Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3358: Suzaku Nirvana

In order to save Xiao Yi, Zhu Que had already chosen to agree to the condition of this power in her body, she had no choice.

Since Suzaku has also agreed and expressed her attitude, then she will fulfill the promise she has said.

"You have agreed to this. I didn't force you. If this happens, you will have less and less time left."

"Can you save him at all!"

"Well, I will do it now. With my current strength, saving him will not be a problem."

Suzaku closed his consciousness again, and leave everything to this mysterious power.

Red flames erupted from her eyes. At this moment,'Suzaku' was burning her own soul. She had to do this if she wanted to save Xiao Yi.

Put your hands together on your chest, there are continuous explosions around, and you are in the center of the explosion, which will inevitably be affected.

The fragments of the explosion came towards Suzaku, but were blocked by the red flames, forming a protective shield, and she took a deep breath.

I really can’t figure out that this person can choose to make such a big sacrifice for the other person. What is all this for?

Could it be said that love in the world has such power? After a wry smile, she spread her arms.

"Come on! What can I do with such a mere impact!"

She let out a wild laugh, and as her arms spread, red flames condensed around her body.

Formed into the shape of petals, these petals are constantly growing, from a distance, it is a huge fire lotus.

The huge petals of the fire lotus are not blooming, but growing in the opposite direction. The petals gradually gather and condense into a flower bud.

And Xiao Yi and the'Suzaku at this moment, are in this fire lotus, no matter how violent the external explosion, there has never been a wave in this fire lotus.

"Xiao Yi... wake up!"

The obsession in Suzaku's heart burst out with a special voice, resounding deep in Xiao Yi's mind.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was trapped in a sea of ​​blood, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep, unable to perceive what was happening outside.

As if it had gone through a long time and passed through several centuries, a special call awakened him from this state.


Xiao Yi struggled in the sea of ​​blood, and the blood lines that had spread to Xiao Yi's body gradually dissipated and broke apart at the moment when Xiao Yi's consciousness regained consciousness.

In the end, it disappeared without a trace, but the sea of ​​blood that Xiao Yi was in was disappearing a little bit, and soon disappeared.

As if it had never appeared before.

Xiao Yi, who had entered a runaway state, was awakened by Suzaku's cry.

He opened his eyes.

"Am I... out of control again?"

Xiao Yi rubbed his temples, and the sequelae brought by the runaway was the strength of his whole body, as if he had been emptied.

Nearly falling to the ground, Xiao Yi was supporting his body and did not fall, his body was covered with blood scabs.

At this moment there were cracks in the blood scabs, like a dried-up river bed, and those cracked blood scabs continued to fall off from Xiao Yi's body.

Every time a piece of blood scab is shed, the blood under the scab is **** and fleshy, the strength growth brought about by the violent state, and at the same time, he has to face such painful sequelae.

"It hurts! It hurts!"

Xiao Yi felt pain all over his body, as if a piece of porcelain had been smashed by someone casually.

Every inch of skin and every bone was painful, and the pain was so painful that Xiao Yi couldn't bear it, and bursts of roars erupted.

The "Suzaku" in the fire lotus closed her eyes, she would not know what was happening outside.

In order to save Xiao Yi, she used Nirvana and used all the remaining power of this remnant soul here.

The power of Nirvana is reborn from the ashes.

No matter what kind of damage he suffered during the period, he would be safe and sound in the end. This is where Nirvana is against the sky.

After Xiao Yi had gone violently, his body couldn't bear the pain, at least he couldn't stand up for half a month.

At this moment, because Suzaku was performing Nirvana, part of the power of Nirvana was integrated into Xiao Yi's body, and the damage to the body was caused by the runaway.

In a short time, with his own power, he could not heal at all, but at this time, a magical scene appeared.

The vague flesh and blood exposed by the shed blood scabs will soon scab again at a speed visible to the naked eye. When this layer of blood scabs fall off, new flesh and skin are exposed.

Because of this encounter, Xiao Yi gained great benefits. The power hidden in Suzaku's body and the soul power she had accumulated were given to Xiao Yi.

The people outside didn't know what was going on, they could only see a huge red fire lotus in the center of the explosion.

Ji Jiangli quickly jumped to a high position, looking down from above, it was more intuitive and obvious that both people were currently in the center of the fire lotus.

What does this fire lotus mean? Ji Jiang felt that Xiao Yi's crisis seemed to be over.

"Today these two young people really opened my eyes. The strength of one person can be so strong."

This scene continued until the fire lotus in the shape of a flower bud bloomed again.

The grand brilliance illuminates the night sky here, but it is also a short-lived, but it disappears after less than a few seconds.

The explosion stopped, all the bombs set here were detonated, and the scene was a mess.

In order to eliminate the traces here and not leave himself trouble, Ono Ichiro chose this way to cover up his crime.

The corpses were blown to pieces, some corpses were burning, collapsed houses, bombed walls.

The air was smelling of gunpowder and blood. The smell was disgusting. After the scene calmed down, Ying Luo rushed forward.

"Be careful, there may be undetonated bombs."

Ji Jiangli jumped down from a height and stood in front of Yingluo. She was the first to walk up.

"I'm in front, you follow behind me, find the two of them, and bring them out in time. We need to get out of here quickly."

If there is any danger, it will react in time, except for the two masters and apprentices, no one is allowed to come forward.

After the previous battle, some people were injured, and some were exhausted, and were repairing in place. No one thought that the final state of affairs would become like this.

This is also for the sake of safety. Someone has died. Ji Jiangli doesn't want anyone to die. She has to take responsibility.

The two masters and apprentices passed through a ruin and came to the place where the fire lotus appeared before. The wood burned with a crackling sound, and a heart hung from Ying Luo.

When she walked around the ruins, she saw the scene in front of her, and pointed to the front and the master.

"Here, Master and the two of them are here, come here!"

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