Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3323: champion? Do not care

"What a **** champion, I'm already embarrassed enough, Xiao Yi kid, if you do this, I lose all my old face."

"Elder, you said this to me. Everyone is from China. My original purpose was not to participate in the competition."

Xiao Yi took Zhang Qiaobei off the stake, and took Zhang Lao's clothes and jumped off the stake.

Zhang Qiaobei was shocked. He was an injured person, and doing so would only increase his injury.

However, Xiao Yi had his means. The two stood steadily on the ground. Xiao Yi placed one hand on Zhang Qiaobei's back waist, and the Dao Qi flowing between his palms entered Zhang Qiaobei's body.

Fortunately, in the game just now, it was held on wooden stakes. If it is on flat ground, the legs in the sun can exert force.

Zhang Qiaobei’s injury was not only so light, the lower back was hit, Xiao Yi adjusted it, and gradually Zhang Qiaobei straightened up.

The feeling of warmth in the lower back was really comfortable. He got to know Xiao Yi again, and Xiao Yi's methods were more than just what he saw in front of him.

"Old Zhang, I am most afraid of trouble. Give me such a title. I am not rare. You can accept it for me."


"Counting I owe you a favor, I used your trick to defeat them."

Xiao Yi was begging Zhang Qiaobei, and Zhang Qiaobei was stubborn but Xiao Yi, so he had to agree to Xiao Yi's request.

"You kid, old man, I'm shameless once and won this white champion."

When Zhang Qiaobei and Xiao Yi were talking, Fujino happened to be here, and they could all hear the conversation.

This is the champion of the martial arts tournament, the glory that many people want to achieve, in the eyes of Xiao Yi, it turned into something like a tattered one.

It's simply too presumptuous to let two people come and go here, and let him, the host, put his face.

At the moment Fujino stepped forward, there was another important thing, and he planned to ask Xiao Yi.

"In Xiao Sang's game just now, you made too heavy a move. This is a violation of the rules of the game."

Fujino was questioning Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi had long known that this person would definitely say that.

Xiao Yi turned around and looked at him. He didn't feel that he was taking too much action, but he was merciful.

"Mr. Fujino meant that I violated the rules of the game?"

"Is not it?"

"Then I would like to ask Mr. Fujino, did you as a referee ever stop someone as a referee when someone used a black hand against Senior Zhang?"

Fujino was unable to answer a question, and it was indeed his fault at this point.

It was originally agreed that four people came to face Xiao Yi, but in the end they took the opportunity to play against Zhang Qiaobei.

If you have to care about the rules of this game, it is their people who violated the first, Xiao Yi will make heavy moves.

"It's okay for Mr. Fujino's own people to make mistakes. I, Xiao Yi, violated the rules of the game. Then I would like to ask, the martial arts competition is fair and just. Isn't this a nonsense."

As the organizer of the competition, Fujino couldn't answer Xiao Yi's question. He had to be cautious in every word and deed.

If you are entangled in Xiao Yi's violation of the regulations, then it is tantamount to being a favoritism and favoritism.

"Furthermore, I have made it clear that if I give up the title of this championship, even if I violate the rules, it will not affect Zhang Lao being a champion, right?"

Xiao Yi broke the rules and eliminated the three people on stage. Only Zhang Qiaobei was left. Of course, the champion was his.

There is no doubt about this, Fujino glared at Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi's actions in this way are provoking his authority.

"Ha ha... Since Xiao Sang has already thought about it, then this time the championship has been decided, but I have something to say to you."

"I'm waiting here, I knew what you would say to me."

Fujino didn't expect such a thing to happen during the game, which made Xiao Yi show the limelight.

And his people were ashamed and lost home, not only did they lose, but the contestants also became useless.

Having never felt such humiliation, Fujino suppressed his inner anger and sneered.

"Xiao Yi, you are still a young man, young people do things, it is best not to be too high-profile, otherwise sooner or later there will be damage."

The meaning in this sentence was obviously threatening Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi was not afraid of Fujino when he came.

Tomorrow, the group of them will fly back to China, and before that is the best time for the Black Dragon to take action, he might as well speak directly to Fujino.

"Thank you Mr. Fujino for the warning. By the way, I also spoke to Mr. Fujino and told Ono what tricks he had. Come on. I am also looking for a chance to kill him.

Xiao Yi had a smile on his face, but his voice was full of murderous aura, his words were not a joke.

In public, Fujino would not admit that this kind of thing was related to him, and responded to Xiao Yidao with a smile.

"Xiao Sang what do you mean by this? I don't understand."

"You don't understand, or are you trying to understand and pretend to be confused, it doesn't matter. The original martial arts conference was not of any interest to me."

Xiao Yi walked straight down from the stage, leaving the next venue for Fujino and Zhang Qiaobei, there was nothing for Xiao Yi anymore.

Although Xiao Yi gave up the title of champion, everyone present knew that this champion originally belonged to Xiao Yi and he gave up.

The martial arts competition has ended, and the next is the award ceremony. The final champion is Zhang Qiaobei.

Standing on the stage, Zhang Qiaobei knew in his heart that Xiao Yi gave him this champion.

They are all fighting for the glory of Huaxia. In this martial arts tournament, the champion is Huaxia, and it proves the strength of Huaxia to those present.

Xiao Yi returned to the room. The game was over, and they had no need to stay here. Next, they planned to return to the hotel.

"Let's go! It's over, we will bring things back to the hotel and live in another place."

"You guy, for a long time, gave the championship to someone else."

Yingluo didn't believe it before, but Suzaku guessed it, and Xiao Yi gave up the title.

"They are all Chinese. It doesn't matter who is the champion, but then I guess that Fujino and Ono will join forces. We must find a safe place."

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he felt a bit contradictory. In the current situation, there is no safe place.

This is the site of the Black Dragon Association. Their every move has already been monitored. No matter what adjustments they make, they can't escape the eyes of the other party.

In any case, let's leave here first. Xiao Yi and the four of them packed up, did not go to say hello to Fujino, and left the competition dojo directly.

Fujino's staff noticed that Xiao Yi had already left, so he immediately sent a message to Ono, telling Ono.

"Xiao Yi has left, you can start!"

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