xiao Yi would not hide anything while holding the phone.

"Yes, twenty-four days to be precise."

"It seems that this rumor is true, Xiao Yi, I know you are a capable person, and I have never said such jokes. Do you really plan to get rid of the Qing Gang?"

"Then what do you think is necessary for the Qing Gang to exist?"

Xiao Yi asked He Yunguang. Since He Yunguang understands the truth, he must also know some of these things.

The Youth Gang has been a scourge for so many years. Drug addiction, theft and robbery have disrupted public order.

Even some underground black market businesses are related to the Youth Gang. There is really no reason for such a gang to allow the Youth Gang to continue to develop and exist.

He Yunguang didn't know how to answer this question for a while, Xiao Yi asked the key point, indeed, such a youth gang should be withdrawn as soon as possible.

"Xiao Yi, I want to know how confident you are that you can solve the Qing Gang in such a short time."

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