Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3311: Countermeasure

Fujino has never suffered such humiliation. He is the organizer of the martial arts convention.

Now that Dove occupied the magpie's nest, a Sakai popped up to forcibly beat his man out, and even said that he was dead.

It is simply outrageous.

He is alive and well.

Without considering the details, there is no more time.

Those who are going to compete immediately must enter the dojo, and such a situation is tantamount to let others watch a joke.

Fujino immediately led the people, and when he reached the entrance of the dojo, Sakai's subordinates stopped Fujino.

When they saw Fujino, they showed a surprised expression. Didn’t the previous Sakai tell them that Fujino was dead?

So who is standing in front of them now, there was a short circuit in his mind, and he couldn't react.

"Baga! Do you dare to stop me?"

Fujino said angrily that he was the master here, but he was stopped outside at the moment.

Immediately he was unhappy. The four people guarding the entrance didn't know what to do. They said as Sakai had previously ordered.

"Fuji...Mr. Fujino, Sakai-kun said that you are dead, you will not become a ghost?"

"Damn bastard, I was not dead!"

Fujino slapped his hand up, and the person who was beaten did not dare to complain.

Standing in front of them was Fujino, they didn't have the guts to offend, and it didn't seem like Sakai said that Fujino was not dead.

The living ones stood in front of them, and the knowledgeable ones quickly stood aside.

Fujino probably knew something, but this time Sakai dared to spread rumors to him that he was dead.

He didn't have time to care about these people, and led them into the dojo, and at a glance he saw Sakai sitting on the main seat.

Sakai thought that Fujino was dead, and this position was his. He needed to go through the addiction in advance, and his **** was not hot yet.

The noise outside attracted Sakai's attention, and he asked someone to see what was going on.

As a result, Fujino walked in. After seeing Fujino, Sakai immediately jumped up from his seat.


Sakai has an expression of seeing a ghost, what is going on? He saw with his own eyes that Fujino was dead.

The Fujino in front of him, with no wounds on his body, Sakai asked subconsciously.

"What's going on? Are you already dead? Can you come back to life?"

Seeing Sakai sitting in his seat, Fujino snorted coldly without putting him in his eyes.

"Sakai-kun, do you want me to die that way?"

"No... You should have been killed by Xiao Yi from China earlier."

Sakai saw not only Fujino, but also the bodyguard around Fujino, these two people were real.

Three people appear here at the same time. The only possibility for w is that Fujino is still alive. Who is the one who died just now?

"What Xiao Yi? Has he arrived long ago?"

Fujino didn't know what had happened before, and at this moment, Xiao Yi walked in from outside.

With Wang Sheng Suzaku and Ying Luo beside him, he walked leisurely into the dojo, as if nothing had happened.

"Mr. Fujino misses me very much. I'm sorry that we went out for breakfast this morning, and we forgot about Fujino-kun. We will arrange for someone to pick us up."

Xiao Yi appeared, he walked to Fujino's side, and just arrived at the dojo.

This scene made Sakai even more incomprehensible, what happened? Could it be that everything he saw before was an illusion?

Sakai stared at Xiao Yi fiercely, but he couldn't say it, and talked about the assassination with Xiao Yi.

Once Xiao Yi said everything, then he was really exposed, and it was obvious that the situation had changed at this moment.

Fujino was not dead, and Xiao Yi did not escape.

After seeing Xiao Yi appear, Fujino was also confused. After all, who said these two people is the truth.

Regardless of this for the time being, the people Sakai asked him to expel the dojo belonging to his subordinates all came out. There must be a statement about this matter.

"Sakai-kun, you are too mad. To indulge your subordinates and beat my people, what are you going to do next?"

"He plans to take your place next, don't you even see this?"

Suzaku let out a sneer, and before Sakai could speak, she spoke for Sakai.


Sakai wanted to defend, but Suzaku was forced to do it first, so he quickly explained to Fujino.

"Fujino-kun, don't get me wrong. They are all talking nonsense. How dare I go against Fujino-kun? All this is a misunderstanding."

"Is it really a misunderstanding? Sakai Taro, your people have already started, is this also a misunderstanding?"

A few words of Suzaku successfully ignited Fujino's anger. By doing so, Sakai was provoking his majesty.

Originally, it was because of Sakai doing things for him before, and didn't plan to deal with him, but this time it was different.

Sakai kept defending, Fujino wouldn't believe what he said, and asked Sakai in a deep voice.

"Sakai, do you really plan to get rid of me, so that you can succeed yourself?"

Seeing that he was about to fall into an unfavorable situation, Sakai was also a wise man. He seized this opportunity and knelt down for Fujino.

For a person who can give up his dignity, there is nothing he can do.

Kneeling down in front of Fujino, crying very sad, I hope Fujino can spare him.

"Fujino-kun is my fascination for a while, but I didn't have the courage to assassinate Fujino-kun. I just want to taste what it's like to sit in this position."

This is called self-inflicted crime. Sakai still intends to count Xiao Yi in it, but never thought that it was himself who was counted.

Xiao Yi would not show mercy to such a person, he smiled and said.

"Sakai, you are really unbelievable. Didn't you say yesterday that Mr. Fujino forcibly occupied your wife and daughter, causing your wife and daughter to commit suicide?"

"No...No, I have never said anything like that, Mr. Xiao Yi, I have no grudges with you, why are you wronging me?"

"Am I wronging you? Why would I know these things if I wronged you?"

At this time, Xiao Yi took out a voice recorder and recorded all the words Fujino said yesterday and played them back to Fujino.

Originally, Xiao Yi didn't say that he was going to deal with Fujino yesterday. It was always Sakai's intention. With this recording, Sakai's explanation became pale and weak.

Fujino's face turned green. At that time, he gave Sakai a sum of money and asked Sakai to shut up, but he didn't expect Sakai to say everything.

Yesterday, it was no wonder that God Sakai was mysterious. It turned out that it was a good plan to kill him with the help of Xiao Yi's hand.

"Xiao Sang, please don't get me wrong, he is slandering me all this, and he dares to pour dirty water on my body!"

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