Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3338: Murder at night

As if it had grown on him, he changed the direction of his attack in an instant, and reached Xiao Yi's chest.

Xiao Yi didn't dodge in time this time, and was pushed against his chest by the iron crutch, and he quickly backed away.

Holding his chest with one hand, the puffer fish ghost did not catch up, and the pieces of wooden floor turned into pieces of sawdust.

"Ahem... It's amazing, I almost got hurt."

"It's worthy of being a headache for them. He has some abilities."

It seemed that his attack fell on Xiao Yi, but the puffer fish ghost knew in his heart that Xiao Yi had nothing to do.

When he was about to hit Xiao Yi with his crutches, he avoided him at the last moment, stepped on his feet suddenly, and quickly backed away.

The pufferfish ghost is strong and fast, but even so, it is still avoided by Xiao Yi, and now he is starting to get serious.

"You are not easy. I am really curious about how strong the person who could hurt you and break your leg back then is."

"He has the same nasty last name as you, but if you count it now, he should be dead long ago."

The man who injured the puffer fish ghost and almost killed him was also named Xiao.

Perhaps this is destined. The Chinese person that the puffer fish ghost is going to deal with is also named Xiao. Is there any connection between the two.

The blowfish ghost didn't know that Xiao Yi's true identity was actually descendants of the Xiao family, and now he vented all the resentment and hatred he had accumulated in his heart on Xiao Yi.

"You are indeed very strong, but too young. If you give you time, you will definitely become a terrible person in the future."

Here Xiao Yi fought with the puffer fish ghost, and on the other side Yingluo and Suzaku were trying to deal with the killer who was overtaken by the Black Dragon Society.

Wang Sheng was not here. Xiao Yi considered that Wang Sheng was just an ordinary person. Such a scene was too dangerous. He let Wang Sheng go ahead and find Ji Jiang Lihui.

Ji Jiangli could completely protect Wang Sheng's safety, and Xiao Yi could let go of his hands and feet without any worries.

"It turns out that you are hiding here. Although you two women are very beautiful, it is a bit reluctant to start."

Ono Ichiro's subordinates surrounded a room with others, opened the door and saw Suzaku and Yingluo inside.

The two of them were sitting cross-legged on the floor, drinking tea leisurely. They didn't take the killers who arrived outside seriously.

"Since you are reluctant to start, then you retreat and let us go."

"So President Ono won't let us go."

Suzaku was holding an iron nail in her hand, she was ready for a long time, and she knocked out the nail with a finger.

An iron nail flew out of his hand and pierced the man's lips accurately.

"Since this is the case, where is so much nonsense."

The nail passed through his lips, and he couldn't speak because of pain, and pointed to Suzaku with his mouth.

The killers understood what it meant, rushed up to hold their guns, and shot at Suzaku and Yingluo.

The bullets shot out one after another, and the servants working here lost their souls after hearing the gunshots.

Fleeing everywhere, with more than a dozen guns in a row, can beat a person into sludge.

Sawdust flying across the room, accompanied by the sound of broken porcelain, the gunfire stopped after a burst of fire.

Everyone is holding their guns and pointing at the same position. It is estimated that this can eliminate the opponent, but...

The result was unexpected. After the sawdust and the dust in the room fell, the place where the gun was shot before was full of bullet holes.

It looked so miserable, but apart from what was broken, the two women were not seen.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes were staring all the time, and the two big, good-looking people disappeared under the eyelids.

What is going on?

"Where the **** did they go? How did they escape?"

The twelve killers looked at each other, and they obviously didn't know where they were hiding.

At this moment, three flying knives were shot from the roof. The flying knives pierced the hearts of three people directly through their chests.

Either you don't make a move. Since it is a move, you will not leave a chance to survive to the opponent. This is Suzaku's method.

"On the roof, when did she go up?"

"Hurry up and shoot!"

The remaining assassins immediately turned their guns, aimed at the roof and fired at them. At the same time, two people mustered up the courage to catch up.

But Suzaku wouldn't stay in place stupidly, waiting to be shot, before it was moved.

A series of shots penetrated the ceiling of the roof. On the ceiling, Ying Luo cut off the supporting dragon skeleton and turned over and climbed onto the roof.

The entire roof fell directly, and the people below had no time to escape and were hit by the falling roof.

"What smell is this?"

"Smells like peanut oil,!"

Peanut oil was spilled on the roof, and the moment it fell, a lighter fell.

With the wooden ceiling and the peanut oil sprinkled, the vines burned instantly, and the room quickly became a sea of ​​fire.

Ono investigates Xiao Yi's information, forgetting that Xiao Yi is a master at playing with fire, and before waiting for the killer of the Black Dragon Society, Yingluo and Suzaku are one step ahead.

lost heavily……

Yingluo and Suzaku left the room and jumped from the roof to another place.

However, the assassins of the Black Dragon Club followed closely, and behind them two shot bullets.

"This group of people is really difficult, and I don't know what happened to Xiao Yi?"

"He is dealing with the most difficult puffer fish ghost. The rumor about the puffer fish ghost is true. An old monster who has lived for more than 300 years."

Suzaku frowned. From this point, it could be seen that this puffer fish ghost was not so easy to deal with.

I left the biggest trouble to myself. This is Xiao Yi. What the two of them can do now is to contain other killers and not create pressure on Xiao Yi.


A house fell to the ground and turned into a pile of rubble.

Xiao Yi and the puffer fish ghost two jumped out in advance when the room collapsed and stood on the open space outside.

The puffer fish ghost's body was entwined with black energy, and it was exactly the same as the previous master and son said, this kind of sorcerer practised a disgusting smell all over his body.

"It turns out that you are also a cultivator. It seems that I didn't come in vain this time. I will definitely start to dig out the secrets from you."

At this moment, the puffer fish ghost moved another thought, he no longer wanted to kill Xiao Yi, just crippled Xiao Yi.

There was only one exercise he cultivated. Xiao Yi was obviously a treasure house. Once he caught Xiao Yi, he didn't have to worry about digging out all the secrets he knew.

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