Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3356: Suzaku's ultimate move

No matter what kind of opponent he faces, even if he is several times stronger than himself, he will never back down.

This is Xiao Yi in a runaway state. If he can control this power, Xiao Yi will become more and more brave and increase his strength exponentially.

But this is only if, at the same time, the trouble you have to face is that it is possible that your blood will be exhausted because of running away, and finally fall to the ground and die.

No one can see through the ending between the two, and can only watch the two fighting each other, every move is so dangerous.

Suzaku turned into a red flame, burning in a mist of blood, burning all the blood around her body.

At the same time, in the attacking move, holding two short knives, against Xiao Yi, the strength that had been hidden in Suzaku's body for many years finally got a chance to explode.

The red flame was wrapped around the short knife and turned into a light blade. Suzaku Pear made a series of attacks with the rain, and the red light and blood were intertwined and collided, bursting out bursts of shock.

Xiao Yi's fighting spirit grew stronger, and Suzaku was not weak at all at this moment. Xiao Yi was rarely released. She wanted to find someone to fight well.

No one else was his opponent, only Xiao Yi could fight with him. The battle between the two had reached a fever pitch, and the consequences of a little carelessness could not be undone.

With the increase in strength brought about by the runaway, Xiao Yi condensed his blood and turned it into a long knife. The long knife pointed directly at Suzaku, vowing to kill Suzaku here.

The blood-colored long knife showed terror pressure, Xiao Yi's eyes burst with blood, and the blood-colored long knife fell down.

Seeing that it was about to fall on Suzaku's head, Suzaku folded his hands together, and the red flames of both hands were rapidly condensing.

The red flames entangled all around her, and Suzaku was at the center of a storm at this moment, with aura surrounding her, converging in a spiral shape.


This is the most powerful trick Xiao Yi teaches Zhuque exercises.

However, what is shown now is just a rudimentary form of Nirvana, and there is no need to be so serious about dealing with Xiao Yi's moves.

This battle became so dreamy, yet full of murderous intent, the **** long knife in Xiao Yi's hand fell on the scarlet flame.

The collision between the two erupted once again with a strong shock wave. The people standing around, unable to withstand such a shock, chose to avoid it.

Within ten meters of the surrounding area, there is no grass growing, and the wind is like a remnant cloud, which lifts everything up, flying towards the surroundings.

"This... what kind of power this is, has exceeded our imagination."

"When did Suzaku become so strong, she was able to break out such a powerful move."

Only Ji Jiangli knew what was going on. She began to worry about the next situation of the two of them. What exactly was the power that burst out of Suzaku's body?

Is it to kill Xiao Yi with the current combat power, or is there a way to control Xiao Yi's runaway state, it is best she hopes the latter.

The blood-colored long knife was cut down, and the scarlet flame was gradually dimming, and at the same time, the blood condensed, and the blood-colored long knife collapsed, turning into blood and gradually dissipating.

No one had the upper hand in the matching of moves. With the rudimentary Nirvana, Suzaku was able to resist Xiao Yi's moves. She looked relaxed.

"Your strength is too bad, even if you have entered a state of rampage, it is nothing more than that."

Suzaku let out a disdain, but Suzaku admitted that Xiao Yi's growth rate was indeed terrifying. If Xiao Yi was given decades to break through the shackles of practitioners, there should be no problem.

Xiao Yi burned his essence and blood while fighting, and his blood became weaker and weaker. In this state, he himself was greatly depleted.

The blood condensed on Xiao Yi's body and turned into a blood scab. Suzaku noticed the change in blood qi, and she raised a hand.

A little red light condenses between my fingers, which is so dazzling, like a star in the sky in the dark night.

The breath of the whole body was condensing between the fingers. At this moment, the Suzaku had already moved to kill, and she could not suppress Xiao Yi's rampage. In this state, Xiao Yi would die sooner or later.

Rather than that, it would be better for her to take the shot and give Xiao Yi an end, which is considered to have fulfilled her previous promise to Suzaku.

Xiao Yi's breath gradually weakened, and he could no longer support the form of blood fog, and finally turned into a **** man with blood stains all over his body, barely supporting his body.

Even so, he would not fall down, and he would remain standing when he died. The light between Suzaku's fingers contained a chilling aura.

"Rather than burn all the blood and blood and endure this kind of pain, it would be better for me to give you a happy one."

As soon as Suzaku pointed out, it was only at this moment that Ji Jiangli understood that the intention of this'Suzaku' was to kill Xiao Yi.

That finger was filled with terrifying coercion. If it were on a person, Xiao Yi would undoubtedly die, and she quickly shouted.

"Find a way to stop her."

Ji Jiangli shouted loudly. Unfortunately, among the people present, the strength is too far from Suzaku, and it is impossible to get close at all.

No one could stop the development of the situation. Seeing the "Suzaku" was about to behead Xiao Yi, Ji Jiangli struggled to beat out the long whip in his hand.

The long whip is condensed into a long purple line. It is a pity that it is too late to stop the move of the "Suzaku" at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, Chi Mang was about to touch Xiao Yi's chest. Suddenly, on Xiao Yi's chest, a piece of blue jade pendant bloomed with green lights.

After Qing Mang appeared, it quickly condensed on his chest, forming a shield, blocking the moves of the "Suzaku" at this moment.

Not to mention that Chimang's blocking power was greatly diminished with the ultimate move played by'Suzaku', but it also rebounded the remaining power of this move.

In a blink of an eye, the power of participation came towards'Suzaku', at this moment Suzaku's face finally changed.

"Oh? There is such a thing."

She raised her hand to block the lingering power of her move, and let out an exclamation.

"Don't hurt my apprentice, otherwise the old man will do it now and suppress your remnant soul for another ten years."

Zi Xu's voice suddenly appeared. He had been in Xiao Yi's body all the time, paying attention to the development of the situation this time.

"Suzaku" even dared to attack his apprentice, Zixu certainly wouldn't sit idly by. He was using the power of his soul to talk to the current Suzaku.

Suzaku had planned to continue playing a killer move, but she had to pay attention to Zi Xu's voice.

She knew that this power was in Xiao Yi's body, and just like her, it was just a remnant soul. The last time she sealed her power, it was because of this person.

With a Xiao Yi, how could someone who lives in this world know the method of sealing, her face became solemn.

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